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Example sentences for "smel"

Lexicographically close words:
smear; smeared; smearing; smears; smeary; smell; smelle; smelled; smelleth; smelling
  1. The Lord toke a little chafyngdishe in his hande, and cast into it a certaine gumme, whych sauoured in swéet smel much like vnto frankinscence.

  2. And if they gathered corne, fruite, or roses, they would take a leafe before they would smel it, & offer the same.

  3. The sote smel that in myn herte I finde Hath chaunged me al in another kinde.

  4. This second request was as flatly denied them as the former: For it was an easie matter to smel out their intention.

  5. And Chaucer says: "Scorners faren like the foul toode, that may noughte endure the soote smel of the Vine roote when it flourisheth.

  6. I smel the foulest stenche, that euer I felte in all my life.

  7. I can smel 'em at this very minit, as I am copying them down.

  8. When I began, I knew no better: when I'd carrid on these papers a little further, and grew accustmd to writin, I began to smel out somethink quear in my style.

  9. For they which once doe feele the corruption of that Ayre, think nothing good or sauory, but the filthy smel of that pestiferous meat.

  10. Then lets meet here, for here are fresh sheets that smel of Lavender, and, I am sure, we cannot expect better meat and better usage.

  11. But turn out of the way a little, good Scholer, towards yonder high hedg: We'l sit whilst this showr falls so gently upon the teeming earth, and gives a sweeter smel to the lovely flowers that adorn the verdant Meadows.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.