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Example sentences for "smeary"

Lexicographically close words:
smattering; smear; smeared; smearing; smears; smel; smell; smelle; smelled; smelleth
  1. On our road to my doctor's neighbourhood we pass through Smeary Street, a locality well known to the inhabitants of Northern London.

  2. If any aged aristocrat be missing from the world of fashion, we rather think we have got him in Smeary Street, and should feel willing to give him up to his rightful owners on payment of a liberal reward.

  3. My interest in Smeary Street is entirely associated with my daily meals, which are publicly paraded all day long on the pavement.

  4. The dulness of Smeary Street is enlivened by perpetual snacks carried in public procession.

  5. The mid-day idler, lounging along Smeary Street, is often sweetly reminded of his own luncheon by meeting mine.

  6. What does this Welsh barbarian mean by clinging to my area-railings when she ought to be lighting the fire; by sobbing in full view of the public of Smeary Street when the lodgers' bells are ringing angrily for breakfast?

  7. Before I had been many days established in Smeary Street, I found that I myself, in my own circumscribed sphere, offered a remarkable example of the truth of the observation just recorded.

  8. Peru balsam is miscible in every proportion with absolute alcohol, while ether leaves behind undissolved a black, smeary residue, and hot oils of turpentine or almonds dissolve only about one-half.

  9. It was very soft, and the paper was the roughish kind that comes in sketch-books, so that the writing was smeary and looked quite as if shipwrecked mariners had written it with charred twigs out of the fire.

  10. Then she wore her hair in a Floradora pompadour; now she wore it hooded close about her head like a scarf, in a rather smeary manner, like an Impressionist's brush-work.

  11. This seems to be very smeary copy again, Becky.

  12. Yet this was not a ferry boat, but a passenger boat engaged especially for me to carry me to Suifu before nightfall.

  13. In some countries," says Wingrove Cooke, "words represent facts, but this is never the case in China.

  14. A line of small tables on one side was divided by a poorly drawing fireplace; on the other side of the room a bar ran from the kitchen door to a grimy window, and the smeary glass denied all memory of daylight.

  15. Reuben could see him, his gaunt and handsome face staring away through the smeary glass.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smeary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.