Think not therefore that it is no sin, to idle away an hour which is not your own, or to slubber over the work which you undertake to do.
Let it neither be so short as to end before their hearts can be warm and their wants expressed (as if you had an unwilling task to slubber over, and would fain have done); nor yet so tedious as to make it an ungrateful burden to the family.
You must therefore be content to slubber the gloss of your new fortunes with this more stubborn and boisterous expedition.
The slubber seizes the rail 4 in his left hand, to draw the carriage out; but in returning it, he depresses the faller-wire, at the same time that he pushes the carriage before him.
The function of the intermediate frame is to receive the slightly twisted rove from the slubber and add thereto a little more twist and draft.
While the spinning frame is built on entirely different principles from the roving, intermediate, or slubber frame, the object of each machine is the same as that of the spinning frame.
Slubber machine, showing sliver of cotton passing through the rolls and then given a twist while it is wound on the bobbin.
A slubber showing the sliver passing through and wound on bobbins.
At his little cottage gate stood Bud Billings, the best slubber in the cotton mill.
But he was the best slubber in the mill--tireless, pain-staking.
The slubber never spoke, but glanced at his wife, who stood glaring at him.