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Example sentences for "simoom"

Lexicographically close words:
simmers; simmon; simo; simoniacal; simony; simoon; simos; simper; simpered; simpering
  1. As the Simoom to the Sahara, so is the Pampero to the Pampas.

  2. This lasted a couple of hours, after which the travellers had the satisfaction of seeing the Simoom glide by on their right, and depart with the same rapidity.

  3. The evil effects of the Simoom have, in fact, been exaggerated by the Arabs, whose highly-coloured narratives have been too easily adopted by credulous travellers.

  4. The simoom seemed to be scorching up his brains.

  5. She is the simoom of the desert and the chilly blast which destroys.

  6. Seth or Typhon stands for the cold of winter, the simoom of the desert, or the "wind that blasts.

  7. The simoom of the desert and the cold of winter were Seth, as were also the genial powers of Spring.

  8. As Sulamith comes upon the scene a simoom sweeps across the desert.

  9. The palm bends before the blast as the simoom sweeps by.

  10. The next minute the signal was given, and as the simoom across the desert, the cataract down the rock, the shell from the howitzer, each warrior rushed from his goal.

  11. The Simoom has shrivelled up your memory--beware the delusions of the Simoom!

  12. The Simoom does not bend a hair on me, but you, the infidel one, are killed by it!

  13. Don't you know that the Simoom makes the brains of the white people dry as dates, so that they have horrible visions which disgust them with life and cause them to flee into the great unknown?

  14. Every hour of joy that has been stolen from me since the murder of Ali has been stored up within me like the venom back of a viper's tooth, and what the Simoom cannot do, that I can do.

  15. But do not place your trust in the Simoom to-day, for snow has fallen in the mountains, and the storm may be all over in half an hour.

  16. The Frank is coming, and--the Simoom is here!

  17. Bruce and all his party here suffered from a disease in their eyes, caused by the simoom and the fine sand blowing across the desert.

  18. Neither the dysentery nor the simoom had subdued Bruce's enterprising spirit.

  19. The poisonous simoom blew as if it came from an oven.

  20. When inhaled by men or animals, the simoom produces a painful feeling, as of suffocation.

  21. At twenty minutes before five the simoom ceased, and a comfortable and cooling breeze came by starts from the north, blowing five or six minutes at a time, and then falling calm.

  22. We all fell upon our faces, and the simoom passed with a gentle ruffling wind.

  23. Then the tent walls began again to flap in the returning gusts, and announced that the worst of the simoom had gone by.

  24. During the whole time that the simoom lasted, the atmosphere was entirely free from sand or dust, so that I hardly know how to account for its singular obscurity.

  25. His description of the simoom parched up my entrails.

  26. During our march the simoom was fearful, and the heat so intense that it was impossible to draw the guncases out of their leather covers, which it was necessary to cut open.

  27. Why should I, with life beating strong in my veins, and ambition like a burning simoom in my breast, be left here helpless on the sands, where I can achieve nothing, and can make no progress toward the City of my Desire?

  28. He had everything to make him comfortable, so what was the use of going around with an ambition like a burning simoom in his breast.

  29. The most complete account of the simoom and its effects has been given by Volney, whose accuracy here has been repeatedly confirmed.

  30. With a hand of great rejoicing, he stirred the unconscious Sheik--over whom the sand was already sifting as the now ravening simoom lashed it along.

  31. Simoom and sand now appeared forgotten by the trio.

  32. In spite of the simoom the prevailing west wind had cast up all along the shore--for two or three miles each way--perhaps a quarter or a third of the stores they had been forced to jettison.

  33. Master, letting the simoom drive him toward the wady.

  34. The simoom is fearful, and the heat is so intense that it was impossible to draw the gun-cases out of their leather covers, which it was necessary to cut open.

  35. The frightful simoom of April, May, and June, burns everything as though parched by fire, and not even a withered leaf hangs to a bough, but the trees wear a wintry appearance in the midst of intense heat.

  36. On the 23d June we were nearly suffocated by a whirlwind that buried everything within the tents several inches in dust; the heat was intense; as usual the sky was spotless, but the simoom was more overpowering than I had yet experienced.

  37. The parching blast of the simoom was of such exhausting power, that the water rapidly evaporated from the closed water-skins.

  38. In Arabia the simoom may travel from the center of the peninsula toward any point of the compass; the Khamsin of Egypt blows from the southwest.

  39. The reference is to the simoom of Syria and Arabia.

  40. I alone don't sleep--but the Simoom is terrible.

  41. We have had four or five days of such fearful heat with a Simoom that I have been quite knocked up, and literally could not write.

  42. Dearest Mutter, I meant to have written to you by Arthur Taylor, who left for Cairo yesterday morning, but the Simoom made me so stupid that I could hardly finish a letter to Alick.

  43. The last fortnight or three weeks have been very trying with the Simoom and intense heat.

  44. Yesterday the Simoom was awful, and last night I slept on the terrace, and was very hot.

  45. We have had better weather again, easterly wind and pretty cool, and I am losing the cough and languor which the damp of the Simoom brought me.

  46. Among these winds are the simoom and sirocco.

  47. And on the desert in the hot simoom Writ fervent words to warn you of your way.

  48. The simoom is unmistakably a wind, and surely no one who has not had the experience can appreciate it.

  49. In a minute or two the full strength of the blast is on and the simoom is picking up not only the fine rock waste, but the coarser fragments as well, and is hurling them along at Empire State Express velocity.

  50. Ask the simoom that sweeps like a cruel furnace blast over this forsaken region.

  51. They have plenty of destructive energy, it is true, but the simoom has all this and much else besides.

  52. But the great bodily discomfort resulting from the simoom does not last forever; it gives place to bodily irritation of some other sort, which is indeed a grateful change merely because it is a change.

  53. The approach of the simoom is a dense black cloud of whirling and seething fine dust.

  54. Perhaps the full blast of the simoom may last an hour--perhaps two or even three hours.

  55. The simoom is also an institution of the desert.

  56. This great domain of the simoom has every diversity of surface.

  57. The simoom is exceedingly enervating in its effects, and all who can spend the summer months on the upper Bosphorus, where the prevailing winds are from the Black Sea and the air is cool and healthful.

  58. In winter it is cold, muddy and cheerless, and in midsummer the simoom which sweeps up the Marmora from Africa and the Syrian coast renders it very unhealthy for Europeans to remain in the city.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simoom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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