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Example sentences for "simmers"

Lexicographically close words:
similitudine; similitudinem; simmer; simmered; simmering; simmon; simo; simoniacal; simony; simoom
  1. Set it again on the fire, and as soon as it simmers well, take it off, and serve it up with very light milk biscuit, or little bread rolls, to eat with it.

  2. Set this sauce over the fire, and when it simmers well, take it off, put into a sauce-boat, and keep it hot till the mutton goes to table.

  3. To use them for sauce, make some nice drawn butter, and as it simmers throw in plenty of nasturtions from the jar.

  4. Once she turns as if she meant to beat it into the wings; but as the applause simmers down the pianist strikes up the beginning of an encore.

  5. For a minute he stares at me gaspy, while that simmers through the oatmeal.

  6. The general rule is to put in about a pint of water to a pound of meat, if it only simmers very gently.

  7. At any rate, you will enjoy seeing these things being made in the common living-room of the house, while the corn is being ground on the metates or mealing stones, and the mutton stew simmers on the open hearth.

  8. Simmers all the air with sibilation of semi, Ceaseless, wearying sense,--a sound of perpetual boiling.

  9. In the hour of heaviest heat, how simmers the forest with semi!

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simmers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.