For weeks, while the fleets succeeded in silencing for a time some of the Turkish forts, it was thought that this rule no longer held good.
While these batteries were engaged in silencing the enemy's artillery, for which purpose most of them were placed in prolongation of the faces of the fortress so as to enfilade them, the "Approach Trenches" were being pushed forward.
Silencing the man's protests, Mentor went on: "You will find that your judgment will be good.
The time had come when James might pass on from merely silencing the General Assembly to the use of it in the enslavement of the Church.
Successful as he had been in gagging the pulpits and silencing the Assembly, he had been as yet less successful in his efforts to revive the power of the Crown over the Church by a restoration of Episcopacy.
But I understood that, with the exception of silencing a new battery which the Russians had built commanding the bay, the bombardment was not attended with any very important results.
The wood was alive with the hum of innumerable insects, which had become audible and dominant with the gradual silencing of the birds.
Vaughan at last succeeded in silencing the gun which had troubled us most, and preparations were made for an attack on the village.
Silencing both goddesses, Jupiter reiterates his orders and dissolves the assembly.
Silencing his bride's objections, Gunther confers Kriemhild's hand upon Siegfried, and thus two bridal couples sit side by side at the evening meal.
Why, at their elevation, and at so short a range, they would have sunk us before we could get out again, had we attempted to go in there without first silencing them.
The surprise andsilencing of that battery is, as you must all see, a matter of the last importance, and will need a cool and steady hand as leader of the expedition.
He and his sister must arrange,' said Honor, hastily, as if silencing a yearning of her own.
Owen stood by amused, and silencing the scruples of his companions.
Something in that protective gesture, in the tones of the proud determined young voice, and in the older woman's acquiescent silence, acted like a silencing hand laid on Matheson's lips.
He felt grateful for the first time in their acquaintance to Mrs Aplin for silencing her daughter's protests against his leaving so soon.
The puritans formed so much the more learned and diligent part of the clergy, that a great scarcity of preachers was experienced throughout this reign, in consequence of silencing so many of the former.
The archbishop continued, therefore, to harass the puritan ministers, suppressing their books, silencing them in churches, prosecuting them in private meetings.
With a silencing grin] He went on playin' an' playin'.
With a silencing gesture] At the same, time--What made you forget yourself?
Tom and Jack had a hand in silencing the great gun, for it was they who discovered where it was hidden.
During this time the cannonade had been continuous; but as the Persian fire in some degree slackened, the British artillery advanced to closer action, making most beautiful practice, and almost silencing the opposing batteries.
Soon after the destruction of the hospital, Captain Moore determined to make a dash upon the enemy's guns, in the hope of silencing some of them.
All our heavy guns had a try at silencing it, and their efforts sometimes met with partial success.
At last some one saw the flash, after which our naval gun and fifteen-pounders picked up the range with admirable celerity, immediately silencing the opposition.
But a Genius was silencing it by pointing to this motto, Tace, mundus concors, "Silence, the world is at peace.