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Example sentences for "shoals"

Lexicographically close words:
shoaled; shoaler; shoalest; shoaling; shoalness; shoar; shoare; shoat; shoats; shock
  1. Eight days' moderate sailing brought us into a labyrinth of rocky shoals and islands.

  2. They had not been gone very long, when Himilco pointed out to me some shoals of tunny-fish within reach, and asked permission to try and catch some.

  3. The ship of Paulo da Gama stranded on the voyage home to Portugal on the shoals between Guilva [Kilwa] and Mombaca, and these shoals were named after the S.

  4. Thiago, the pilots told them that they had only reached the shoals off the Rio Grande (p.

  5. On the next day [August 24] we returned towards the land, but not being able to weather certain shoals in front of Calecut, we again stood off and anchored within sight of the city.

  6. Gabriel, from which vessel he deserted at the shoals of S.

  7. Wishing to depart thence for this kingdom, the ship Sao Raphael, in which was his brother, was lost on the same shoals on which she had already once grounded on the way out to India.

  8. We nevertheless could get no sight of the land, but the pilots told us that we were near the shoals of the Rio Grande.

  9. Meeting shoals near this point, the banks of sand extending as far as Newfoundland, it there turns abruptly to the east, and with diminished speed and increased width, rolls onward towards the coast of Europe.

  10. Very dangerous shoals along the coast, which are dry at low tide.

  11. This was the Merrimac with its shoals at the mouth, which they had passed without observing, having sailed from the offing near Little Boar's Head directly to the head of Cape Anne, during the darkness of the previous night.

  12. Shoals and sand-banks at the entrance and inside of the harbor.

  13. Shoals where vessels, when the tide is out, are liable to run aground.

  14. Then they drew within the first mentioned bay a river which we had passed, which has shoals and is very long.

  15. This river Quinibequy is very dangerous for vessels half a league from its mouth, on account of the small amount of water, great tides, rocks and shoals outside as well as within.

  16. The next day, the 20th of the month, we went to the place which our men had seen, and which we found a very dangerous harbor in consequence of the shoals and banks, where we saw breakers in all directions.

  17. Shoals where at full tide vessels of sixty tons' burden may run aground.

  18. They stand on till the pilot is on board, the low land lifts and lengthens before the ship; but the flow of the tide has yet to come, and take them safely up amongst the winding shoals into the Indian river's mouth.

  19. As the night wore on, it seemed that the entire amphitheatre was filled with legions of unclean devils that, trooping up from the shoals below, mocked the unfortunates in their lairs.

  20. The sand hills ran down to the river edge, it is true, but there were plenty of shoals and shallows across which I could gallop Pornic, and find my way back to terra firma by turning sharply to the right or the left.

  21. As the light grew stronger I saw that I was at the bottom of a horseshoe-shaped crater of sand, opening on one side directly on to the shoals of the Sutlej.

  22. Sufficient for thy shoals Was Carnival; Parini's depths enshrine Secrets unsuited to that opaline Surface of things which laughs along thy scrolls.

  23. Shoals of immigrants were seen on all the great roads leading in that direction.

  24. Shooting in irregular shoals or volleys, they would increase and diminish, and recurrent explosions announced the arrival at the ground of some meteoric mass.

  25. The oncoming shoals shot forward in rapid jets of fire now clouded together in igneous masses, now separated in disjointed streaks and radiant clusters of snapping, shining bolts.

  26. And thus they went dreaming on together in that one spring-time (of the heart, not of the weather), and never thought about drifting into shoals and pitfalls.

  27. After passing the shoals we boarded the boats again.

  28. The shoals," he hissed, "The shoals from Owers to Spithead and the net Of channels yonder in Portsmouth Roads.

  29. Ay, shout again, His thunders burst upon your windward flanks; The shoals creep out to leeward!

  30. At last a faint-flushed April Dawn arose With milk-white arms up-binding golden clouds Of fragrant hair behind her lovely head; And lo, before the bright black plunging prows The whole sea suddenly shattered into shoals Of rolling porpoises.

  31. The distant sea, the close white menacing shoals Are shrouded!

  32. Closer and closer to the outer shoals of the beach they beamed.

  33. As he passed up the bay, the tide was low, so that in many places the shoals and rocks were exposed.

  34. There are plenty of rocks and shoals south of us," suggested Thad.

  35. She had gone in to the shoals between the large island and the main shore to pick up her boats.

  36. I presume, Tom," Jack went on to say, "you came down when you did partly to catch that sound as we came near the shoals where the lightship stands guard day and night the whole year through.

  37. The Isles of Shoals are a remarkable formation--rugged ledges of rock out in the ocean bearing scarcely any vegetation; and on some of them not a blade of grass is seen.

  38. The western portal of Halifax harbor is Chebucto Head and Cape Sambro, with dangerous shoals beyond.

  39. Its outlook is over the South Shoals, but not a sail is to be seen, for these shoals are the grave of every vessel getting upon them.

  40. As I sped down the trail, over my shoulder I saw Walter Butler, planted out in the shoals of the river, taking steady aim at me, and I seized a tree and checked my course as his bullet sang past my face.

  41. You see," he said; and walked slowly away towards the river, where the rifles were ringing out shot on shot across the shoals below the shallow camp-ford on the edge of the roaring riffles.

  42. The moon came up, but was soon frosted by silvery shoals of clouds.

  43. He felt for his latch-key, and was relieved to find it in his pocket, as usual; the impression that it lay off the Shoals somewhere at the bottom had not entirely vanished yet.

  44. They were well on the Shoals now, for the breeze was stiff, and the yacht ran at a spanking pace.

  45. It won't do to get caught on some of these shoals round here.

  46. During the chase, the scene had shifted from the point opposite to St. Ruth, to the verge of those shoals where our tale commenced.

  47. He actually did choose such a place, at the old railroad-piers, four miles above Florence, Alabama, which is below Muscle Shoals and above Colbert Shoals.

  48. Nothing can be more common than to see shoals of them struggling against the current, especially in the cold months, with their eyes out of the water.

  49. When the jolly-boat had left the yacht, Harry took his stand on the quarter-deck, and watched the shoals as closely as ever a cat watched a mouse.

  50. The yacht was still bounding toward the shoals with all the speed that stiff breeze could give her, and just as Harry ceased speaking, the bluffs on the island loomed up through the darkness.

  51. The Sweepstakes crossed the shoals farther down.

  52. The passage was safely accomplished, much to the relief of every one on board; and again the Crusoe men told themselves that they had dared the fury of the shoals for the last time.

  53. The surf roars over the shoals loud enough to drown the report of a cannon.

  54. Now that the danger attending the crossing of the shoals was passed, the Crusoe men could think about other matters.

  55. Her life was cast away upon shoals of debasement; no sanctity of womanhood remained in her.

  56. Thus he might float clear of the shoals of black-guardism and develop into a tolerable member of society, at all events using his wealth in the direct employment of labour.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shoals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ledge; many; pitfall; quicksand; reef; sandbank; sandbar; score; shallow; shoal; snag; undercurrent; undertow