If the shoat is not very small, use bread and butter instead of the liver.
Lay the shoat in water till ready for use; if small, it will cook in an hour.
Asa Well, I guess that'll fit about as well if you tell this darned old shoat to take me to my room.
Asa Wal, darn me if you ain't the consarnedest old shoat I ever did see since I was baptized Asa Trenchard.
You know a shoat ain't nothin' but a young hog that's done got bigger than a little pig.
A shoatwas cooked whole and brought to the table with a big red apple in his mouth.
I retired twenty years ago and aside from a few chores, I been mighty happy doin' nothin' for years, and now this fool shoat has to come along to upset my peace of mind.
A quick turn of the shoat would cause Ticktock to rush past, but Jim would wheel the mustang and in a few strides they would again be practically on top of the pig.
Today I dropped my plug of chewin' tobacco and hanged if that shoat didn't eat it before I could lean down.
The exhausted and panicky shoat began floundering in the mud.
I got the shoat and crawled out from under the canvas again without him squeakin' as loud as a mouse.
I don't see why it ain't art when you can steal a shoat better than anybody else can.
This shoat was on a platform, tied with a little chain.
One of them had the head of a turkey in his mouth, and was apparently trying to bolt it; and we discovered later that they had had trouble with the shoat down in the cellar.
The shoat was somewhat scratched, but had stood them off.
Below, in the barn cellar, sheep were bleating, and a shoat was adding its raucous voice to the uproar.
Us carry on foolishness 'bout de little boar shoat pig and de little sow pig, then I squeal in laughter over how he scrouge so close; de slop bucket tipple over and I lost my seat.
There I was on my feet and eager to demonstrate that father had not sold shoat after shoat in vain, for my educational expenses.
Cassowary went over the railing again to a corner where a shoat lay on a heap of clean straw.
After a little consultation, it was decided to hang the shoat before the great fire in the new fire place, and roast it whole.
The boys dragged the shoat into the hut, and Tom, expert huntsman that he was, had only to glance at it in order to pronounce it one of the wild hogs of the mountains, and anybody's property.
And besides," added Ed, "roast wild shoat is as good cold as hot, or rather better.