In parts of Devonshire it is thought lucky to break pottery on Good Friday, because then the points of every sherd are supposed to pierce the body of Judas Iscariot.
He had been "convicted" over there by Sherd Raines, a preacher from the Jellico Hills, and he had grown pious.
Three nights later, in Hazlan, Sherd Raines told the people of Isom's flight down the mountain, across the river, and up the steep to save his life by losing it.
Yes, but the fate did not deserve the man; Not for the like of him and his slave-brands Did Athens put the sherd into our hands.
Aristides, hearing this, is said to have made no reply, but returned the sherd with his own name inscribed.
Woe to him that gainsayeth his maker, a sherd of the earthen pots: shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it: What art thou making, and thy work is without hands?
Sketch of sherd of sgraffito-ware dish, dating about 1670, that was found during excavations of C.
Body sherd from dome-top oven similar to those at Jamestown and Flushing.
The sherd lay beneath a foot-deep deposit that included Dutch majolica, Italian sgraffito ware, and tobacco pipes, all dating in form or decoration prior to 1650.
In sites dating from before about 1670, no North Devon wares are found, excepting the early sgraffito sherd mentioned above.
Of the gravel-tempered sherd submitted in these tests, Professor Norton commented, "The clay mass looks quite dissimilar from the Jamestown clay.
Body sherd and handle sherds at Jamestown, from additional oven or ovens.
Later, it is planned to consider sherd collections in England, comparative types of sgraffito wares, and possible influences and sources of techniques and designs.
This sherd is unique among all those found at Jamestown, but it is essentially characteristic of North Devon work.
Sherd oughter be mighty proud of his first marryin'.
Have ye ever knowed me, Sherd Raines, to keer what folks in the mountains say?
Sherd Raines goes up to see her, and folks say he air tryin' to git her into the church.
Sherd thought I could resk comm' down to the wed-din'.
You air not like Easter 'n' Sherd hyar, who talk 'bout as much as two stumps.
The sherd is badly twisted and is an undoubted waster.
Rim sherd from pan or wide bowl, red ware with greenish-brown lead glaze, the rim thickened and undercut.
A rim sherd from the same deposit is slightly everted, but since the glaze is much lighter the piece may not belong to the same vessel.
Finds include one Rhenish "Bellarmine"[116] sherdand a pewter spoon handle.
Rim sherd from bowl of form similar to the above, but the blue decoration on the interior of the bowl and the rim plain.
Rim sherd from large pan, red body liberally flecked with ocher, thin lead glaze, the rim folded and flattened on the upper edge.
A very small porringer rim sherd of this ware was found at Tutter's Neck in context T.
Dating: The construction date for the house relies on the insufficient evidence of the single delftware sherd mentioned above, i.
A rim sherd of this form was among the pieces found in front of the Digges House.
If this fragment does come from the same dish, it must be assumed that the fragments were scattered and that the sherd was moved in fill dug from an earlier deposit.
The native ware is easily recognizable by its smoothness and hardness; when struck with a stick a sherd emits a musical clink.
Without an acquaintance with this branch of Palestinian archaeology, so thorough that any sherd presenting the least character can be immediately assigned to its proper period, no field research of any value can be carried out.
The writing on thesherd says, "Then in her rage did she smite him by her magic, and he died.
Fac-simile of Black-Letter Inscription on the Sherd of Amenartas.
Fac-simile of the Old English Black-Letter Translation of the above Latin Inscription from the Sherd of Amenartas found inscribed upon a parchment.
Mediæval Black-Letter Latin Translation of the Uncial Inscription on the Sherd of Amenartas Amenartas e gen.
A few of the Roman names inscribed upon the sherd I have actually since found mentioned in history and other records.
A Marlborough sherd from one of these has a gadrooned edge and molded swags and palmettes.
One raresherd appears to come from a rectangular teapot or tray.
There are numerous other types of coarse stoneware of unknown origins, including one sherd with a dull-red glaze and black decorative spots (USNM 59.
Possibly this describes a sherd of a thin-walled mug from Marlborough (USNM 59.
The other sherd is a portion of an unglazed handle, probably from a potlid (USNM 59.
One sherdis from a cup with a slightly flaring rim.
A sherd which preserves parts of the base and lower body wall has a hole in which a spigot could be inserted (USNM 59.
A blue-decorated handle sherd from a large jug or posset pot is also 17th century.
Base sherd from unglazed red-earthenware water cooler, with spigot hole.
A variant glaze occurring on pottery found in Yorktown appears here in a yellowish-buff sherdflecked with black (USNM 60.
It occurs at Marlborough on a small sherd (USNM 60.
A unique sherd has a gray-buff body and shiny black glaze on both surfaces (USNM 59.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sherd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.