There came the time when the surviving sheepmen could no longer remain in the house.
The Bar O men stood by Mr. Sherwood, but some of the cattlemen from the Junction hated sheepmen more than they loved the law.
The woman's flock was too far away to be driven in, and she had been left in charge because the sheepmen had thought that the cowmen would not harm her.
For over beyond, in a gully, the sheepmen were gathered.
Next came a volley of shots, from the hills, which had been sought by the sheepmen under the cover of the night.
Evidently the sheepmen were keeping their forces in the house during the daylight hours.
The others were loud in their oaths and threats of vengeance; Buck was silent--and somehow, Whitey could not help feeling that Buck was the most dangerous enemy the sheepmen would have to deal with.
Why did not the sheepmen escape from the back of the house?
You must know of the old, old enmity that existed between the cowmen and the sheepmen of those early days of the Western ranges.
The cracking of rifles was almost continuous in that fatal triangle, in which the sheepmen formed two points, and the cowmen the tragic third.
It was beneath his dignity as a cowman to pay much attention to what sheepmen said, yet he could not remain silent under such a remark.
Before the stunned sheepmen could begin firing, three were dead.
As the cattlemen got there first, and went 'way back to the end o' the ravine, the sheepmen are nearer to what you might call the valley door.
It would be worth thousands to the rest of us sheepmen on this range if he never comes back.
I've knownsheepmen that couldn't go mutton, never tasted it from one year to another.
Sheepmen are like sand under the feet when it comes to dealin' with 'em; I never knew one that was in the same place twice.
Mackenzie knew plenty of sheepmen who never had looked into any kind of a book but a bank-deposit book in their lives.
If there was anything to Hall's claim on that territory, by agreement or right of priority which sheepmen were supposed to respect between themselves, Tim Sullivan knew it, Mackenzie reflected.
Couldn't some of them sheepmen down at Jasper use you?
Some of the sheepmen in this country--yes, most of them--would be better men if they were poor.
When we see he was going, Packsaddle Jack took a prod pole and drove Jackdo and the sheepmendown the track a ways so Chuck could breathe some purer air.
Finally Chuckwagon stopped and sniffed a time or two and said he was satisfied thesheepmen and Jackdo must have found the train.
He had a strong belief in heaven, but a heap stronger one in hell, 'cause he said there must be some place to keep the sheepmen by themselves in the other world.
He said we'd better wait till the trainmen came along and then report the matter to them, as the sheepmen would want damages off the railroad or somebody and we'd better not hunt them up too quick as it might jeopardize their case.
The first picture was a mountain with a lot of marks, which was interpreted as the flood, and two men drawn crosswise laying down was the sheepmen being washed away.
But if he happened to be out of reach of any of these remedies when one of the sheepmen come near him he immediately began to strike at the end of his nose and mutter something about glue factories.
In my mind I can still see his rugged, tear-stained face as he would piteously hold out his hands for his sack of decomposed dog when one of the sheepmen or Jackdo came in the way-car.
After learning the fate of the two sheepmenwe prepared to leave Cheyenne and catch up with our stock train, which we figured would take us a day or so.
Two guileless sheepmen lay sleeping on the side of a barren hill, One's name was Cottswool Canvasback, the other was Rambolet Bill.
The Governor of Wyoming met the special train at Cheyenne, and after issuing a proclamation offering a large reward for the sheepmen dead or alive, joined the U.
In fact, even if the cattlemen were left out of consideration, the sheepmen would be compelled to move by force of circumstances, as sheep are very destructive feeders, and soon ruin the range for themselves as well as for the cattle.
The struggle between the cattlemen and the sheepmen was little, if any, short of war.
The other three sheepmenran for the tent, but Don Mike spurred the gray in between them and their objective, at the same time drawing his carbine.
He hasn't a particularly good reputation in San Marcos County, but he's one of the biggest sheepmen in the state and a heavy depositor in the bank at El Toro.
They loved these lands for which the cattlemen and sheepmen were now about to battle, and they had been dispossessed by the power of the United States Army, not by law and justice.
There is a war due between the sheepmen and the cattlemen, too, and our lay is to side in with the sheepmen.
There had been ill-feeling between sheepmen and cattlemen from the first, but as water became scarcer and the range more fully stocked, bitterness developed into hatred and warfare.
The picturesque West must give way to the civilized West, and the war of sheepmen and cattle-men must stop.
Sheepmen of the old type are the best of mountaineers, and their skill has been so often tested that they are as full of tricks as so many foxes.
It was possible to sue in the United States courts, but the process was slow and unsatisfactory, and the damages awarded the Government amounted to so little that the sheepmen cheerfully paid them as a sort of grazing tax.
Chapter XVI Play The installation of Bud Shoop as supervisor of the White Mountain District was celebrated with an old-fashioned barbecue by the cattlemen and sheepmen leasing on the reserve.
And the funny part of it is them sheepmen was willin' enough to ship sick sheep anywhere they could sell 'em.
And he's got the nerve to tell me that all the sheepmen in this here county are strong for me if I run for the job.
This was Sheep Crossing, a natural pass where the cattlemen and sheepmen drifted their stock from the hills to the winter feeding-grounds of the lower country.
Small as Mesaville was in common with most towns of the same character, it boasted several low dens in which the cow-punchers, miners and sheepmen gambled and drank their hard-earned money away.
As long as there are sheepmen and cattlemen that question will always be productive of strife, more's the pity.
You're talkin' about sheepmen in the old country, Shorty," he drawled.
I told him, still playfully, that a lot of mighty good poetry had been written about sheep and sheepmen and crooks and lambs and things like that, and that I considered my question complimentary.
May we all die sheepmen if we don't--and that's the limit in Montana!
All Benton fell in behind--clerks and bar-keeps and sheepmen and cowboys tumbling into fours.
These patriarchs is onlysheepmen anyhow, and sheep herders is trash.
Sheep is meaner's snakes, sheepmen is meaner'n sheep, and if the herders disagrees with the cougars, give me the cougars.
Pretty soon that day Filon is hearing all sheepmen say that Raoul is the best shearer; then he come lean on the rail by my shed and laugh softly like he talk with himself, and say, "See the little man; see him shear.
All the sheepmen like for have me shear their sheep.
There she stay, and all sheepmen when they pass that way see that she is a good sheepdog, and that she is much hungry; so they wonder that she will not leave off to look and go with them.
They even bought a bell for it, and it used to ding for the sheepmen and railroaders, as long as their religion lasted.
Sheepmen leave supplies for their herders that way, and I've known 'em to leave their pay along with 'em.
Many of the richest sheepmen in that country had started that way only a few years before, so Walker and others said.
Some of these sheepmen wouldn't take government bonds.
Here the woolmen come to trade and to export their wool, here the sheepmenbring their sheep for the annual shearing.
These sheepmen live their lives apart from the world for months at a time, seeing only the man who brings their supplies at intervals.
On the other side of this stern boundary are the cattlemen, and they have issued a warning to the sheepmen which they have more than once carried out.
Not far from Lyman is the "dead line" over which sheepmen are not allowed to take their sheep.
I can completely understand how the desert casts its spell over cattlemen and sheepmen so that they love it and its freedom and are continually drawn back to it.
We also passed some men with their laden burros taking supplies to the sheepmen in the mountain ranges.
The Peace River sheepmen raided our place--your father was with them.
Sheepmen are all right in their place--and hell's the place.
Sheepmen aren't ever killed on their own ranges; it isn't respectable.
All over the range the feud between the sheepmen and the cowmen was bitter and implacable.
The sheepmen at length began to succeed in their plans.
After the establishment of the great forest reserves, the sheepmen coveted the range thus included.
Stacy's companions with Mr. Simms and several of the sheepmen rode in at that moment.
The cowboys turned their guns on the little outfit, but the sheepmen now discovering what was going on, gave a mighty yell and swept down on their enemy.
The defense of the sheepmen was a surprise to the cowboys, where they had thought to surprise the sheep herders and stampede the herd before any opposition was offered.
Says there's free grass enough for all of us and that the sheepmen have just as much right to it as the cowmen.
Tad was almost overwhelmed as the sheepmen rushed by him.
Of course he could ride away, but in doing so he might alarm the watching sheepmen and upset all their plans.
When the racket begins, if it does, we shall need all the sheepmen to help drive off the raiders.
Thus admonished, the sheepmen sprang for their saddles.
Old Hicks, who was sitting up to prepare hot coffee for any of the sheepmen who might come in, was affected in a like manner.
Mind you, I don't belittle the trouble between sheepmen an' cattlemen in Arizona.
Blaisdell said that the sheepmen were unfair because they could have done just as well, though perhaps at more labor, by keeping to the ridges and leaving the open valley and little flats to the ranchers.
Sheepmen have moved into the Tonto and are grazing down on Grass Vally.
We heerd y'u come into the Tonto Basin to run us sheepmen off the range.
Of course there are honest an' square sheepmen in the Basin?
Formerly there had been room enough for all; now the grazing ranges were being encroached upon by sheepmen newly come to the Tonto.
It 'll go down a black blot on the history page of the Tonto Basin as a war between rival sheepmen an' cattlemen.
They have resented sheepmen comin' down into the valley.
You know this talk of sheepmen buckin' the cattlemen is all a blind?
Sheepmen like Colter and wild girls like Ellen Jorth and all that seemed promising or menacing in his father's letter could never change the Indian in Jean.
Trouble brewin' between the cattlemen down in the Basin an' the sheepmenup on the Rim.
My name's Colter an' I'm one of the sheepmen Gass Isbel's riled with.
It 'll not be a war betweensheepmen an' cattlemen.
Sheepmen ran their flocks up on the Rim in summer time and down into the Basin in winter time.
Those sheepmen who summered their sheep in the high valleys of the western mountains complained that stray coyotes quit the flats and followed them into the hills to prey upon the flocks.
The sheepmen at the cabin informed Collins of the big killing and their tale was punctuated by every possible epithet applicable to the coyote tribe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sheepmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.