The groom sheepishly dug two one-dollar bills out of his trousers pocket and the sum striking Archie as a pitifully inadequate fee he slipped a ten-dollar bill into the minister's hand as the bride and groom were hurrying from the house.
He sheepishly confessed that the net reward of a fortnight of diligent labor in his specialty was only three hundred dollars.
Lady Levett beckoned to him, and he came towards us sheepishly bold, as is the way with rustic gentlemen.
As one looks sheepishly for the magician's disappearing coin, so Slim gazed at floor and ceiling as if the girl might pop up anywhere.
The big one grinned sheepishly and respectfully offered his hand: "You're all right, Lieutenant.
With burning face he sheepishly called for his mail and hurried out with the derisive shout of "It isn't everybody that can pick up two bits so early in the morning, Ha!
The white woman had a knife in her hand to turn the pieces and raised it to strike the imprudent hand which was quickly and sheepishly withdrawn.
While he was still at it Skinny came out with a dipper in his hand and sheepishly drawing a tooth-brush from his hip pocket faithfully imitated the actions of the other.
Skinny said, breaking the spell while he grinned somewhat sheepishly and yet with an air of complete satisfaction.
He thought I really meant it," she grinned, sheepishly Every night I would go to bed sick at heart and with my mind half made up to drop it all, only to wake in the morning more resolute and hopeful than ever.
Bertrand slunk away sheepishly enough; and slowly as he sauntered along, had nearly reached home, when M.
Carrick reddenedsheepishly under the other's gaze.
Sheepishly guilty in feeling as only men can be, the party in the studio awaited expected developments.
What I saw was a boy of ten, well grown for his years, who ambled forward rather sheepishly and gave me a moist and rather flabby hand to shake.
It was a good guess," he said rather sheepishly (I suppose because he hadn't said anything to me about her).
A representative of the Stock Exchange house sheepishly stated that his firm had loaned part of the pledged stock to out-of-town brokers.
Two years from the time Jimmy had landed in London, when he was coming near to his twentieth year, he began sheepishly and with a locked door to write.
The burly gentleman reappeared from nowhere, ushering into the ring a sheepishly grinning youth in a flannel suit.
Jamming the package of tobacco into the pocket of the garment he stepped back and grinned sheepishly at his generous gifts.
But Miles had the last laugh, for he fanned Burkett with three successive strikes, and the latter went sheepishly back to the bench.
A moment later the latter was caught napping by a snap throw from catcher to third and came in sheepishly to the bench.
The rest of the regiment hung sheepishly back; each trying to get as near to the door, and as far from the ladies, as possible.
And Mrs. Blizzer departed, while the astonished theologiansheepishly admitted that he owed drinks to the crowd.
The quartet unconsciously slackened speed, and the members thereof gazed rather sheepishly at each other through the gathering twilight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sheepishly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.