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Example sentences for "married people"

  • Most of the books intended to give "counsel and ghostly strength" to newly-married people are so like a collection of sermons that they are given away rather than read.

  • Married people may so abuse matrimony as to make it a very school for scandal; but it may and ought to be what Sir Thomas More's home was said to be, "a school and exercise of the Christian religion.

  • If we wish the celibate to respect marriage, married people ought to have some regard for the inflammability of bachelors.

  • With this proviso," put in one of the members, "that the present decision should have no bearing on any subsequent ruling upon the best arrangement of the beds of married people.

  • The king expressed here, by a single phrase, the principal disadvantage which results from the constant living together of married people.

  • We, by learning something of the art of love, and of the natural life of married people, from the Hindoos, may perpetuate our civilization.

  • And yet it is a common feeling and belief among young married people!

  • Reckon up the number of predestined ones who may be found among the total number of married people, weigh them, and you will then know where the evil is seated.

  • For this reason it is evident that love cannot exercise its powers on married people.

  • Married people, on the contrary, are compelled as a duty to submit to one another's wishes, and not to refuse anything to one another.

  • From the foregoing considerations we can deduce this, that the Japanese are mostly at the prime of life, and that the percentage of married people is exceedingly high.

  • Another reason for the high birth rate of the Japanese in California is the high percentage of married people.

  • It has been sought to prove that this decline is chiefly due to voluntary means taken by married people to limit their families, and that the desire for this limitation is the result of our social system.

  • No one who is acquainted with the habits and customs of married people would in good faith offer such an explanation.

  • For the class of married people who do not desire children at all, contraceptive methods, far from being a social evil, are a social blessing.

  • And while I have plodded through elaborately told tales of the sufferings of married people, my amazement has grown that these tales are almost without exception the stories of people who had no conscious relation to God.

  • I believe the normal way in which delight ought to enter the lives of married people is just through their satisfaction in each other's society, enriched by the society of their children.

  • Yet shortly afterwards Solomon is, by means of flattery, again won over to her side and conducted to the street of married people, where he is unable to resist the female attractions that offer themselves to him.

  • The second, "Of virgins and of widows and of married people.

  • On the east coast, too, the morality of married people seems to leave a good deal to be desired, according to our ideas.

  • But in this game the young and unmarried are forbidden by modesty to take part; married people see in it nothing to be ashamed of.

  • Married people as a rule live on very good terms with each other.

  • And thus the Roman legislator forbade married people to exchange presents with one another, not that they should not go shares with one another, but that they should consider everything as common property.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "married people" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cheese cloth; dinna believe; each planet; easterly wind; eighteen inches; lady said; main object; maritime discovery; married again; married before; married couple; married couples; married first; married lady; married man; married people; married state; married woman; married women; mediaeval thought; numerous other; please her; precious time; prevent them; seven ears; worse luck