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Example sentences for "semeth"

Lexicographically close words:
semer; semes; semester; semesters; semet; semetipsum; semi; semiannual; semiarid; semicircle
  1. Whose regimente and go- uernemente was so infinite, that as Zenophon saieth, tyme [Sidenote: The mightie dominions of Cyrus.

  2. Properlie this kinde of Rhetorike, is called a common place, though it semeth to be made againste this man, or that man: because the matter of thesame shall properly pertain to all, giltie of thesame matter.

  3. And if I hate men of-newe More than love, it wol me rewe, 5170 As by your preching semeth me, For Love no-thing ne preisith thee.

  4. For trewly dorste I seye, as that I fele, Me semeth that your swete herte of stele Is whetted now ageynes me to kene.

  5. For it semeth that gentilesse be a maner preysinge that comth of deserte of ancestres .

  6. She is pley of enchauntement, That semeth oon and is nat so, The false theef!

  7. Therfore I must his socour be, That peyneth him to serven me; For if he deyde for love of this, 6015 Than semeth in me no love ther is.

  8. For I seye, that it is no folie to chaunge conseil whan the thing is chaunged; or elles whan the thing semeth otherweyes than it was biforn.

  9. Sir, ye ne be nat alwey in lyke disposicioun; / for certes, som thing that somtyme semeth to yow that it is good for to do, another tyme it semeth to yow the contrarie.

  10. And whan we been togidres everichoon, 960 Every man semeth a Salomon.

  11. He semeth elvish by his contenaunce, For un-to no wight dooth he daliaunce.

  12. For certes, it semeth that ye thinke that the cursede Iewes ne dismembred nat y-nough the preciouse persone of Crist, but ye dismembre him more.

  13. Is most fool, whan it cometh to the preef; And he that semeth trewest is a theef; That shul ye knowe, er that I fro yow wende, 970 By that I of my tale have maad an ende.

  14. And more-over, the wrecched swollen membres that they shewe thurgh the degysinge, in departinge of hir hoses in whyt and reed, semeth that half hir shameful privee membres weren flayn.

  15. Thanne semeth it, that men that sweren so horribly by his blessed name, that they despyse him more boldely than dide the cursede Iewes, or elles the devel, that trembleth whan he hereth his name.

  16. Thanne cometh eek bitternesse of herte; thurgh which bitternesse every good dede of his neighebor semeth to him bitter and unsavory.

  17. I trowe I shal not liven til to-morwe; For whiche I wolde alwey, on aventure, To thee devysen of my sepulture The forme, and of my moeble thou dispone 300 Right as thee semeth best is for to done.

  18. By god, ye maken me right sore a-drad, 115 Ye ben so wilde, it semeth as ye rave!

  19. And if to lese his Ioye he set a myte, Than semeth it that Ioye is worth ful lyte.

  20. Dulcarnon called is "fleminge of wrecches"; It semeth hard, for wrecches wol not lere For verray slouthe or othere wilful tecches; 935 This seyd by hem that be not worth two fecches.

  21. And semeth me that he desyreth fawe With yow to been al night, for to devyse Remede in this, if ther were any wyse.

  22. And nowe seing you to become a prisoner of an affection vnworthy your estate, I can not tell what to thinke, the noueltie of this sodain chaunce semeth to be so straunge.

  23. It semeth vnto mee Gyges, that thou doest not greatlye beleue the woordes whiche I speake vnto thee, of the beautie of my wyfe, but because eyes bee better witnesses of thinges then eares, thou shalt see her naked.

  24. That swymme kan noght," I seide, "It semeth to my wittes.

  25. And so it semeth by hym, As the Bible telleth, There he seide Dixit et facta sunt, He moste werche with his word, And his wit shewe.

  26. And somme chosen chaffare; Thei cheveden the bettre, As it semeth to our sight That swiche men thryveth.

  27. Ac it semeth now soothly To the worldes sighte, That Goddes word wercheth noght On lered ne on lewed, But in swich a manere As Marc meneth in the gospel: Dum caecus ducit caecum, ambo in foveam cadunt.

  28. And as you semeth best, and in the most secret wise, rewle you in this mater.

  29. Item, as for Christofers papers that longeth to your tenants, I have goten of William Worcester; and as for all the remnaunt of Christofer good, William Worcester hath the reule as hym semeth most convenient.

  30. Ac it semeth nouht parfytnesse in cytees for to begge, Bote he be obediencer to pryour o[th]er to mynstre.

  31. He writeth the better in myne opinion, bicause his whole doctrine, iudgement, and order, semeth to be borowed out of Io.

  32. Hesiodus aloweth not sparynge, neyther at the hyest, nor at the lowest, because when the tunne is full it semeth to hasty, and to late when it is spente: and therefore byddeth vs spare in the myddes.

  33. Thys semeth not to them to hasty a care when they preuente euen the wery byrth: and semeth it to hastye that is vsed in fashioning your childrens myndes?

  34. Nether is there any storye so homely/ so rude/ yee or so vyle (as it semeth outwarde) wherin is not exceadinge greate comforte.

  35. Then saide I to myself, "Here semeth litel treuthe!

  36. Ac it semeth nouht perfitnesse In cyties for to begge, Bote he be obediencer To pryour other to mynstre.

  37. The gome that gooth with o staf, He semeth in gretter heele Than he that gooth with two staves, To sighte of us alle.

  38. Fortune That semeth trewest when she wol bigyle, .

  39. Sothly,' quod I, 'me semeth it is most kyndly to move.

  40. Sithen ye sayn that your goodes ben all his, and he shulde by reson be the moost perfit man, it semeth openlich that ye ben cursed children, so to sclaunder your +fader, and make him imperfit.

  41. Also the yere with-draweth floures and beautee of herbes and of erth; the same +yere maketh springes and jolite in Vere so to renovel with peinted coloures, that erthe semeth as gay as heven.

  42. Wel,' quod she, 'if thilke impossible were away, the repugnaunce that semeth to be therin were utterly removed.

  43. And it semeth evell a deed man to go aboute and begge.

  44. Ye noy me sore, in wasting al this wynde; 795 For I have sayd y-nough, as semeth me.

  45. I trow therfore, if any good be in gentilesse, it is only that it semeth a maner of necessite be input to 120 gentilmen, that they shulden not varyen fro the vertues of their auncestres.

  46. A sterne stryf is stered newe In many stedes in a stounde, Of sondry sedes that ben sewe; 55 It semeth that som ben unsounde.

  47. These liggen on my backe so sore, that importable burthen me semeth on my backe to be charged; it maketh me backwarde to meve, whan my steppes by comune course even-forth pretende.

  48. Swetenesse of this paradyse hath you ravisshed; it semeth ye slepten, rested from al other diseses; so kyndely is your herte therein y-grounded.

  49. For often han shrewes me assailed, and mokel badnesse therin have I founden; and so me 15 semeth bad to be somwhat in kynde.

  50. Certes, either it semeth that ye be unperfit; or he, that made it so hard that ye may not holde it.

  51. And the seconde cause is this, that sothly me semeth betre to wryten un-to a child twyes a good sentence, than he for-gete it ones.

  52. And thus to take an evidence, It semeth love is welwillende To hem that ben continuende With besy herte to poursuie Thing which that is to love due.

  53. Mi Sone, I have herd thi matiere, Of that thou hast thee schriven hiere: And forto speke of ydel fare, Me semeth that thou tharst noght care, Bot only that thou miht noght spede.

  54. Of such Phisique I can a part, And as me semeth be that art, Thou scholdest be Phisonomie Be schapen to that maladie 110 Of lovedrunke, and that is routhe.

  55. Bot finali to taken hiede, Men mai wel make a liklihiede Betwen him which is averous Of gold and him that is jelous Of love, for in on degre Thei stonde bothe, as semeth me.

  56. This Nessus with hise wordes slyhe Yaf such conseil tofore here yhe 2200 Which semeth outward profitable And was withinne deceivable.

  57. And thus this double Ypocrisie With his devolte apparantie A viser set upon his face, Wherof toward this worldes grace He semeth to be riht wel thewed, And yit his herte is al beschrewed.

  58. She semeth to regard no ceremonious honour beside the acknowledging of her estate regalle.

  59. Enargia, euidence or perspicuitie called also descripcion rethoricall, is when a thynge is so described that it semeth to the reader or hearer y^t he beholdeth it as it were in doyng.

  60. Instrument semeth to be a part of facultie: for instrumentes sometyme are cause of oure hablenes to do a thinge: and it is a more mischeuous deede to kyl with venome thẽ with swearde.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "semeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.