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Example sentences for "sedatives"

Lexicographically close words:
sedans; sedate; sedately; sedateness; sedative; sede; sedem; sedens; sedentary; sedere
  1. In the slighter attacks effervescing drinks are grateful to the patient; and if there be excessive formation of acid in the stomach, antacids and sedatives should be administered.

  2. If the pulse is very weak, the cerebral sedatives more frequently used in delirium tremens, such as chloral, bromids, paraldehyd, etc.

  3. One of the best sedatives to a heart that is irregular in its action and not acting strongly is lime; a good way to administer it is in the form of calcium lactate, and the dose is 0.

  4. At first we should administer a light physic and follow this up with sedatives and anodynes, as directed for contused wounds.

  5. It is one of the most powerful sedatives used in the practice of medicine.

  6. Medical interference with sedatives or stimulants is more liable to be harmful than of benefit, and blood-letting in an apoplectic fit is extremely hazardous.

  7. A tendency to this may also be overcome by the use of sedatives and antiphlogistic remedies.

  8. No food or water is allowed for 5 hours prior to any endoscopic procedure, whether sedatives or anesthetics are to be given or not.

  9. Do not give cough-sedatives or narcotics.

  10. Since the modern recognition of the deleterious effects of high temperatures per se, antipyretic remedies in place of the old-time cardiac sedatives have come to play the leading rĂ´le in the treatment of fevers.

  11. It is not surprising, therefore, that the remedies which afford the greatest relief in this disease are opiates and sedatives to the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane.

  12. The alien and sedition acts have already operated in the south as powerful sedatives of the X.

  13. War, land-tax, and stamp-tax are sedatives which must cool its ardor.

  14. My dear, I never saw a girl in a more difficult position than yours, but I see you are doing your utmost; only I am afraid the love of sedatives is the same.

  15. Sedatives Sedatives are medicines which depress the nervous energy, and destroy sensation, so as to compose, such as foxglove.

  16. Other Sedatives and Narcotics have the same power as topical anodynes, but not in so marked a degree.

  17. These Sedatives do not act directly upon the brain itself.

  18. Sedatives are divided into two orders, according to the extent of their action; in the same way as Stimulants have been divided.

  19. It is certain that there are other Narcotics and Sedatives which are able to relieve pain, but which neither cause constipation, nor produce cerebral congestion.

  20. Sedatives may destroy nervous influence; or they may simply derange it.

  21. It is among General Sedatives that the types or representatives of this division are to be found.

  22. Billing considers that Stimulants call forth nervous force, and Sedatives depress it; and that Narcotics do neither the one nor the other, but merely impede its communication.

  23. Paris take exception to the inclusion of Sedatives (under the head of Narcotics) among general Stimulants.

  24. Both these and Sedatives are employed to alleviate the different kinds of pain.

  25. Sedatives act on the organic function of the brain, which is necessary to life, but they do not affect the mind.

  26. Until the physic operates sedatives must be used with great caution.

  27. Sedatives should be had recourse to with great caution, and under medical supervision only.

  28. Sedatives are sometimes required, and hyosciamus is in that case to be preferred.

  29. Sedatives are of service; and as no one of these agents will answer in every case, a constant change will be needed, that, by watching their action, the one which produces the best effect may be discovered.

  30. For restraining diarrhoea: sedatives and astringents being then employed.

  31. Not a sign of any of them so far, but then we seem to have a long way left to climb--" Bruce listened and noted and took sedatives and opened cans of food concentrates.

  32. Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs These drugs act as sedatives at low doses and produce a "hypnotic" action at higher doses.

  33. They are sedatives for the waking hours that are prescribed for people who have excessive tension and anxiety.

  34. Neither have we any faith, in lasting good resulting from prescribing such nerve sedatives as put the nerves to sleep and so, by simply blunting sensibility, delude the patient into the false belief that he is being benefited.

  35. Sedatives are a class of agents which control excitation of the circulation, and diminish irritability of the nervous system.

  36. Sedatives and anodynes are also essential to modify the circulatory forces, and to relieve pain.

  37. The internal medication must consist of arterial sedatives and cerebral depressants.

  38. It is, therefore, to be relieved with opiates given in connection with such arterial sedatives and diaphoretics as each individual case may require.

  39. If the pain is violent, sedatives may be given.

  40. Sedatives such as chloral hydrate may be used to quiet the animal.

  41. If brain and nerves are irritated and aching, sedatives and hypnotics are given to stupefy them into insensibility.

  42. Sedatives and tonics are then resorted to in order to force the digestive organs into submission.

  43. As an example, note the permanent effects of laxatives, stimulants and sedatives upon the system.

  44. If the heart action is weak and irregular, it is whipped up by poisonous stimulants; if too fast, it is checked and paralyzed by sedatives and depressants.

  45. All that these sedatives accomplish is to produce in the course of time idiocy and the different forms of paralysis and premature senility.

  46. The cursed sedatives they believe in are destruction to Sir Charles Bassett.

  47. Willis has attended him from a boy, and he wished me to tell you that morphia and other sedatives have some very bad effects on him.

  48. Indeed, experience has taught me that all sedatives excite; if they soothe at first, they excite next day.

  49. She's said it several times while under the influence of the sedatives she's had.

  50. Although her pupils were still enlarged by the sedatives she had had, she was plainly labouring under the stress of great emotion.

  51. Acid, Nitric: in mixtures, to remedy the effect on digestion produced by sedatives like opium.

  52. He's raging now to see you, and I reckon it's no use trying more sedatives until you are off his mind.

  53. Mrs. Dwight was in semi-hysterical condition, requiring frequent sedatives and unlimited Felicie.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sedatives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.