Then Simon Bardo ordered his troops to stop, and after casting a searching look in that direction, said: "these are not Huns, for they are not on horseback.
The Duchess gazed once more on the young monk with a furtive, searching look; then turned to the Abbot and talked of indifferent things.
Ellak, casting a searching look at the queer fellow, was struck with another idea.
The piercing eye of Fronsberg darted a searching look at Albert.
Albert measured him with a searching look, and said, "I know very well the evil moment to which you allude: when you peasants rebelled against your Duke, you were one of the worst among them.
The Sovereign gave a searching look at the Professor, and perceived from his calm manner that this was not empty civility.
Before the High Steward followed, he said to the Professor, whilst giving him a searching look: "It is not the first time that the Sovereign has been taken ill in such a manner.
He cast a searching look on the spot where he had caught hold of the young Prince in the water and murmured: "He went down like a cannon-ball.
Fouquet, fixing upon the musketeer a searching look.
When saying these words, the king fixed upon the musketeer a searching look.
Aramis's searching look seemed to seek his friend's thought even at the bottom of his heart, but D'Artagnan sustained the inquisition with an air of admirable simplicity.
On impulse Dawson gave the man, whose name was Tracey, a searching look, but he saw only bewildered amazement and sympathy in the sun-and-wind bronzed face.
They all have the same reason for feeling hostile toward me, though perhaps Gregory has special reasons," he added, with a searching look.
But she would not misunderstand him, and therefore said with a grave, searching look, "Only then as I give you the hope you ask for, will you make the effort you have promised to make?
He turned toward her with a wistful, searching look.
He gave her a quick, searching look, and said, "Miss Walton, I do not understand how you can speak to me in this way.
A pause ensued, during which Bertram examined Gotzkowsky with a searching look.
As they entered the hall which led to her room, she cast a searching look around to see if any one were present, and perceiving that they two were alone, she turned toward Bertram with an indescribable expression.
Feodor's searching look seemed to penetrate into the inmost recesses of her heart.
With strained attention she gazed down into the garden; her eye seemed to penetrate the darkness with its sharp, searching look.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "searching look" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.