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Example sentences for "distinct species"

  • I have never met a pigeon, or poultry, or duck, or rabbit fancier, who was not fully convinced that each main breed was descended from a distinct species.

  • I found about 550 distinct species of butterflies at Ega.

  • Gray as a distinct species, under the name of Pithecia albicans.

  • It would not be supposed that the insectivorous birds are also gregarious, but they are so-- numbers of distinct species, belonging to many different families, joining together in the chase or search of food.

  • The Villa Nova kind differs from Hecuba sufficiently to be considered a distinct species, and has been described under the name of M.

  • A wide distance between the homes of two doubtful forms leads many naturalists to rank both as distinct species; but what distance, it has been well asked, will suffice?

  • On the islets of the little Madeira group there are many insects which are characterized as varieties in Mr. Wollaston's admirable work, but which it cannot be doubted would be ranked as distinct species by many entomologists.

  • There are several varieties of it, which were once thought to be distinct species, but are now acknowledged to be mere varieties, all of which are referable to the single species Gazella Dorcas.

  • It has been thought by some systematic naturalists that this variety is a distinct species, and the broad-tailed breeds of Sheep have, in consequence, been distinguished by several names.

  • Lemur macaco shows a remarkable sexual dimorphism, the male being black, and the female--formerly described as a distinct species, L.

  • It is not, however, so familiar a fact that there are two quite distinct species of Giraffe, one a northern form from Somaliland, and the other South African.

  • Gray described a Porpoise from Margate as a distinct species (see p.

  • It is not, any more than its near ally Orca, confined to northern seas; for several examples, at first relegated to a distinct species (P.

  • Where did the profusion of Justicia Adhatoda which I find here come from, is it not a distinct species?

  • Buddleia Neemda and wild plantain continue, the latter is probably a distinct species; leaves subtis glauco niveis.

  • On good nights I was able to capture from a hundred to two hundred and fifty moths, and these comprised on each occasion from half to two-thirds that number of distinct species.

  • Among Mammals the Rhinoceros javanicus is the most striking example, for a distinct species is found in Borneo and Sumatra, while the Javanese species occurs in Burma and even in Bengal.

  • An Eastern opossum, Cuscus orientalis; found also in the Moluccas, if not a distinct species.

  • But in this case, the time elapsed, and the great change of conditions, have allowed many of these plants to become so modified that we now consider them to be distinct species.

  • There is a variety of the zebu--or perhaps a distinct species--known as the Dante.

  • It is now ascertained that not only is the American animal of another species, but also that there are several distinct species of the argali itself in the different ranges of Asiatic mountains.

  • The wild boar of India, however, is in some respects different from that of Europe; and naturalists generally class it as a distinct species.

  • It is true that Linnaeus before his death had heard of the great Polar bear, but he had never seen one, and was not certain of its being a distinct species.

  • The blue-flowered plants are now believed to be a distinct species (A.

  • There is quite a number of distinct species of this very singular animal.

  • Alabama, which are referred to olivacea, the systematist, I believe, would have little or no hesitancy in designating the two as distinct species, especially on the basis of differences to be seen in the skull.

  • Baird recognized an individual of this race from Pembina, Minnesota, as pertaining to a distinct species.

  • If at this and all other places where the geographic ranges of arthuri and frenata met there was no crossbreeding (no intergrades), the two kinds would be treated as distinct species.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distinct species" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    distinct class; distinct from; distinct genera; distinct individual; distinct race; distinct species; distinct variety; distinct vision; distinction between; distinction from; distinctive character; distinctly heard; distinctly understood; establish himself; expose them; extreme case; five days; fresh beef; knew enough; little nervous; merchant shipping; promote regional; raise money; stand forth; well served; written language