To Hold a Fish while Removing the Scales Insert a screwdriver or ice pick in a fish as shown, and the scales can be removed much better and quicker than in any other way.
Place the brush in the tuft and work the screwdriver handle, as in turning a screw.
They can be placed and started by means of the wire and when the first threads have caught the screw it can be held by the screwdriver while the wire is withdrawn.
The handle of the screwdriver affords an efficient grip so that the fish can be held firmly on the board and every scale can be removed.
The compound is then scraped from covers and inside of jars, heating the knife or screwdriver whenever it cools off.
If the jars are set in compound, take a hot screwdriver and remove the compound from between the jar and case near the top.
The gallop is over, and Screwdriver has been tried at even weights against a good one.
Let me do that wall and I am pretty safe, for I know Screwdriver has the foot of Mad Moll; and these colours, too, they must not play second fiddle.
He holds Screwdriver well in hand; he sees the mare is flagging.
Oswald was sure it was a robber, because it had a screwdriver in its hands, and was standing near the cupboard door that H.
The hive cover should be raised gently, if necessary being pried loose with a screwdriver or special hive tool.
A screwdriver will answer, but any of the tools made especially for that purpose is perhaps better.
Suppose anybody around the club could dig up a screwdriver for you?
Might have dropped the screwdriver through a grating, or got himself caught in the act.
He borrowed my screwdriver out of the sewin'-machine drawer, where I always keep it, to pry up the cover.
Mrs. Wilson hastened to her sitting-room to fetch a screwdriver back to pry it out.
His hands travelled to the screwdriver on the mantelpiece, and then fifty of his hands picked up fifty screwdrivers.
Cobb took a tiny screwdriver and removed two screws from a metal plate in the bottom of the nose cone.
He pointed with a screwdriver to a segment about the size of two silver dollars stacked together.
Insert a screwdriver through opening "C" and turn star wheel until feeler is held snugly.
Removing and Installing Wheels To remove a wheel, place a screwdriver between the hub cap and hub and pry off cap.
Move the handle of the screwdriver toward the axle to tighten brakes.
If trial on road shows too much braking on one wheel, loosen that brake by turning star wheel with screwdriver one notch at a time until the brake is equal with the others.
Florence said nothing more; she took the screwdriver from her mother, and proceeded to open the box.
Finally, when the brakeman was out on the rear platform and the conductor at the front of the coach, the young fireman saw Bartlett quickly draw a small screwdriver from his pocket.
Finally he drew up his arm, put the screwdriver in his pocket and once more resumed his watch on the outside landscape.
The ring that I had prised out of the hole in the floor with a screwdriver was on her finger again, above her wedding-ring.
Absurd, since even if by a miraculous chance it had rolled exactly there I had had to take a screwdriver to prise it out.
Come, she can hardly have 'lost' it, since I had to get a screwdriver to prise it out!
I see she needs a little tuning up this morning," he said, pulling off his gauntlets and fishing a screwdriver out of one of the many pockets in his aviator's coat.
Bill heard the scrape of steel on steel and saw Frank slip a small screwdriver into his pocket.
Ernest tucked his screwdriver deep in his pocket, pulled his goggles over his eyes and, seating himself behind Bill, directed his actions.
With the blade of a screwdriver or with pliers, pry hooked end of spring off stud.
Insert blade of a large, square‐shank screwdriver through hole in end of grip and turn out end nut by using a wrench on the shank of the screwdriver (fig.
If a good spark is obtained at high‐tension cable terminal gap when ground connection made by screwdriver is broken, clean or replace faulty breaker points (par.
Place end of largescrewdriver blade between ends of brake shoes at pivot stud.
The only thing I could find was the screwdriver and at last I came to the conclusion the Almighty must have meant me to use it; so I did.
Mamma says things like forgetting thescrewdriver are your ex-eccen-tricks.
Get a screwdriver and some screws and fasten up this trap.
A sense of fear and constriction was upon me as I drew softly from my pocket a screwdriver I had brought with me.
He gave the mechanism and screwdriver one last fond parting look, and tore himself away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "screwdriver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.