The dabuh say these authors, is of the size and form of the wolf; and scratches up dead bodies from their graves.
When thus employed, he scratches all parts of his body which he can reach with his fore paws, and afterwards the remainder with his hind ones.
They could all see the deep scratches on the shell.
Illustration: They could all see the deep scratches on the shell.
Bob's hands still smarted from the scratchesthey had suffered from the barberry and he kept the handkerchiefs wrapped around them.
There were half a dozen raw angry scratches and innumerable little snags in his suit from the prickly stuff.
Norton swears that it was not human, and, indeed, from the scratches on his throat, I should be inclined to agree with him.
And what was left now of all those hopes, those strivings, those fiery energies, save here and there in some old-world churchyard a few scratches upon a stone, and perchance a handful of dust in a mouldering coffin?
Seems to be scratches on the smooth side of this paper, sort of reminding me that Bull has a fountainpen sticking out of his vest pocket.
Not that I'm the sort to shy at a woman for squinting, the same being quite persistent with sound morals, but I hold that a person who scratches herself at meals ain't never quite the lady.
The thickness can be tested with the point of a knife and anyscratches or bare spots should be filled in and rubbed flat as they are apt to show at the finish if the glaze is at all refractory.
Begins to write, gets sweat from his brow, sits down, and scratches out what he wrote before.
Sits down, and again scratches out what he has written; writes more, gets up, stamps in anger, and calls.
He looked down, studying the pattern of the scratches he made by rubbing his right shoe against the side of the built-up sole, two inches thick, of his left shoe.
You saw the scratches on Mrs. Withers' hand, didn't you?
The fact remained that there had been scratches on the murdered woman's hand and that particles of a white person's skin had been found under Perry's finger nails.
In the moonlight Suke looked very beautiful, the scratches and blemishes incidental to her out-door occupation being invisible under these pale rays.
Much amiss in the head, Dear, I toil at a language, tax my brain Attempting to draw--the scratches here!
Of the ancestor generally assigned to us by gentlemen who must be right--because they say so--we have very few records save the odd scratches found on bones and stones, and the remnants of extremely frugal meals eaten ages ago.
When his captors give him a respite from the thumbscrews and the red-hot wires that are thrust under his nails, he forgets his own torment, and scratches on his plate his cipher signals to his comrades.
I will just make a few scratches on this fourth sheet of paper--so.
Just by handling, there are bound to be small microscopic scratches of one kind or other.
They are in turn machined and will have a pattern of marks or scratches on their surfaces which will mark cartridge cases in the same manner each time.
No, sir; only in an accidental sort of way, that is, very fine scratches which may have been caused by firing or dirt on a cartridge or something which may have scratched the firing pin.
These machining and grinding and filing operations will mark the metal with very fine scratches or turning marks and grinding marks in such a way that there will be developed on the surface of the metal a characteristic pattern.
For instance, even a piece of coarse cloth, leather or some other object could have polished the surface of the metal slightly and left infinitesimal scratches which, when enlarged sufficiently, actually look like marks on the bullet.
One, from the nicks along the cutting edge of the tool, which are produced by a circular operating tool--which produce very fine scratches in a circular pattern.
A small dog is employed to hunt for them, who perceives their musky odour in a singularly acute way, and at once scratches at the spot where they lie.
Little scratches are all I want," said the other, snapping his fingers excitedly.
That's cutting it pretty fine to compare microscopic scratches on the heads of small nails.
For, sure as a gun, they will give up the ghost, If the maggot cries click when it scratches the post.
Footnote 226: Strictly speaking, the marks on the surface of the glass are rather of the nature of short scratches or dashes than true dots.
The directions of flow from these centers have been determined by the study of the directions of many thousands of glacialscratches on rock ledges.
Just scratches soft glass, and is cut by a knife (e.
So many were the blots, however, and so numerous the scratches and erasures, that he had at last given it up in despair, and sat with his single uncovered eye cocked upwards at the ceiling, as one who waits upon inspiration.
They both look at it very solemnly for a few moments, and Joe scratches his head sadly, unable to speak.
Joe scratches his head very thoughtfully; a pause, in which he seems to be thinking before speaking again.
Giz scratches actively, examines the wound and anoints it with tobacco juice.
Mr. Knott said it was quite ridiculous to think for a moment, of voting £145 for a few doubtful, illegible, almost obliterated scratches of a pen.
He defied any man on earth to say what those scratches represented.
The etcher employs inked scratches upon his plate of zinc or copper, bitten by acid or scratched directly by the needle; these marks of ink are the vehicle of etching.
Roger fetched his hat full of cool water from a running brook close by, and one by one Dick washed the numerous scratches and ugly furrows where those wolfish fangs had torn the flesh of the stoical brave's lower limbs.
So it was that they had with them a salve they always used to soothe the pain, as well as neutralize the poison injected by bites or scratches received in struggles at close quarters with carnivorous beasts.
It scarcely needs to be added that the grooves and scratches upon the rocks over the floor of this great valley of Switzerland indicate a direction of the ice-movement corresponding to that implied in the distribution of boulders.
In the interior of New England the scratches upon the rocks indicate a more southerly movement in the Connecticut Valley than upon the mountains in the western part of Massachusetts.
Upon the east coast of Massachusetts and New Hampshire the scratches trend much more to the east than they do over most of the interior.
In addition to these two lines of evidence of glacial action in New England, we should mention also the innumerable glacial grooves and scratches upon the rocks which can be found on almost any freshly uncovered surface.
In the interpretation of the glacial grooves and scratches it should be borne in mind that they often represent the work done during the closing stages of the period.
This is nearly at right angles to the course of the ice-scratches on the summit of the water-shed south of this, between the lake and the Ohio River.
Its rocks preserve no glacial scratches and are covered by no deposits of till, while northern boulders avoided it in their journey to more southern latitudes.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scratches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.