The palace stood on the shore of a beautiful sheet of cool water; elsewhere its shores were thickly clothed with tropic foliage and aerial gardens of the greatest beauty.
Wandering through thickets of roses whose burning blossoms swooned upon their stems, we came upon a thick carpet of verdure that surrounded a hidden lake of clear, cool water.
To quiet the excited bowels, nothing is better than enemas of cool water.
After one pint of this mixture has been injected, an injection of cool water (but not cold) should follow.
Cold towels (see Towels, Cold Wet), or a gentle pouring of cool water on the head, will often be sufficient to remove all trouble.
The skin must undergo some training by gradually accustoming the little patient to cool water.
An enema of cool water, not more than a tumblerful, taken each morning after breakfast if persevered in, may do all that is needed in this direction.
Peptonized milk is prepared by putting into a clean quart bottle 5 grains of extractum pancreatis, 15 grains of bicarbonate of sodium, and a gill of cool water; shake, and add a pint of fresh cool milk.
Of all articles of food, cool wateris not only the most urgently desired, but is the most imperatively necessary for replenishing the emptied blood-vessels and restoring the normal functions.
The feed should be soft, easily digestible, and slightly laxative, and the animal should have access to clean, pure, cool water.
You can cool the bottles of milk in cool water in from ten to twenty minutes if you change the water frequently, or if ice is put into the water.
Bathe five or ten minutes every morning or evening in tepid water or cool water.
In fact, one of the best means of allaying the inflammation of gastritis--or as a matter of fact any other inflammation--is cool water.
Sitting in cool water fifteen or twenty minutes is also a remedy for headache or dizziness.
Cool water is more healthy to wash in than warm water.
A cut or bruise heals much quicker if it is soaked ten or fifteen minutes in cool water, then wrapped in six or eight folds of wet rag, and covered with a piece of dry cloth.
Headache is often cured by placing the feet in cool water a minute or two, and then rubbing them smartly with a dry cloth.
Instead of smothering him in blankets, we put him into cold packs, or put him to soak in cool water.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cool water" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.