As one may see from the drawing given here, it is an exceedingly quaint old building, the portion shown being used as a meeting-house, the other half being a cottage occupied by the family who act as caretakers.
The walls of the diminutive nave, as one may see from the illustration given here, consist of the trunks of large oak trees split down the centre and roughly sharpened at each end.
The list of the names of all these Dutch masters cannot be given here, and I hasten to tell you of one whose name and fame is so great that when we hear of Dutch art we always think first of him, because he stands out as its head.
Rembrandt's pictures are so numerous and so varied in their subjects that no adequate list or account of them can be given here.
Your mythology will tell you the story, which is too long to be given here.
The proof of this principle, which is given here, sets entirely aside its supposed origin in the understanding and in the category, and is based upon the pure intuition or perception of time.
What fills the old ontologies is, with the exception of what is given here, nothing more than relations of things to each other, or to our reflection, and a farrago of nonsense.
Owing to the importance of the subject a special section on Pottery is given here, and the two accompanying plates (XII) show some of the commonest types of vessels.
No information about papyri is given here, for the reason that any site containing them should not be touched except by a trained excavator.
By reason of the importance of these phenomena in the study more especially of Organic Chemistry, a brief account of the equilibrium relations exhibited by systems composed of dynamic isomerides may be given here.
These passages will be given here in connection with the old charts, and followed up by the narratives of voyages in search of the "Great South Land.
See map of Australia and Jave-la-Grande compared, given here.
Lohengrin" will be given hereon the Grand Duchess's next birthday, April 8th.
This story was obtained from a person who was present at that very Mass; and it is given here almost in his own words.
No Irish examples of this need be given here, as they will be found in every page of the Irish Annals, as well as in other Irish writings.
No doubt the book will eventually make up for the neglect of the journal, but some short facts may be given here of the Rhodesian column.
A short narrative may be given hereof the doings of each of these forces until the period of inaction came to an end.
For the sake of readers unfamiliar with the ritual of Freemasonry a brief résumé of this "Grand Legend" must be given here.
In 1814 Berckheim drew up his great report on the secret societies of Germany, which is of so much importance in throwing a light on the workings of the modern revolutionary movement, that extracts must be given here at length.
The publication of the Saggio also contains the reproduction of a drawing in red chalk, representing a horse walking to the left and supported by a scaffolding, given here on Pl.
The limits of my plan in this work exclude all purely anatomical writings, therefore only a very brief excerpt from this note book can be given here.
Footnote: A few more recent data may be given here to facilitate comparison.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "given here" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.