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Example sentences for "schematic"

Lexicographically close words:
scheik; scheint; scheld; schema; schemata; schematically; schematism; scheme; schemed; schemer
  1. One: A schematic detail on graph paper which resembled no type of circuit Vogel had ever seen.

  2. Look, I'll leave you the schematic diagram.

  3. Illustration: Schematic representation of the internal structure of a typical volcanic dome.

  4. Illustration: Schematic representation of the internal structure of a typical composite volcano.

  5. Illustration: Schematic representation of the internal structure of a typical cinder cone.

  6. Illustration: Schematic representation of a typical submarine eruption in the open ocean.

  7. Schematic transverse section of the human brain showing the projection of the motor fibers, their crossing in the neighborhood of the medulla, and their termination in the different areas of localized function in the cortex.

  8. Schematic diagram showing association fibers connecting cortical centers with each other.

  9. We shall later see reason for believing that fruitful results may come from an even wider extension of the static notion, at least as a schematic device.

  10. Allowing for the purely schematic value of Ferenczi's categories of response, the quality which we note as critical is the power to discriminate among crude perceptions and vague analogies.

  11. Schematic treatment is a poor treatment in every department of medicine, but in psychotherapeutics it is disastrous.

  12. They certainly often need much more than merely psychotherapeutic treatment, although on the physical side no schematic method is admissible.

  13. Modern psychology has not only substituted the millionfold phenomena for the schematic faculties, but emphasizes above all the interconnectedness of the mental facts.

  14. But one rule is common to all of them: never use psychotherapeutic methods in a schematic way like a rigid pattern.

  15. Tectiforms'--schematic drawings in lines and dots believed to represent huts and larger shelters built of logs and covered with hides.

  16. Relatively rare are the parietal and mobile engravings as well as the schematic representations, such as are found at Placard and Champs Blancs.

  17. The artistic spirit entirely disappears; there is no trace of animal engraving or sculpture; painting is found only on flattened pebbles or in schematic or geometric designs on wall surfaces.

  18. Near Salamanca, northwest of Madrid, Spain, the grottos contain schematic figures and colored pebbles resembling the Azilian.

  19. Finally, the schematic representation and notation of ideas so far as we can perceive was alphabetic rather than pictographic.

  20. This purely schematic phase, which abruptly follows the figure art of middle Magdalenian times, first made itself felt in the late Magdalenian.

  21. It seems, observes Breuil, as if the schematic influences in art during Upper Palaeolithic times always extend from the south toward the north; they predominate entirely in the painted rocks of Andalusia, in the Pyrenees, and in Dordogne.

  22. It would therefore appear that the schematic art had its home toward the south of the peninsula of Spain about the time of the invasion of the Azilian culture in France.

  23. Schematic and conventional designs begin to take the place of the free realistic art of the middle Magdalenian.

  24. Schematic diagram of water-circuit for the heat-absorbers of the calorimeter 22 15.

  25. Schematic diagram of water circuit for heat-absorbers of calorimeter.

  26. But, as we have already found, this highly schematic statement is doubtless one of the later glosses, in which case her true meaning must have been substantially that of the Fathers referred to, viz.

  27. Schematic drawing of a Cydippid from the aboral pole.

  28. Schematic drawing of a Cydippid from the side.

  29. Not from those for whom general ideas mean schematic concepts, not imageable.

  30. It is this reiterative nature which, joined to its schematic definiteness, gives Empathy its extraordinary power over us.

  31. But the mind is carried immediately to the end, that is to say, to the schematic and simplified vision of the act supposed accomplished.

  32. Of the gallop of a horse our eye perceives chiefly a characteristic, essential or rather schematic attitude, a form that appears to radiate over a whole period and so fill up a time of gallop.

  33. But philosophy goes back further even than the ether, a mere schematic figure of the relations between phenomena apprehended by our senses.

  34. The schematic circuit arrangement of an excellent form of magneto intercommunicating system is given in Fig.

  35. A schematic lay-out of the various parts of a Dean intercommunicating system, provided with an attendant's station and with trunks to a city office, is given in Fig.

  36. But if "logic" merely formulates in a schematic way that which in life is the manipulation of concrete experience, with a view to attaining practical ends, then its forms must apply here as well as anywhere.

  37. It was Marx himself who, as we all know, set up this law in which he grounded the schematic exposition of reproduction, though in the further development of his diagram he ignored subsequent alterations for simplicity's sake.

  38. No, this schematic conception of 'foreign trade' does not help us at all to grasp the complexity of the world market with its uncounted ramifications and different shades in the division of labour.

  39. Lankester's schematic mollusc differs from Huxley's archetypal mollusc only as a finished modern piece of mechanism, the final result of years of experiment, differs from the original invention.

  40. They serve as material for different kinds of imagination--in their concrete form, for the mechanic and the artist; in their schematic form, for the scientist and for others.

  41. By "schematic images" I mean those that are, by their very nature, intermediate between the concrete image and the pure concept, but approach more nearly the concept.

  42. A second special character of commercial imagination is the exclusive employment of schematic representations.

  43. They have a schematic representation of the world, reduced to a hierarchy of general ideas, noted by symbols.

  44. These events not being susceptible of clear representation as to their nature and quantity, escaping even a schematic representation, the imagination makes its constructions with substitutes that are, in this case, numbers.

  45. It appears then that the schematic allotment methods found the most general application in the earlier time of the period, being favored probably on account of their simplicity in application.

  46. We know that a schematic representation is most acceptable to the student.

  47. I am expounding all this in rather a schematic manner, but this is permissible for purposes of instruction, and I am not trying to misstate, but only to simplify matters.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "schematic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    analytic; analytical; scheme