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Example sentences for "savouring"

Lexicographically close words:
savory; savour; savoured; savourest; savoureth; savours; savoury; savoys; savvee; savvy
  1. In those days, and for long after, no man tried in Upper Canada for anything savouring of radicalism in politics could hope to receive fair play.

  2. When the Assembly's report made its appearance, early in 1827, Captain Matthews was fully exonerated, so far as that body was concerned, from everything savouring of disloyalty.

  3. He said it was a custom very much savouring of the sneaking-budge, [Footnote: Shoplifting] but neither so honourable nor so ingenious.

  4. The kind accents which accompanied these words gave me some comfort, which was assisted by the repossession of our jewels by an accident so strongly savouring of the disposition of Providence in my favour.

  5. The noise made by the tens of thousands of moving bodies was as the noise of wind in a forest, while from the hot and sweating mass there rose a strange odor, penetrating, ammoniacal, savouring of wild life.

  6. He sat by the side of Vanamee, who ate but little, preferring rather to watch the scene with calm observation, a little contemptuous when the uproar around the table was too boisterous, savouring of intoxication.

  7. Edwin perceived at once that she was savouring intensely the strangeness of the occasion, inflating its import and its importance to the largest possible.

  8. In half an hour he would have been near her, with her, guiding her to the workshop, discussing the machine with her; and savouring her uniqueness; feasting on her delicious and adorable personality!

  9. Thus Edwin reflected in the pride of conquest, holding close to the boy, and savouring intimately his charm.

  10. She smiled charmingly, savouring the harmless escapade, and gazing at Edwin.

  11. I have referred already to the precociously developed trick I had of savouring life as a spectator, of observing myself as a figure in an illustrated romance--probably the hero.

  12. He was for ever savouring the taste of life and of words, especially of words.

  13. It may be that he viewed it as a mere expression of politeness, savouring of the customary exaggeration of the East.

  14. He paused, savouring the thoughts which had suddenly flashed across his mind, and a look of intense hatred and cruel satisfaction for a moment chased away the studied impassiveness of his face.

  15. Note especially among these the characteristic round arch savouring of the Norman, of which two are shown on the bed's head.

  16. Nor had the law power to fine the offender or to confiscate the pirated edition; or if it had this last power, it was not accustomed to exercise it, deeming it unfamiliar and savouring of the Inquisition.

  17. When ryes and rawnies live together in dingles, without being certificated, I call such behaviour being tolerably deep in the roving line, everything savouring of which I am determined not to sanctify.

  18. There was nothing savouring of mean pretension or imposture in her claim to supernatural enlightenment.

  19. Thus, though he carefully avoided anything savouring of the theatrical, the downright simplicity with which he delivered sentence showed the strength of his feeling.

  20. Its adherents looked with suspicion at everything savouring of Government action.

  21. She did not belong to the old corrupt state of things herself, and she would not submit to anything savouring of deceit.

  22. The troopers danced together in the fire-glare--clumsily, in their boots, with interims of the pas seul savouring of the capers of those ancient Mongol horsemen in the Hezars of Genghis Khan.

  23. For a week she lived alone, enjoying the sensation of being hidden, languidly savouring the warm comfort of isolation.

  24. The gloom even struck her as savouring of impropriety.

  25. He could read the Bible before he ever entered school, and could repeat the Shorter Catechism with a rapidity that sometimes alarmed Granny, as savouring of irreverence.

  26. Of the sea-savouring greatly were the friends and acquaintances of my youth.

  27. Then he is a dead man,' she said, slowly savouring her words like wine.

  28. And there is no question of the sincerity of his love for everything savouring of romance.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "savouring" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.