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Example sentences for "sandstones"

Lexicographically close words:
sandpipers; sandpit; sands; sandspit; sandstone; sandstorm; sandstorms; sandwich; sandwiched; sandwichensis
  1. Professor Nicol of Aberdeen believes the Red Sandstones of the West Highlands are of Devonian age, and the quartzite and limestone of Lower Carboniferous.

  2. Last of all there occur those superior sandstones of the Lower Old Red formation in which the quarry of the Maolbuie has been opened, and which are largely developed in the central or backbone ridge of the district.

  3. The rocks of Pabba belong to the upper part of the Lias; while the lower part may be found leaning to the south, towards the Red Sandstones of the Bay of Lucy.

  4. Its columnar structure bore evidence to the action of great heat; and its pale red color was exactly that which the Oölitic sandstones of the island, with their slight ochreous tinge, would assume in a common fire.

  5. The Sandstones at Scat-Craig belong to the grayish-red base of the Upper Old Red formation.

  6. At Marshall Meadows north of Berwick-on-Tweed, thin bands of marine limestone occur, which probably represent some of the calcareous beds above the Fell sandstones south of Spittal.

  7. The age of these beds has been determined by the occurrence of remains of Holoptychius nobilissimus in the sandstones at Earlston and in the Whiteadder north of Duns.

  8. The highest beds, consisting of quartzites, shales, marls and sandstones with the remains of fucoids, are found in the Jurjura and Shellata.

  9. They consist largely of limestone; but marls and sandstones are by no means rare, and there are considerable gaps in the succession indicating that the region was not continuously beneath the sea.

  10. At Jebel-kahar and west of Traras, Pomel attributes certain conglomerates, red sandstones and purple and green shales to the Permian.

  11. They are interbedded with unfossiliferous sandstones and shales.

  12. The Molasse, in the neighbourhood of the mountains, consists chiefly of conglomerates and sandstones, and the Flysch consists of sandstones and shales; but the Molasse is of Miocene and Oligocene age, while the Flysch is mainly Eocene.

  13. The Flysch is an extraordinarily thick and uniform mass of sandstones and shales with scarcely any fossils excepting fucoids.

  14. The Oligocene period consists of a marine phase confined to the littoral zone of Kahylia, and of a continental phase occupying vast areas composed of lacustrine, alluvial, gypsiferous marls, sandstones and conglomerates.

  15. South Africa---of sandstones and marls, forming the Karroo system, was laid down.

  16. The upper is more than five thousand feet thick and consists of shales and sandstones with some limestones.

  17. Coarse cross-bedded sandstones record the action of strong shifting currents which spread coarse waste near shore and winnowed it of finer stuff.

  18. Sandstones and lava sheet together dip gently to the west arid the latter disappears from view two miles back from the river.

  19. Note the strong dip of these sandstones b.

  20. The Medina and the Clinton sandstones are not found west of Ohio, where the first passes into a shale and the second into a limestone.

  21. Interbedded with the Triassic sandstones are contemporaneous lava beds which were fed from dikes.

  22. Where red sandstones have contributed largely to its making, as over the Triassic sandstones of the eastern states and the Algonkian sandstones about Lake Superior, the drift is reddish.

  23. Basal conglomerates and coarse sandstones which must have been laid near shore are succeeded by shaly sandstones, sandy shales, and shales.

  24. Was it outpoured on the sandstones beneath it when they formed the floor of the sea, and covered forthwith by the sediments of the strata above, or was it intruded among these beds at a later date?

  25. The limestones have recrystallized into marbles, among them the famous marbles of Vermont; the Cambrian sandstones have become quartzites, and the Hudson shale has been changed to a schist exposed on Manhattan Island and northward.

  26. The same streaky argillaceous sandstones prevailed as in Karague.

  27. Lower Red Sandstones and Marls, with bands of calcareous conglomerate.

  28. A considerable portion of the Midland Counties of England is composed of red sandstones and marls.

  29. The Lower Coal Measures proper, consisting of grey sandstones and shales with occasional coal seams, some of which are of remarkable thickness.

  30. From this great central plain of our island a long strip of Triassic sandstones and marls runs northwards, forming the Vale of Trent and the Vale of York, until finally it reaches the coast between Redcar and Hartlepool.

  31. The basement beds of the Hollybush sandstones (Cambrian) and the Llandovery rest unconformably upon this rock, which has consequently been claimed by some geologists as distinctly of Archean age, representing in part the Laurentian of Logan.

  32. It is usually both underlain and overlain by red sandstones and marls, but sometimes, as at Stagbury and Woodbury Hills, &c.

  33. The “basement beds” of the Keuper are certain coarse sandstones and chocolate coloured marls seen in a pit at “California,” near Harborne.

  34. They now constitute a sheet of red sandstones and marls, through which protrude, in numerous bands and patches, the older Paleozoic rocks.

  35. The series of sandy shales and sandstones which, as Downton sandstones and Ledbury shales, form a transition to the Old Red Sandstone are quarried at Dymock.

  36. These sandstones exhibit an inclination which seems to be the effect of wind; for they conform to the direction of the sands which roll down a scarp occasioned by the primitive obstacle.

  37. I have met with some observations indicating a structural difference between interior and coast dunes, which might perhaps be recognized in the sandstones formed from these two species of sand hills respectively.

  38. The sandstone tableland closed in on both sides; the soil of the intervening plain was much firmer, but showed by the vegetation that saline nature which so often attends the development of the upper sandstones in Australia.

  39. The sandstones here showed a decided dip to the west, at angles varying from 5 degrees to 30 degrees, and the trap-rocks only extended five miles from the previous camp.

  40. These sandstones are at least 200 feet thick, and rest on soft shales of white-brown and green colour.

  41. McArthur, where the sandstones were horizontal.

  42. The hills to the east of our track rose about 1000 feet above the bed of the watercourse, and consisted of metamorphic sandstones and shales, intersected by whinstone dykes, their summits being capped with red conglomerate.

  43. The sandstones are of gray colour, and not regularly stratified; but where it could be ascertained the bedding was horizontal, and the lamina dipping 20 degrees to 30 degrees to the north, but often in the opposite direction.

  44. Four hours' travelling over rather rocky ground led us well into the range, which we found to consist of granite, capped with metamorphic sandstones and broken up by dykes of variegated jasper.

  45. The sandy deserts and mud plains are only superficial deposits, as the sandstones are often exposed where the upper formation is intersected by gullies.

  46. While the men are at work making portages, I climb up the granite to its summit, and go away back over the rust-coloured sandstones and greenish-yellow shales to the foot of the marble wall.

  47. In places the bed of the river is of sandstone or limestone, in other places of lava, showing that it has all been cut out again where the sandstones and limestones appear; but there is a little yet left where the bed is of lava.

  48. Tonto sandstones before descending on the gneiss into Pipe Creek Canyon.

  49. Below the plateau, slight slopes lead the eye to the last of the stratified rocks, the Tonto sandstones of the Cambrian period.

  50. The descent into Hance Canyon reveals a fine view of Ayer Peak, and as we look down we can see the peculiar shattering of the Tonto sandstones that Thomas Moran named the Temple of Set.

  51. Though the Tonto sandstones usually occupy the location named, there is a deviation from this in the presence of some remnants of strata of the Algonkian period, directly opposite El Tovar.

  52. The sandstones and conglomerates belong to the Vindhyan formation and overlie the old crystalline rocks: the diamantiferous beds are well defined, often not more than 1 ft.

  53. The diamond is here found in ancient sandstones and conglomerates, and in the river gravels and sands derived from them.

  54. President Hitchcock has distinguished the tracks of more than thirty species in the sandstones of the Connecticut valley.

  55. The sandstones and limestones are not distinguishable from the sandstones and limestones in the lower part of the system.

  56. The red sandstones seem to have been better adapted to retain the forms which were impressed upon them than to preserve the organic remains which were deposited in them.

  57. What peculiarity of the red sandstones is mentioned?

  58. Wherever the dikes are of considerable thickness, they have converted the adjacent shales into primary slate, the sandstones into quartz rock, and the dark and friable limestones into granular marble, and destroyed the organic impressions.

  59. Yellow and white sandstones are also found in small quantity on the islands, reposing upon the granitoid rocks.

  60. Point Wilkie appears to be an isolated patch of liassic age, resting upon carboniferous sandstones and limestones, with bands of chert, of the same age as the limestones and sandstones of Melville Island.

  61. They are mostly sandstones or quartzites, but the Durham rock is a variety of the magnesian limestone of that district.

  62. Other quartzites occur in the district, and there is some doubt whether the diamantiferous sandstones are always itacolumites and also as to the exact manner in which the presence of diamond in these rocks is to be accounted for.

  63. Thus it is that where geologists find considerable fields of rock, where limestones are intercalated with sandstones and deposits of clay, they are justified in assuming that the strata were laid down near some ancient shore.

  64. More of the material is commonly rearranged by solution and redeposition, so that limestone may be converted into crystalline marble, granular sandstones into firm masses, known as quartzites, and clays into the harder form of slate.

  65. The Medina sandstones are quarried in the neighborhood of Medina, Albion and Lockport.

  66. SLATE With the sandstones were shown some ten-inch cubes of slate cut from the quarries of the H.

  67. The sandstones of southern New York occurring in the rocks of Devonian age are generally fine grained and blue or greenish in color and are known as bluestones.

  68. The white sandstones of Washington county have been extensively used for refractory purposes in the manufacture of steel, being almost free from iron.

  69. The sandstones are grey in colour, weathering buff or reddish-brown, tinged more or less green by grains of glauconite.

  70. We have learnt something of how clays and sandstones and limestones are formed: to learn more we must see what sort of fossils we can find in these rocks.

  71. The other rocks, such as the sandstones and clays, are called Sedimentary rocks, because they are formed of sediment, material carried by the sea and rivers, and dropped to the bottom.

  72. It fills a vertical fissure, which was cut through the sandstones and shales of the coal-measures; in the sandstones it remained open, in the shales it has been closed by the yielding of the rock.

  73. A more probable explanation of the occurrence of petrolem in the sandstones is that they have, from their porosity, become convenient receptacles for that which flowed from some organic stratum below.

  74. In all cases where sandstones contain petroleum in quantity, I think it will be found that there are sheets of carbonaceous matter below, from which carbureted hydrogen and petroleum are constantly issuing.

  75. Sapper found marls and sandstones which he believes to belong to the Upper Tertiary, lying horizontally at a height of about 7500 ft.

  76. Originally they were the washings of distant highlands brought down by rivers; the coloring of the shales and sandstones is that of the parent rock modified, no doubt, by chemical action in sea-water.

  77. Immediately below the Coconino are the splendid red shales and sandstones known as the Supai formation.

  78. Sands thousands of feet deep were accumulated by the desert winds which are to-day the sandstones of the giant walls of Zion Canyon.

  79. Towards the Caspian, especially between Petrovsk and the river Sulak, the Cretaceous system is well represented, and upon its rocks rest marls, shales, and sandstones of the Eocene period.

  80. The former, consisting of false-bedded sandstones and conglomerates, are confined to the larger island.

  81. On both sides the range is flanked by sandstones and shales (the Kythraean series), supposed to be of Upper Eocene age; and similar rocks occur around the southern mountain mass.

  82. They supplied a case parallel with that of the conglomerates and sandstones of Angus, and indicated that no extraordinary conditions--no deluges or earth shatterings--had been needed in order to form them.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sandstones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.