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Example sentences for "sacredly"

Lexicographically close words:
sacramentum; sacras; sacre; sacred; sacredest; sacredness; sacrement; sacret; sacri; sacrifice
  1. They believed most sacredly that they had been fighting, if not with the prince himself, at least with a strong detachment several times more numerous than it was.

  2. The safety of a people demands that the marriage relation shall be sacredly regarded.

  3. As the soft yet sacredly solemn strains rolled through the long room, hallowed associations of the old parsonage life floated up, clustering like familiar faces around her.

  4. My Lily, housed sacredly in my bosom; blooming only in my heart.

  5. He was left in a very anxious and perturbed condition, it is true, but in his heart he again thanked Mrs. Willoughby for putting him so sacredly on his guard against his hasty temper.

  6. Yes, the bitterness must be sacredly cherished, whatever else is lost.

  7. Our national credit should be sacredly observed, but in making provision for our creditors we should not forget what is due to the masses of the people.

  8. The territory of the United States must be regarded as sacredly secure against all such invasions until they shall voluntarily acknowledge their inability to acquit themselves of their duties to others.

  9. The constitution which at any time exists till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people is sacredly obligatory upon all.

  10. The pledge contained in this resolution is of the highest honorable obligation and must be sacredly kept.

  11. Indeed, one might say it cannot be answered excepting in a general way, and that any effort to tell the truth sacredly is better than not to tell it at all.

  12. They had been sacredly preserved for years and years, and the entire collection--numbering nineteen in all had been framed, and adorned the walls of the deceased lady's best room.

  13. There was also a little tin canister in which a charge of powder had been sacredly preserved.

  14. We hope to invite our relations and intimate friends, together with such persons as may in other years have extended civilities to either of us; but we pledge ourselves to you most sacredly that no invitation can be bought with money.

  15. He tore asunder the twigs of the foliage before his face, and gazed, uncovered and breathless, upon the sacredly beautiful form!

  16. The Saxons accepted the money, but, regardless of every obligation usually considered sacredly binding, they only became more savage and ferocious.

  17. She could have screamed aloud with joy, that at last she would be united to her lover, wholly, sacredly as his own; and yet she was filled with deep grief that the path to the altar would not be hallowed by her father's blessing.

  18. The source of that which is the symbol of Divine purity must be sacredly pure.

  19. But if his pledge has been sacredly undertaken, solemnly made, any breach of it is an offence to conscience, a denial of obligation to God which must react on the will and life.

  20. She gathered courage to write him a letter, enclosing his old album-leaf, recalling their early meeting, telling how sacredly the memory of him had been enshrined in her soul, and begging him to counsel and console her in her great distress.

  21. She exchanged many visits with her, again and again leaving her own stately mansion to abide in the humble house of her admired friend; and she sacredly cherished her memory after death had parted them.

  22. Under this spell, all her rich, unquestioning ardors of reverence and fondness were as sacredly guided as the movements of Mignon, dancing blindfold amidst the eggs, with never a false step.

  23. But the constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.

  24. She couldn't have written to him six times in seven days if she had been sacredly pledged to another.

  25. She couldn't be sacredly betrothed to one man and then go on acting exactly as if she wasn't, with another.

  26. But the Constitution, which at any time exists till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all.

  27. The ashes of the dead can be sacredly protected by a suitable enclosure.

  28. Remember your duties as American citizens, and sacredly respect the rights and property of those with whom you may come in contact.

  29. Thus is the right of voting most sacredly hedged about.

  30. It was an ancient organization, dating from before the fire, and its membership list had been sacredly guarded ever since.

  31. A great quantity of papers, I understand, are left for my determination; what is to be done with them I will sacredly endeavor to do.

  32. But I need not doubt the Pious Purpose will be piously and even sacredly fulfilled;--and your Catalogue will be a kind of evidence that it is.

  33. A sketch of Vambety's and one of Kendal's, sacredly framed, hung where she could always see them.

  34. This has always been and is to-day one of the most important functions of citizenship, and one that should be highly prized and sacredly guarded.

  35. The permanent pacification of the Southern section of the Union and the complete protection of all its citizens in the free enjoyment of all their rights is a duty to which the Republican party stands sacredly pledged.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sacredly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.