Such was indeed my intention up to the year 1785, when I found this runagate at Vienna.
Not until the runagate had vanished into the scrub did the planter sufficiently recover from his indignant amazement to remember the two negroes who followed at his heels like a brace of hounds.
If Spain made such a hubbub about the depredations of a runagate adventurer like Captain Blood, what could not England answer now?
I dedicate myself to your sweet pleasure, More noble than that runagate to your bed, And will continue fast to your affection, Still close as sure.
He then got together an army, as large as he was able, and joined to it the runagate and wicked Jews, and came against Judas.
There came also to them auxiliaries out of Syria, and the country round about; as also many of the runagate Jews.
But a poor runagateno man desired to number among his baptismal relatives; to no nuptial dinner, to no wakesupper, was he bidden.