The attack comes on more slowly, with apparent weakness of the hind limbs, dullness, drowsiness, suspension of rumination and appetite, and a general indifference to surrounding objects.
Loss of appetite, cessation of rumination and milk secretion, and general dullness are symptoms quite invariably present in most infectious diseases.
There is loss of appetite, and rumination is suspended.
The first symptoms are generally overlooked, the disease not attracting attention until the appetite is diminished; rumination becomes irregular, the animals become hidebound, and the coat dull and staring.
From this time, in the animals which are most seriously affected, the appetite ceases, the rumination becomes irregular and partial, whilst in some others the appetite and rumination are maintained in different degrees.
A close and attentive observation would alone be able to distinguish some slight alterations in their way of living, in the regularity of their rumination and sleep.
In directing the constitutional treatment, our chief aim must be to support the animal system with plenty of gruel until rumination is restored.
The animal lies down as in a healthy state, but rumination is partially or entirely suspended.
This a mass of foam from the rumination of deer, darkened by the juice of mouthfuls of grass just eaten!
The patient related that from his infancy he had been the subject of acid eructations, and at the age of thirty he commenced rumination as a means of relief.
There were no unusual features connected with the operation, but it was noticed that there were no ruminations with the meals he took until the fifth day, when a slight rumination occurred.
In a recent discussion before the American Neurological Association Hammond defined merycism as the functions of remastication and rumination in the human subject.
Since then the troubles of her married life had deepened, and the absence of other relief encouraged her regretful rumination over that thin romance which she had once fed on.
Do you imagine that her rapid forecast and rumination concerning house-furniture and society were ever discernible in her conversation, even with her mamma?
Much of Fred's rumination might be summed up in the words, "It certainly would have been a fine thing for her to marry Farebrother--but if she loves me best and I am a good husband?
The first mastication in the ox is three times quicker than in horses, but the process of rumination is slow and thorough.
The animal acts dull, refuses to eat, rumination is stopped, and there is a constant effort to urinate, as indicated by the raising of the tail and rhythmical contractions of the urinary muscles just below the anus.
As in other diseases of the stomach, the appetite is diminished, rumination ceases or occurs at irregular intervals, and the animal is more or less feverish.
There is no appetite, no rumination or rumbling sound in the stomach or intestines.
LOSS OF CUD CAUSE: This condition cannot always be traced to a definite cause, as it is a symptom of all diseases where the process of rumination is interfered with.
Serene in this consciousness, the old woodsman dwelt in a certain sweet and gentle rumination of his own.
But in the slow rumination of the forest he became more and more irritably sensible of her presence.
He had stored in it very little to feed on, and any mind would get enfeebled by a century's rumination on a hearsay idea of the rebellion of '45.
In silent rumination he continued his way toward the Aventine.
At the entrance of the churchyard, Crescentius parted from the conjurer and his associate, about whose personality he had not troubled himself, and returned in deep rumination to Castel San Angelo.
Rumination is given to animals to enable them at once to lay up a great store of food, and afterward to chew it.
Defn: Inclined to, or engaged in, rumination or meditation.
Philosophy and deep rumination is often ill considered by those in the fever and throes of the rat race.
The final attainment and result of work is left for the perfectionist to regard it as worth every iota of distress, sacrifice , struggle and rumination invested or else the set up is undone and rebuilt again.
Then he wrenched off a huge chew of tobacco whose rumination might check his impulse toward tempestuous language.
He kept sighing and wrinkling his brows, as though in deep rumination on a matter far removed from the stumpage question.
From this bag (the paunch) in the act of rumination a certain portion of the food is ejected into the second chamber, which is termed the reticulum (i.
These have all the typical organs of rumination and digestion, and they consist of the goats, sheep, antelope, oxen, and buffalos.
In the rumination of horned cattle the food is brought up from the first stomach by the retrograde motions of the stomach and oesophagus, which are catenated with the voluntary motions of the abdominal muscles.
In the rumination of horned cattle the retrograde motions of the oesophagus are visible to the eye, as they bring up the softened grass from their first stomach.
The characteristics of the age of rumination may be discerned in the history of our literature from the latter half of the ninth century to the beginning of the eleventh.
In the succeeding period the quiet process of rumination went on for several centuries.
Rumination and digestion, however, are mechanico-vital actions, and can only be properly performed when the animal is in a healthy state.
Suppose the animal to have been at pasture, and she is not observed to be "ailing" until rumination is suspended.
In the intervals between feeding, they may fill themselves well, and will have time sufficient for rumination and digestion: these processes are interrupted by too frequent feeding.
The following fever drink may be given daily until rumination again commences:-- Lemon balm, 2 ounces.
Blumenbach observes, that the process of rumination supposes a power of voluntary motion in the oesophagus; and, indeed, the influence of the will throughout the whole process is incontestible.
A case of human rumination occurred some years ago at Bristol, the particulars of which are minutely recorded in the 'Philosophical Transactions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rumination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.