Blood relationship, family, and the rulership of the housefather are in this early period the base and centre of social order.
After the death of Authari, Theodelinda, seeing that the reins of rulership were too heavy for her, looked for the worthiest of the Langobard princes, to whom she might offer her hand and heart.
Here, in 1829, Rosas inaugurated a career of rulership over the Argentine Confederation, culminating in a despotism that made him the most extraordinary figure of his time.
The high-priest brought The weight and dignity of rulership Supreme among his people, to impress On Felix fitting sense of the grave cause Now come before him to be judged.
Besides the pleasure to his appetite For piquant knowledge of his fellow-man, It might in some way, indirect the better, Give him a point or two of policy To guide the conduct of his rulership Among a people difficult to rule.
If Nakhlu had been an achievement worthy of God's emissary, the victory which followed it was an irrefutable argument in favour of Mahomet's divinely ordainedrulership of the Arabian peoples.
They embraced the new faith in self-defence, and received the rulership of the Prophet very much as they had received the government of all the other chieftains before him.
He effectually prevented any further cruelties, and on that very account rendered his authority secure and his rulership free from attempts to throw off its yoke within the vicinity of his newly-won power.
The fleet of Onontio and his warriors, or most of it, is ours, and we dispute with them the rulership of the lake.
The sun was sunk far in the western heavens, tinting with gold the surface of both lakes, for the rulership of which the nations fought, and outlining the mountains, crests and ridges, sharp and clear against a sky of amazing blue.
Only by the rise and development of private property and the forms of rulership connected with it, has common property been abolished and usurped as private property, as we have seen, not without severe struggles.
Even widows were subjected to the rulership of their nearest male relatives, and were not even free to choose a husband.
In the report of the Marshall Islands it says: "Rulership over all the islands of the Marshall groups was never concentrated upon a single chief.
This ad interim assumption of the rulership of Afghanistan may have been adopted as the only policy which afforded even a remote possibility of tranquillity.
The rulership of this class of motive forces is thus inconsistent with the highest and best ends to which his nature has been correlated.
And since God's rule consists in love and in doing good, without reserve or regard for deserts or for returns, the only real rulership among men also must be the renunciation of rulership for the sake of ministry.
Gerold, who came and stood beside the Northman, had lost little of his old-time boyishness; but Olvir's dark face was marked by the lines of rulership and shadowed by habitual thought.
At first Jephthah refused to accept the rulership which the people offered him in an assembly at Mizpah, for he had not forgotten the wrongs to which he had been subjected.
To these gods, with a supreme deity at their head, belonged the rulershipof the world.
As the storm is followed by the calm of nature, so chaos is succeeded by the peaceful rulership of the gods.
Does not the idea of a world-catastrophe that prepares the way for the rulership of the gods at once bring to mind the image of a terrible thunderstorm?
I refer to those sagas and poems which are concerned with the birth of the gods, and with the origin of their rulership over the world and over the world-order which they have created, namely, to the cosmogonic and theogonic myths.
In the realms of western Asia, such attempts are to be found from the time of the Sumerian and Accadian States down to the struggle of Babylon and Assyria for the rulership of the world.
This change, as a result of which authority becomes vested in an individual, is paralleled by that which leads to individual rulership within the State.
As regards the external social organization and the religious life of the heroic age, these are characterized, respectively, by the development of strict forms of rulership and by the origin of a deity cult.
Initial steps towards the latter were already taken during the preceding period, in the development of a rulership of individuals within the tribal organization.
Thus, tribal organization paves the way for the formation of States, though fixed rulership has not as yet been established.
The conceptions formed of them seem to have reflected the ideas of rulership derived from real life, just as was true in the case of the supermundane gods.
A god of that kind is capable of ruling the earth, and so on, dwelling within them, because he is endowed with the organs of action; rulership is therefore rightly ascribed to him.
Or else the rulership spoken of may belong to some Yogin whom his extraordinary powers enable to enter within all things.
And on account of the impossibility of rulership (on the part of the Lord).
To this pradhâna also the attribute of rulership belongs, as it is the cause of all effects.
As a result of the rivalry between the different claimants for the Syrian throne, Jonathan was suddenly raised from his position of comparative unimportance to the virtual rulership of all southern Palestine.
Consequent upon the bitter complaints of the inhabitants the Russians again interfered in 1802, forcing the Porte to extend the duration of the rulership to seven years and to repress other abuses.
By this victory Abdur Rahman's rulership was established.
Afzul Khan, who was the eldest son of Dost Mahomed Khan, the famous amir, by whose success in war the Barakzai family established their dynasty in the rulership of Afghanistan.
Papacy is one of the two systems of rulership (imperial power being the other) congenitally "spotted like a leopard," as far as the Truth is concerned.
The same king as exercises general rulership over all the ecclesiastical affairs of this present evil world.
As the blue sapphire (symbolic of faithfulness), so is the rulership of the Almighty.
They are to submit loyally to the rulership of The Christ, Head and body, and to that of the Divinely appointed earthly phase of government.
Hyrcanus had not only to rout the usurper Ptolemy before the rulership could become his, but had also to resist the siege of Antiochus VII.
Caesar's good will made the rulership of Antipater tolerable for a while and when the news of Caesar's death reached the Jews they mourned him as a lost friend.
It is therefore to be presumed that they were excluded from this capital, and inhabited, as in Mexico, their own town, under female rulership and that of the "lords of the Night.
The count of his rulership begins from the first day of his rising or birth.
It is curious to find that one of the Santa Lucia slabs seems to commemorate the existence of a central rulership and that of the four quarters.
In historical times the central rulership or monarchy had been abolished and "the state was ruled by ten chiefs of tribal divisions, who bore in common the title Cosmos and held office for the limit of one year.
Sidenote: Sons of Griffith appointed to joint rulership of N.
It would seem as if all past experiences were lost upon the nobles of Gwynedd, since they were fatuous enough to appoint the two elder of these Princes to the joint rulership of their province.
This is indicated by the fact that from the time he broke off his joint rulership with his colleagues and held the power alone he did nothing of the sort.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rulership" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.