Private Ownership General in Historical Times So much for land tenure in prehistoric times.
Most of the countries that appear in historical times with a system of private ownership had at some previous period been subjugated by an alien people.
It appears that the pine has never been a native of Denmark in historical times, and it seems to have given place to the oak about the time when articles and instruments of bronze superseded those of stone.
In large tracts of Norway and Sweden, where there have been no glaciers in historical times, the signs of ice-action have been traced as high as 6000 feet above the level of the sea.
No observed geographical changes in historical times entitle us to assume that where upheaval may be in progress it proceeds at a rapid rate.
The above mention of a column is of interest when it is realized that, in historical times, the laws of Solon were actually inscribed on a square wooden pillar which was made to revolve or turn and was placed on the Acropolis.
Far greater importance must be attached to the influence exercised by the Babylonian civilisation on the nationalities of Syria, before the conditions which are seen to have prevailed in historical times began to take visible shape.
Hence, the recourse to the "glacial epoch" for some event which might colourably represent a flood, distinctly asserted by the only authority for it to have occurred in historical times, is peculiarly unfortunate.
Beaumont himself has well shown, having even in historical times undergone a change of level.
The Russian village community of historical times consists of a number of large families, often, yet not necessarily, of common ancestry, who possess the soil in common, but cultivate it by households.
The Russian mir, he thinks, has always in historical times been a “village group in serfdom under a lord” (p.
Such was the conception of the gens in historical times.
We only say that, whether Greek religion arose from a pure fountain or not, its stream had flowed through and been tinged by the soil of savage thought, before it widens into our view in historical times.
But that Roman society in historical times, or that Greek society, could evolve a new gens or ~genos~ in a normal natural way, seems excessively improbable.
It is interesting to compare the earliest Celtic literature we have, with the earliest literature of the race which was to be the main instrument of Celtic bad karma in historical times--the Teutons.
In historical times, its leading characteristics were the very two which Elphinstone remarks in the Village Community.
The Celtic clan-associations, among the many phenomena which they have preserved of an age in which civil and political society were not yet even rudimentarily separated, have brought down this rule of succession to historical times.
It is divided into the two branch-stocks of the Latins and the Umbrians; the latter including their southern offshoots, the Marsians and Samnites, and the colonies sent forth by the Samnites in historical times.
But that Roman society in historical times, or that Greek society, could evolve a new gens or [Greek] in a normal natural way, seems excessively improbable.
Such was the conception of the gens in historical times.
There has been comparatively little change in human structure or human interest in historical times.
But even if such an historical origin could be established, it would not explain the motives from which the customs described in this volume were practised by the people of Western Asia in historical times.
However that may have been, in historical times it ranked as a holy place, the religious capital of the country, the Mecca or Jerusalem of the Phoenicians.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "historical times" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.