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Example sentences for "romanticism"

Lexicographically close words:
romanischen; romanization; romantic; romantical; romantically; romantick; romantics; romantique; romantische; romanza
  1. At the close of this century German romanticism began to seep into English thought and prepare the way for things new in literary thought and treatment.

  2. It must be that romanticism should characterize a great race, and, when appealing to a positive genius, the greatest race; for in it are all the invitations of destiny.

  3. They are really the most romantic of all nations; romanticism is the other half of their genius, and supplements that positive element of knowledge-hunting or truth-seeking which is indicated by their endless curiosity.

  4. Romanticism is the lift of life in a people that does not merely continue, but grows, spreads and overcomes.

  5. His various collections of essays and stories reflect the same peculiar blend of rich intellectuality and perfumed romanticism that one finds in his most characteristic poems.

  6. The whole house applauded vociferously, and the triumph of romanticism was complete.

  7. Duvergier de Hauranne treated romanticism as a brain disease, and recommended a careful diagnosis of those suffering from it, in order to recover for them gradually their lost senses.

  8. It was the first occasion on which the claims of what was called, for want of a better word, romanticism were formally promulgated by a writer eminent in that school.

  9. Romanticism meant more than was implied in the definition of Madame de Stael, viz.

  10. Another great stride in romanticism was made by the publication of Victor Hugo's Orientales, which appeared in 1828.

  11. Men like Görres, Friedrich Schlegel, and others, passed from the camp of Romanticism into that of reaction.

  12. But in this case the Romanticism is really only the rich, glittering garment, in which the modern spirit masques, and which it finally throws off.

  13. These two men, each in his own way, represent the transition from Romanticism to modern liberalism.

  14. Hundreds of fantastic threads connect this admirable story with the romance of Romanticism, but it is easy to cut them, and then we have before us as it were the hard crystal into which Romanticism finally condensed itself in Immermann's mind.

  15. There is too much old-fashioned Romanticism in the idea of the dead father in his black robes standing outside, knocking at the window.

  16. After this Gutzkow took courage and proclaimed that to him also this antiquated pastoral and cloistral Romanticism was an abomination.

  17. Bettina, who is fourteen years younger, does not come before the public till a year after Rahel's death; she combines the exalted enthusiasm and the unreality of Romanticism with the reforming tendencies of Young Germany.

  18. They were all similar in that they bore the stamp of the romanticism of the thirties and forties, interpreting history in terms of the {4} individual; but they differed in their political bias.

  19. His pedantic enumeration of the various hindrances as well as the romanticism of his plans amused her.

  20. On the one side Romanticism had opposed to the antique style that of the Flemish painters.

  21. At his death the sound of the hunting horns of Romanticism had died away.

  22. He was free from the malady of that sham Romanticism which sought the salvation of art in the resurrection of the Middle Ages, misunderstood, and grasped sentimentally, and as it were by stencil.

  23. With him German Romanticism perished; reality itself had now become so marvellous.

  24. He was spiritually permeated by that which had given Romanticism the capacity to exist: the sense of that forgotten and imperishable world of beauty which it has again discovered.

  25. The "Beautiful Melusina" was the kiss of the water-nymph, with which Romanticism led her faithful knight to his death, only to disappear together with him out of German art.

  26. This revival of romanticism opened up a wide field to science and poetry.

  27. Brandes has remarked, very acutely, that, strictly speaking, even Romanticism was on French soil in many respects a Classical phenomenon, a product of French Classical rhetoric.

  28. Romanticism is Protestantism in literature and art--such is Vitet's definition of the movement.

  29. He was too diplomatic to stir up against himself unnecessarily the hatred of those whom the long-haired Samsons of Romanticism called Philistines.

  30. Just as in his "Wedding Journey" he raised all reality into the poetry of purest romance, so is his Romanticism saturated with a sense of reality charged with memories of home.

  31. Antoine, is as dead as the romanticism of Hernani.

  32. There is an amusing but far from convincing assault against Berlioz as a programme composer and, to a certain extent, against Romanticism in general, in the New Laocoön by Professor Irving Babbitt.

  33. Perhaps it is the youthful romanticism of America which makes our subways so much more exciting than those of Europe.

  34. The growth of science first affected the imagination, for it was an emancipating idea; its first offspring was Romanticism and the idea of liberty and democracy.

  35. But he never shows peevishness on the one side nor bloodless romanticism on the other.

  36. There is a bold union of magical romanticism and sensuous passion in the poem beginning: I met her in the leafy woods, Early a summer's night; I saw her white teeth in the dark, There was no better light.

  37. It was that vein of undefined Romanticism in him, according so ill with the life of "public affairs," that put him out of harmony with himself.

  38. His own statement that he "exhausted romanticism before he was ten years old" is historically inaccurate.

  39. Classicism had given way before romanticism, and now romanticism in turn was yielding to realism.

  40. The Constitutionnel, the most narrowly classical of the opposing journals, described romanticism as an epidemic malady.

  41. It has been mentioned that romanticism was not purely a matter of aesthetics, without relation to the movement of religious and political thought.

  42. In England, accordingly, romanticism was a merely literary revolution and kept strictly within the domain of art.

  43. But it is the master current which gives tinge and direction to lesser confluents; and romanticism may be said to have had everything its own way down to the middle of the century.

  44. Scott's translations from the German are considered in the author's earlier volume, "A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century.

  45. We may note, at the outset, the main features in which the German romanticism differed from the English.

  46. A second distinction of the French romanticism was its local concentration at Paris.

  47. The history of German romanticism has been repeatedly told.

  48. At the beginning, indeed, French romanticism exhibited something analogous to the Toryism of Scott, and the reactionary Junkerism and neo-Catholicism of the Schlegels.

  49. Romanticism then sought, as realism seeks now, to widen the bounds of sympathy, to level every barrier against aesthetic freedom, to escape from the paralysis of tradition.

  50. It is often assumed that before the advent of romanticism no one in France cared for the monuments of the Middle Ages.

  51. Lasserre upon Romanticism have recently drawn attention to the disorders caused in the French body politic by the poison of Rousseau.

  52. Ultra romanticism was foreign to the nature and repulsive to the tastes of the refined, elegant Mendelssohn, yet in spite of himself its influence crept gently into his polished works.

  53. A strong national flavor is also felt in the work of Christian Sinding, the Norwegian, whose D minor symphony has been styled "a piece born of the gloomy romanticism of the North.

  54. This reaction brought back as a value the experience of feeling, and afterwards with Romanticism gave its right place to the imagination.

  55. Romanticism and metaphysical idealism had placed art, sometimes above the clouds, sometimes within them, and believing that it was no good there to anyone, Hegel provided a decent burial.

  56. Amid the ruin of idealist metaphysics, is to be desired a healthy return to the doctrine of Baumgarten, corrected and enriched with the discoveries that have been made since his time, especially by romanticism and psychology.

  57. But Schelling's "system of transcendental idealism" was the first great philosophical affirmation of Romanticism and of conscious Neo-platonism reborn in Aesthetic.

  58. There is no contradiction between romanticism and Heimatkunst; for it was romanticism that in its time aroused the Germans to a real sense of what their native heath meant for them; neither is Heimatkunst opposed to naturalism.

  59. Even in his old age Goethe showed the keenest interest in all local and dialectical literature, and romanticism reinforced the sense for every ancient trait of national individuality.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "romanticism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    affection; art; bathos; ecstasy; enchantment; ideal; idealism; idealization; mush; nostalgia; rapture; romance; romanticism; sentiment; sentimentality; slop; slush; style; susceptibility; unreality