In the Presbyterian Church, revivalism as a principle of church life had to contend with rules distinctly articulated in its constitutional documents.
They carry the Methodist revivalism to the most extravagant excess and are also fanatical opponents of infant baptism.
In Norway, toward the end of last century, rationalism was dominant in almost all the pulpits, and only a few remnants of Moravian revivalism raised a voice against it.
While the cities of Lombardy and Central Italy ran wild with revivalism and religious panics, the Venetians maintained their calm, and never suffered piety to exceed the limits of political prudence.
A more complete parallel to the consequences of revivalism in Italy could not be found.
Mere incitement by religious revivalism can result in little else than misdirection and injury.
But the advocate of revivalism quite misses the true significance of the fact.
Chapter VI Revivalism Not many days passed after William Booth's retirement from the ministry of the Methodist New Connexion before his faith was rewarded by a warm invitation to a small place at the other end of the country.
In his own youth, too, Revivalism was an active force, and he himself had been strongly moved by an American missionary.
It is not, therefore, with the general history of religious enthusiasm in the Middle Ages that we have to do, but rather with those intermittent manifestations of revivalism which were peculiar to the Italians.
What we call Revivalism was an institution in Italy, which the Church was too wise to discountenance or to suppress, although the preachers of repentance were often insubordinate and sometimes even hostile to the Papal system.
Pitti goes on to relate the frenzy of revivalism excited by this monk's preaching, which had roused all the old memories of Savonarola in Florence.
It is another Hindu ruler, the Rajah of Ratlam, who points out the close connexion, upon which I have had to lay repeated stress, between religious revivalism and sedition.
In the fully evolved Revivalism of Great Britain and America we have, so to speak, the codified and stereotyped procedure to which this way of thinking has led.
Thus the Oneida Community really issued from a conjunction between the Revivalism of Orthodoxy and the Socialism of Unitarianism.
This Community, though its site was in a region where Jonathan Edwards and Revivalism reigned a hundred years before, could hardly be called religious.
The inoperativeness of revivalism was occasionally admitted also by its friends within the General Synod.
Indeed, Methodistic revivalism has been found wanting, and worse than wanting, everywhere.
The pietism and unionism of Muhlenberg and his colaborers was the door through which, in the days of Wesley and Whitefield, revivalism had found an early, though limited, entrance into the Lutheran Church.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revivalism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bibliolatry; fanaticism; revival; zeal; zealotry