At the same time, however, under given conditions, this principle also tends to produce reversions in type in the shape of too frequently repeated and abnormally multiple births.
Hence degenerate tendencies arereversions in type indicating the original source of the inhibition.
The human cyclopean monstrosities, for example, might be regarded as reversions to the single-eyed sea-squirts, who are possibly the Ascidian precursors of the vertebrates.
All sorts of reversions to lower type are to be met with in higher species, but this by no means negatives the fact that some species are more and some are less developed.
No seed should be kept for planting without selecting it from what you consider the best type of plant; no field should be grown for commercial seed without rogue-ing out the plants which show reversions or bad variations.
All considerable offices for life are here possessed by those to whom the reversions were granted; and these have been generally followers of the chief governors, or persons who had interest in the Court of England.
According to my view nearly all these ordinary reversions are due to crosses, and it is for this reason that I proposed to call them by a separate name, that of "vicinists.
It is not a bud-variation at all, and it is to be met with quite commonly while the true reversions by buds are very rare and are of the nature of sports appearing suddenly and remaining constant on the same twig.
Broom-like varieties often occur among trees, and some are known for their very striking reversions by buds, as we have seen on a previous occasion.
As the variety does not give such reversions when cultivated in isolation, this sport was obviously due to some cross in the former year.
Seeds of the purple reversions have also been sown, and also yielded the parental type only.
Or, in other words seed-reversions were more numerous among the already reverted reds than among the striped type itself.
The parent which yielded the seeds might be itself a hybrid and liable to reversions by the ordinary laws of the splitting up of hybrids.
But if we restrict the discussion to the limits [175] hitherto observed, seed-reversions must be said to be extremely rare.
Among the conifers many very good cases of reversions by buds are to be found in gardens and glasshouses.
It has never been observed to transgress its limits or to sport into varieties without reversions or sports.
Returning to our starting point we may now state that regular reversions to a specific type characterize a form as a variety of that species.
Very likely the so-called dormant or resting buds are more liable toreversions than the primary ones in the arils of the leaves of young twigs.
Such reversionsinvariably occur, according to Wallace, in cases of new varieties, which have been produced quickly.
Many cases are known which show no reversions and even no partial reversions.
Such reversions are now to be examined at some length and may be adequately treated under the head of systematic atavism.
This Poet-Ape began his career by "picking and gleaning" and "buying reversions of old plays.
As to the crown reversions or titles upon the property of the people there, it is proposed to convert them from a snare to their independence into a relief from their burdens.
My idea, therefore, is, to reduce those offices to fixed salaries, as the present lives and reversions shall successively fall.
The sensations and ideas excited in us by music, or by the cadences of impassioned oratory, appear from their vagueness, yet depth, like mental reversions to the emotions and thoughts of a long-past age.
All considerable offices for life here are possessed by those to whom the reversions were granted, and these have been generally followers of the chief governors, or persons who had interest in the Court of England.
The brown form has therefore in these cases nearly become the predominant type, and the solitary green specimens which occasionally occur, may be regarded as reversions to an older phyletic stage.
Reversions of this kind, depending on laws of heredity, certainly happen with those cases of transmutation which do not alternate with the primary form, as in seasonal dimorphism, but which occur continuously.
Such reversions are the stomach priests: whatever does not minister to their own bodily inwards is a "parasite.
Likewise, the civilization, barbarism, or savagery of an individual may be estimated by the same test, which sometimes gives us evidence of sporadic reversions to mud.
The red grouse has lost its white winter dress; but occasional reversions point to the ancestral habit.
Secondly, reversions often occur by means of buds, independently of reproduction by seed; so that a bud may revert to the character of a former state many bud-generations ago.
In the case of animals, reversions may occur in the individual with advancing age.
In both varieties and species reversions to long-lost characters occur.
It might further be expected that the species of the same genus would occasionally exhibit reversions to lost ancestral characters.
The sensations and ideas thus excited in us by music, or expressed by the cadences of oratory, appear from their vagueness, yet depth, like mental reversionsto the emotions and thoughts of a long-past age.
As in the case of like reversions in the past it is the forerunner of growth.
Chiefly our revival of executive justice in the present century is one of those reversionsto justice without law which are perennial in legal history.
Gartner further states that reversions rarely occur with hybrid plants raised from species which have not been cultivated, whilst, with those which have been long cultivated, they are of frequent occurrence.
Perhaps even a fourth class might be instituted, to include reversions by segments in the same individual flower or fruit, and in different parts of the body in the same individual animal as it grows old.
In succeeding generations the reversionsare preponderant, and, supposing no care is taken to prevent it, the whole of the offspring gradually go back to the ancestral type.
Thus our mediaeval legacies from Ancient Greece--the subconscious reversions of childhood--are historical curiosities rather than vital links between the two civilizations.
The other theory of play that is most prevalent and which is offered as a theory of war--that play and war are reversions to primitive instincts, is also insufficient.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reversions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.