One occasion there was between the Parnell Split and the subsequent reunion in 1900 when the warring factions might have been induced to compose their differences and to reform their ranks.
The six of us who rejoined the Party under the foregoing peace treaty were sincerely anxious that the reunion should be cordial and thorough.
Although the Party had rejected the proposal for a new Land Conference, and thereby broken the articles of reunion under which Mr O'Brien and his friends re-entered it, we continued to remain within its fold.
The doctor was in the best humour in the world, and the charming little Anna was now so full of hope for a speedy reunion with her Franz that she almost forgot her grief at his imprisonment.
The doctor had invited only the Burgomaster, the Captain, the Clerk and myself to share in the joy of this first evening of the reunion of the betrothed pair and to be the witnesses of their happiness.
But if a reunion is to be a precursor of emancipation, surely that reunion should be first effected.
But if that be not meant, it must be intended that an act of emancipation should be carried throughout the slave States--either in their separation from the North, or after their subjection and consequent reunion with the North.
The generous and unstinted courtesies of all will render thisreunion forever memorable, and the most pleasurable emotion will always arise whenever the name of Fredericksburg is mentioned.
And members of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, to which that private belonged, and to which we of the Army of Northern Virginia surrendered, I meet and greet you on your first reunion south of the river whose name you bear.
We can never forget it or the good people who carried the reunion to unqualified success.
While the resolution did not authorize it, it was understood that the Mayor would attend the reunion in September of that year, either in person or by a representative, and urge the society to accept the invitation of the city authorities.
Our minister has been instructed to use his good offices, when ever they shall be desired, to produce the reunion so much to be wished for, the domestic tranquillity of the parties, and the security and facility of foreign commerce.
The reunion of the three States of New Grenada, Venezuela, and Equador, forming the Republic of Colombia, seems every day to become more improbable.
The boys were not present to hear the speeches, but they will like well to remember the scene without doors at that unlooked-for reunion of school and village.
June 29th and 30th were the days of the "Old Boys' Match," the annual reunion of the Past and Present School.
There has been reunion after reunionof the blue and the gray.
The burning desire of the promoters of this movement was a reunion of the divided followers of Christ.
In the evolution of the movement for Christian union, it was soon discovered that human creeds, as standards of church or ministerial fellowship, are divisive in their nature and prevent the reunion of God's people.
It is here given because it deals with the same general subject as the rest of the book and shows why and how the reunion of the followers of Christ on the primitive gospel is the greatest issue before the Christian world to-day.
This reunion was in the quartier St. Germain; and, if the feeling which I know many would call prejudice does not deceive me, the tone of first-rate good society was greatly more conspicuous here than at either of the others.
And now,' said he, 'for a glorious reunion round the camp fire.
From the death of Constantine, to the reunion of the Roman empire under Theodosius the Great, viz.
Reunion of the Eastern and Western empires, under Theodosius.
I couldn't endure witnessing a reunion between yourself and your husband.
But then the thought would come of the tenderness of the reunion which was perhaps at that moment being enacted so near me, yet so far from me, and at the picture I ground my teeth.
It is reported how the Lord gradually leads back His unfaithful wife to reformation, and to reunion with Him, the lawful husband.
Israel the conviction, that salvation could come to them only from a reunion with Judah--from their joining again the house of David; compare Ezek.
The second half of this chapter predicts the reunion of Judah and Israel represented by two sticks, which are joined together.
It denotes the reunion of the house of Judah with the house of Israel.
She had not realised till she received the message, how much she had been depending for happiness on the prospect of their reunion in the autumn.
For years she had carried about a heart aching with longing for this treasure of her own flesh and blood, so that their reunion altered her whole life.
Joyce, thinking of the possibility of a loveless reunion with Ray, if she stayed away too long!
Sacobie's pleasure at the reunion found no voice, but shone in his eyes and thrilled in the grip of his hand.
Starkley-Davenport, telling of the reunion of the cousins in London and virtually offering him a commission in the writer's old regiment.
I rejoined, "I will do my best to come at him, that I may bring about reunion between you.
When King Taj al-Muluk heard of the reunion of Sayf al-Muluk and his brother Sa'id, he joyed with you exceeding and came to them, and the three sat devising of all that had befallen them in the past from first to last.
For this your Constitution makes adequate provision; but beyond this, if I mistake not the judgment and will of the people, a reunion with the States from which we have separated is neither practicable nor desirable.
Busy are Central Committees, of Federes at the Jacobins Church, of Sections at the Townhall; Reunion of Carra, Camille and Company at the Golden Sun.
The regiment of Texas cavalry known as the “Terry Rangers” shared that feeling; and when the survivors began to meet in annual reunion this desire became manifest.
Now, if we imagine thereunion of Transylvania to Rumania to be an accomplished fact, the proportion of races in Greater Rumania would be 92 per cent.
The Jews are almost the only nationality in Russia which, by every means available, is seeking to arrest the process of splitting up the Russian Empire, and which works for the reunion of the portions that have seceded.
Since Czenstochowa was in the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Robak finds occasion to hint at the reunion of Lithuania and the Kingdom.
The Poles believed Napoleon to be unconquerable, and trusted that when he had defeated Russia he would proclaim the reunion of Lithuania with the Grand Duchy of Warsaw; then Poland would live once more (pp.
The Catholics were to-be helped by the queen's influence, and as to reunion with Rome, he thought he had some reason to be sanguine.
A quantity of Catholic books were ostentatiously burned in a public square, and the state of affairs looked less like reunion with Rome than ever.
Parliament might then safely be assembled to repeal the laws against Catholics, and reunion with the Holy See would soon follow.
Catholics, the condition of the court, and on the prospects regarding an ultimate reunion of the Anglican Church with Rome.
Quoth the Persian, "He is enamoured of a girl, who is either in Bassora or Damascus; and there is no cure for him but reunion with her.
And she embraced him with all the stress of her love and longing and said to him, 'O my lord, do I wake or sleep and has God indeed vouchsafed us reunion after separation?
Then he told her all that had passed from first to last, and she said, "O youth, thou shalt owe thy reunion with her to none but me.
This is a good omen and a presage of reunion with my beloved.