Some further legislation to provide for reuniting families when either the husband or the wife is in this country, and granting more freedom for the migration of the North American Indian tribes is desirable.
Albert, were now, after years of turmoil, all reuniting under the child Ladislaus.
He saw the policy of reuniting the Bourbons of France and Spain for the support of each other.
But this can only be by renouncing our self-life, andreuniting ourselves to the whole of Crystalman's world.
But what did he mean by our reuniting ourselves to Crystalman's world?
It is important to know what Blücher and Wellington mean to do, and whether they propose reuniting their armies in order to cover Brussels and Liège, by trying their fortune in another battle.
To the present writer it seems probable that Gneisenau's action, in the first instance, was undertaken as the readiest means of reuniting the Prussian wings.
Your party's all right, Margery, my dear, but your reuniting families and healing feuds isn't going to work.
Some of these are intended for separating the elements of bodies from each other, some for reuniting these elements together; and some, as combustion, produce both these effects during the same process.
His force had split up into numerous smaller bodies, capable of reuniting at a signal from their leader.
I infer that your mother would not welcome an occasion for reuniting that family which I mentioned.
Courts or chambers were erected in Metz and Brisac, for reuniting such territories as had ever been members of any part of his new conquests.
The king was so zealous a Papist, that he wept for joy when he saw the prospect of reuniting his kingdom to the Catholic church.
Arminius may likewise be numbered with those who were desirous of reuniting Christians[653].
Bayle, his opinion of Grotius's project for reuniting the religions, 302.
Huet, his thoughts of the project of reuniting christians, 302.
There may be other councils, however, at no very distant period, where this may take place with very great advantage, and with the happiest results in reuniting all Christians within the one fold of Christ's church.
In that same instant there may have welled up within us a repentance and a determination to live in response to that purifying, reuniting love.
Accordingly, the work of love was and is the breaking down of walls of separation, and the reuniting of man and God, man and man, and man with himself, in all which work we participate.
We may, therefore, participate in the life of the world with all of its conflicts, including our own personal conflicts, with faith in the power of reuniting love.
This, neither her own religion would permit, nor the faith she had always had in her mistress; and since she could devise no means of reuniting herself to her as she had been, she resolved to leave her as she was.
I dare say poor old Lord Dreddlington's notion is, that this will be a fine opportunity for bringing about his favorite scheme of reuniting the families--Heaven save the mark!
After having remov'd every thing that hinders the reuniting of the Lips of a Wound, what is to be done to attain thereto?
In helping Nature readily to procure the reuniting of the Parts that have been divided, after having taken away or asswag'd every thing that might cause an Obstacle.
By successive campaigns against these rebellious magnates, Charles succeeded in reuniting all those outlying districts that tended to forget or ignore their connection with the Frankish empire.
The makeshift feudal government which had grown up during the dark ages was yielding to the kingly power (except in Germany and Italy) and there was no hope of everreuniting western Europe into a single empire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reuniting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.