Indeed, the chest is such a superb and powerful resonating box that, if it resonated also for the high tones, these, with their inherent capacity for penetration, probably would become disagreeably acute.
In many parts again, we find that the instrument has been further improved by attaching a gourd to the bow, and thus providing it with a permanent resonating body.
A Cigale with the resonatingcavities destroyed would possibly be lost.
Some would set the contents of the male resonatingcavities in vibration; others would affect the less regular cavities in the thorax of the female.
The sound is feeble, to be sure, deprived of the amplitude which the living performer is able to give it by means of his resonating chambers; none the less, the fundamental element of the song is produced by this anatomist's trick.
In short, the resonating mechanism, so highly developed in the common Cigale, is here extremely rudimentary.
The necessary vital organs are extremely small, confined to a mere corner of the body, in order to increase the amplitude of the resonating cavity.
In making this adjustment of inductance, we are tuning, as it is called, the Leyden jar discharge circuit to the resonating bobbin.
It has been shown that for an aerial two hundred feet in height the corresponding resonating frequency is about one and a quarter million.
The clarionet and the oboe are examples of reed instruments, in which the reed does not alter but by means of stops the length of the column of air in the resonating pipe varies and determines the pitch of the fundamental note.
If the mouth be closed and a tune be hummed the whole of the resonating chambers are in action, and the sound being emitted from the nose the nasal quality is especially marked.
The first and older condemns the resonating stethoscope, maintaining that the tones are bound to be altered; the second and younger school warmly advocates its use.
This is the common form of a binaural resonating stethoscope.
The resonating pipe or chamber when suitably accommodated to the reed greatly modifies the tone by reinforcing the harmonics proper to itself, the others sinking into comparative insignificance.
T, Part of resonating pipe, the upper end with cap and vent hole being shown separately at the side.
The air then finds an escape through the resonating medium of a pipe fitting over the reed-box and terminating in an inverted cone covered with a cap in the top of which is pierced a small hole or vent.
Free reeds not associated with resonating media as in the concertina are peculiarly rich in harmonics, but as the higher harmonics lie very close together, disagreeable dissonances and a harsh tone result.
It comes only from an unyielding retention of the same resonating point for several tones and a failure to bring in the resonance of the head cavities.
Through the previous preparation of the larynx and tongue, it must reach its resonating surfaces as though passing through a cylinder, and must circulate in the form previously prepared for it, proper for each tone and vowel sound.
The large resonating chamber thus formed yields tones that are powerful close at hand, but they do not carry, because they are poor in overtones.
Yet, these registers are nothing more than three disconnected manners of using the vocal and resonating apparatus.
I repeat the warning, not to force several tones upon the same resonating point, but to see that upon each tone the form necessary for succeeding tones is prepared.
Here it forms whirling currents of tone; these now must circulate uninterrupted for as long as possible and fill all the accessibleresonating surfaces, which must be maintained in an elastic state.
This divides into two resonating divisions the breath coming from the source of supply, and forced against the chest, whereby it is put under control, as it escapes vocalized from the larynx.
Sound-vibrations generated at the larynx are modified as to their form, by the size and shape of the resonating cavities of the mouth and pharynx.
If one holds a vibrating tuning-fork before a resonating tube, does he direct the vibrations into thatresonating cavity?
All who are acquainted with resonating tubes understand this.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resonating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: full; mellow; plangent; pulsing; resonant; rich; ring; rolling; sonorous; throbbing; vibrant; vibrating