And that suche paymentis be made content bethout delaie or nede of[167] long and grete pursute, upon suche a resonable peyne as the cause shalle require it.
I praye yow fynd the menys that my Lord have some resonable meane profyrd, so that he and my Lady may undyrstand that ye desyr to have hys good lordshep.
Item, I wold not in no wyse that ye shuld nother sell nor sett to pleage that ye have in Runnham, what som ever fortune of the remnaund; for yt is a praty thyng, and resonable well payde, and nere thys towne.
Wretyn at Caleys, in resonable helthe off bodye and sowle, I thanke Good, the xxj.
Adames, rated at 90 taies per catty, resonable good, but had byn watered.
I hold Blakeney a resonable place, and if ye kepe youre purpose at Blakeney uppon Munday next comyng I shall mete ther with you, with Goddis grace, Wheche have you ever in His intyer kepyng, &c.
I fele by theym they be not right corageous in theyr werkes, ner nought wold if they myght have a resonable trete.
Oon of us two moste bowen, doutelees; 440 And sith a man is more resonable Than womman is, ye moste been suffrable.
Intencion of god was, that rightfully and blissed shulde resonable nature ben maked, 110 himselfe for to kepe; but neyther blisful ne rightful might it not be, withouten wil in them bothe.
Wherfore mokel folk sayn, if a resonable creatures soule any thing fervently wilneth, affectuously he wilneth; and thus may wil, by terme of equivocas, in three wayes ben understande.
Some thinges he beforn wot comming of free wil out of resonable creature.
Wost thou nat wel, that al vertue of lyvelich werkinge, by goddes purveyaunce, is underput to resonablecreature in erthe?
God without cause to-forngoing made not resonable creature wrecched; for him to 130 understande and love had he firste maked.
Parde, every conseyt of every resonable creature otherwyse wil [wol] not graunte; wil in affirmatif with not willing by no way mowe acorde.
Than resonable that wol not is comparisoned to unresonable, and made lyke hem.
And he hath soule of reson and understanding with aungels; so that in him is knit al maner of lyvinges by a resonable proporcioun.
That on hald and that other draweth, Ther is no day which hem bedaweth, No mor the Sonne than the Mone, Whan ther is eny thing to done, And namely with Covoitise; For he stant out of al assisse Of resonable mannes fare.
To setten either part in reste It thoghte hem thanne for the beste With resonable amendement; And thus was Anthenor forth sent To axe Esionam ayein And witen what thei wolden sein.
So may it schewe wel therfore That crualte hath no good ende; Bot Pite, hou so that it wende, 3520 Makth that the god is merciable, If ther be cause resonable Why that a king schal be pitous.
Ha lord, hou this believe is derk, And fer froresonable wit!
So is the man noght resonable Ne kinde, and that is noght honeste, Whan he is worse than a beste.
And thus be lawe resonable 1030 Among the wise jugges there The Prestes bothe dampned were, So that the prive tricherie Hid under fals Ipocrisie Was thanne al openliche schewed, That many a man hem hath beschrewed.
Axestow me nat,' quod I, 'whether that I be a resonable mortal beest?
One young man lost “his resonable wyttys” on his journey to London.
It was reported for a truth, that now when the king had condescended vnto all that was resonableat his hands to be required, [Sidenote: The earle of worchesters double dealing in wrong reporting the kings words.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resonable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.