His paper abounds with simple and practical formula: for the calculation of currents and resistances by the law of Ohm.
They follow in the analysis without offering any resistances whatever up to a certain point, but from that point on they remain almost inaccessible.
In the polygon of loads the direction of a load sustained by parallel resistances traverses the point O.
O), and their lengths, measured from that point to the angles of the polygon, will represent the magnitudes of the resistances to which they are respectively parallel.
Resistances are distinguished into useful and prejudicial, according as they arise from the useful effect produced by the machine or from other causes.
Where more than one system of resistances are alike capable of balancing the same system of loads applied to a given structure, the smallest of those alternative systems, as was demonstrated by the Rev.
It appears then that this sum is a measure of the total capacity for doing work against extraneous resistances which the particle possesses in virtue of its motion and its position; this is in fact the origin of the term "energy.
So it was in their resistances and victories against the successors of Alexander, who had the rule over them for a time.
There were many resistances there, both before and since the Parisian massacre.
Carefully made resistances for such a purpose are sold under the name of "audibility meters.
The speed of the trains corresponded fully with the degree of vacuum obtained; that is to say, the train resistances proved to be what had been anticipated.
In the case of two branches only, the following rule may be applied also: Multiply the two resistances and divide the product by their sum.
It is therefore possible to compare two resistances with one another by finding out in what proportion each will cause the current of a constant battery to fall off.
This law will hold good for any number of branch resistances connected between A and B.
The resistance of the wire being known, its relation to the other resistances can be calculated.
Since the current is the same through both, the resistances will be proportional to the galvanometer deflections, and from the known value of the standard resistance the value of the unknown resistance can be calculated.
Resistances of moderate value are best measured by a Wheatstone Bridge, or one of its modifications (see Wheatstone Bridge).
Low resistances can most conveniently be measured by a fall of potential method, based on the relationship R = V/I.
Provided the resistance of the galvanometer and other parts of the circuit is negligible in comparison with the resistance to be measured, the resistances are inversely as the deflections.
One and the same instrument may be used as an ammeter or as a voltmeter, by providing it with shunts for use as an ammeter, and series resistances for use as a voltmeter.
By using shunts or series resistances of different values, different ranges can be given to the instruments.
I then bethought me of the means of combating these resistances in this, their last stronghold; and, from that time, it is there I always commence my work of suppling.
The resistances of the neck and croup mutually aiding one another, our labor will be more easy, as we have already destroyed the former.
After two or three years of fatiguing exercise, they end by gaining a mechanical obedience, but the same resistances and the same faults of construction are perpetually recurring.
I will only call attention to the fact, that the resistances of the horse ought always to be anticipated by disposing his forces in such a manner that they all concur in putting him in the way of moving.
When the animal becomes accustomed by means of the spur to such oppositions, it will become easy enough to combat with the spur all the resistances that may afterwards manifest themselves.
And first, I lay down the principle that all the resistances of young horses spring, in the first place, from a physical cause, and that this cause only becomes a moral one by the awkwardness, ignorance and brutality of the rider.
As soon as his first resistances are a little diminished, we will pass to the perpendicular flexions or depression of the neck.
General rule: the lateral resistances of the neck are always to be opposed by the aid of the snaffle, being very careful not to commence to wheel until after destroying the obstacle that opposed it.
It is easy now to understand where the resistances have their origin; whether the horse kicks up behind, rears, or runs away, the cause is always the centre of gravity being in the wrong place.
He will lay hold of the reins at six inches from the branches of the bit, so as to be in a good position to combat the instinctive resistances of the animal.
At the start, the defective formation of the animal, his natural contractions, the resistances we encountered everywhere, seemed as if they might defy our efforts forever.
The agents that appear in the experience are not real agents, the resistances do not really resist, the effects that appear are not really effects at all.
In Hegel's own writings, the shall-be temper is ubiquitous and towering; it overrides verbal and logical resistances alike.
On the contrary, we find tyranny on the one side, and stern and necessary resistance on the other; resistances which are but the expression of the law of God.
In such case the starting of the motor is more difficult, and the dead and inductive resistances must take up a considerable proportion of the electromotive force of the circuits.
Then a known current is passed through the instrument for a given time, and by a second measurement the increase and diminution of the resistances of the two conductors are respectively taken.
The resistances R' R'' are equal, as also are the resistances of the conductors C C'.
First, the resistances of the two conductors C C', respectively, are accurately measured and noted.
In the next paper, which appeared in the same number (December 1851) of the Philosophical Magazine, the principle of work is applied to the measurement of electromotive forces and resistances in absolute units.
In all work of precision the slide-wire is supplemented by auxiliary resistances by which the scale may be indefinitely extended.
As commutation progresses, the area of contact of 3 decreases while that of 2 increases, and the respective resistances vary in inverse proportion.
By inserting resistances in the armature circuit of a shunt wound motor; 2.
That resistances constructed in solid metal should be adopted as Board of Trade standards for multiples and sub-multiples of the ohm.
Dupuy de Lome was the first to estimate in detail the resistances to balloon propulsion, but experiment showed that in the aggregate they were greater than he calculated.
When the aggregateresistances are known, the ``thrust h.
The calibration of ammeters is best conducted by means of a series of standard low resistancesand of a potentiometer (q.
He went into the subject very carefully, made estimates of all the strains, resistances and speeds, and tested the balloon in 1872.
Renard and Krebs also found that their computed resistances were largely exceeded, and after revising the results they gave the formula R=0.
This is best accomplished by first obtaining the total resistances, which consist of the ``drift'' and of the head resistances due to the hull and framing.
When the resistanceshave been reduced to the lowest minimum by careful design, the attainable speed must depend upon the efficiency of the propeller and the relative lightness of the motor.
To compute the results to be expected from new projects, it will be preferable to estimate the resistances in detail.
It is evident that the apparatus must be designed to be as light as possible, and also to reduce to a minimum all resistances to propulsion.
The intellectual resistances are not the worst, one can always get ahead of them.
There may be greater or lesser resistances and we are prepared to see these differences in the course of our work.
External resistances to psychoanalysis, due to the circumstances of the patient and his environment, have little theoretical interest, but are of great practical importance.
Presumably the creation of the separate suggestions is counteracted, in the course of the cure, by our being continually forced to attack resistances which have the ability to change themselves into negative (hostile) transferences.
We are armed against the internalresistances of the patient which we recognize as necessary, but how are we to protect ourselves against external resistance?
The solving of his conflicts and the overcoming of his resistances succeeds only if we have aroused in him representations of such expectations as can agree with reality.
Resistances of this sort must not be narrow-mindedly condemned.
Had these results been due in any degree to heating, the resistance would have changed gradually as the heat became communicated to the brass, whereas no such change occurred, the resistances being absolutely steady.
The three currents may act upon the same index, but each should have its own coil, not only for the sake of being able to join or to isolate their influences upon the index, but also to avoid the resistances of the other cells.
These data on the tractive resistances of an electric truck with solid rubber tires on asphalt and bitulithic, wood, brick and granite block, water-bonded and tar macadam, cinder and gravel road surfaces were obtained by A.
The most prominent quality of carbon is its capability, under the most minute differences of pressure, to enormously increase or decrease the resistances of the circuit.
Several years ago there came to me a man of exceptional intellectual ability, who for years had been totally incapacitated because of blind resistances built up in childhood.
As we have seen, the object of all this technique is the discovery and the removal of the resistances which have been keeping the emotional conflicts in the dark.
Stubborn resistances are more likely to be subconscious than conscious, and may prove too strong to be overcome in this way.
When we get rid of our hidden resistances we work with ease.
Freud naïvely asks whether he would be likely to take three years to uncover and loosen the psychic resistances of his patients, if the simple prescription of sex-license would give relief.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resistances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.