There is, however, one small group of eccentric forms within which we find a pretty wide range of outline, a few specimens exhibiting undoubted resemblances to life forms.
In both form and ornament these bottles exhibit decided resemblances to wicker vessels.
More distant resemblances connect the lobster with the prawn and the crab, which are expressed by putting all these into the same order.
Buckland, in his description of the megatherium, has further pointed out the resemblances of the chlamyphorus to that fossil monster.
But, when the areas of the two formations are widely separated in space as well as in time, any resemblances of facies that we may observe may have no connection whatever with an unbroken continuity of specific types.
These resemblances are not always apprehended directly, by merely comparing the object observed with some other present object, or with our recollection of an object which is absent.
It is true there are innumerable other theorems which affirm resemblances among phenomena; as that the angle of the reflection of light is equal to its angle of incidence (equality being merely exact resemblance in magnitude).
Viewed in this light, all the resemblanceswhich exist become presumptions against, not in favour of, the moon's being inhabited.
When the new faith began to attract the attention of the educated, it was impossible that the resemblances between Christian and Hellenic monotheism should be ignored.
There are universal elements in human life all over the globe; and the manifestations of religion founded upon them exhibit in consequence marked resemblances from land to land.
Demeter, Dionysus, and Persephone; many others followed; resemblances among the native gods quickly led to identifications; and new forms of worship tended to displace the old.
Comparison that confines itself solely to counting up resemblances here and there will be of small value.
This police-notion long regulated public custom, and tended to render the identification of deities presenting superficial resemblances all the more easy.
Out of the multitudinous phases of human experience all the world over innumerable resemblances will be discovered.
How can we distinguish between resemblances which are deep-seated and spring from the fundamental principles of two given faiths, and those which are only on the surface, and probably accidental?
A recent French tourist in Algeria was much struck with certain resemblances between the two mountain-races separated by the length of the Mediterranean and the Euxine.
This was, in fact, an unusually marked example of those casual resemblances between strangers which are sometimes seen.
In previous chapters some of the resemblances between the English and German systems have incidentally been noticed, but the reader will pardon some repetition for the sake of clearness in the statement of this important comparison.
These are important points to have gained, but the most important one is that, notwithstanding the strong resemblances between the Welsh and German tribal arrangements, there was this distinct difference between them.
Compare also the curious resemblances in the structure of stone huts in the Scotch islands where trees could not be used, and especially the position of the beds in the walls or in the rough aisles.
He would admit that general resemblances scarcely definable by language might sometimes serve to allocate a species by its nearest relation.
He merely seeks for near and probable causes, and is not carried away by resemblances which have little historical value.
As to specific resemblances between the pediments of the Acropolis and vase-pictures, the subjects of all the groups are Page 39 such as appear very frequently on vases of all periods.
The other part has resemblances with the graphic systems of India and Central Asia.
And why should not that system have as many planets, with the same resemblances and differences of the figure, movements, and conditions of the different planets, as this?
In the case of mental evolution the essential feature of the process is that the mind gradually comes to perceive resemblances and to discriminate differences which, though they were present all the time, were not at first appreciable.
The resemblances between the evolution of the social organism and of animal organisms could be accounted for by the biological theory of the struggle for existence; the differences, therefore, must be denied or laboriously explained away.
Resemblances between the Occidental and Oriental people in many curious doctrines.
His body is perfect because it has resemblances to all kinds of plants and animals.
What exquisite differences and distinctions and resemblances there are between all the various blossoms of the fruit-trees; and no less in their general effect than in their separate details!
To love you, my dear Linda, has certain well-defined resemblances to a calamity.
Comment on the resemblances borne by these tales to the more famous legends of other lands, is perhaps unnecessary; they will occur to every reader who is at all familiar with the subject of folk-lore.
To those who are not, it is sufficient to say that these resemblances exist, and afford still further testimony to the common origin of such tales in a remote past.
Thus, a man and a worm are members of the animal kingdom in virtue of certain apparently slight though really fundamental resemblances which they present.
Again, the sterility or fertility of crosses seems to bear no relation to the structural resemblances or differences of the members of any two groups.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resemblances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.