But, O thou that resemblest a celestial, the office of equerry is not worthy of thee.
Thou resemblest the deity of a thousand eyes; and in grace and beauty and prowess, thou shinest among these all as a king!
Thou whoresemblest Vasava, thou wilt, O Bhishma, attain to the region of the Vasus, and also eternal fame on earth!
O thou thatresemblest a celestial himself, what is his merit, O regenerate Rishi, who goeth round the whole earth (visiting shrines).
I know too that thou art a very superior and very mighty being, and that in wrath thou resemblest the Destroyer himself.
O grandsire, tell me this, O thou thatresemblest a celestial!
Not for thy inactivity, methinks, 300 Thy master slights thee thus, nor speaks thy form Or thy surpassing stature servile aught In thee, but thou resemblest more a King.
Yes--thou resemblest one who, bathed and fed, Should softly sleep; such is the claim of age.
Thou resemblest a very foolish little deer, that for idle fear of falling victim to delusion, should absolutely refuse to drink, even at a pool.
Thou art the cause of all, andresemblest a knife, that bids me to consent and rejoice, while it cuts my heart in two, possessing absolutely no heart whatever of its own.
But injury fear none or harm from me; I rather much from harm by other hands Would save thee, thou resemblest so my sire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resemblest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.