They could no longer be regarded as morphologically distinct species, for they would not be distinctly definable one from the other.
Regarded from the former point of view, a species is nothing more than a kind of animal or plant, which is distinctly definable from all others, by certain constant, and not merely sexual, morphological peculiarities.
Definable meanings, being the terms of thought, must also, he fancied, be the constituents of reality.
The second expedient separates the same flux into what we call things, which are concretions in existence, complexes of qualities subsisting in space and time, having definable dynamic relations there and a traceable history.
The object of patriotism is in truth something ideal, a moral entity definableonly by the ties which a man's imagination and reason can at any moment recognise.
More probably, however, humanity in them is no merely nominal essence; it is definable ideally, as essences are defined, by a partially identical function and intent.
This conclusion will doubtless seem the more interesting if we think of its possible extension to the field of ethics and of the implied vindication of the ideal of moral perfection as something essentially definable and attainable.
One of the pressing wants of astronomy at the present time is a parallactic survey of the heavens for the purpose of discovering all the stars whose parallax exceeds some definable limit, say 0"1.
These early or late maxima follow each other year after year, with a certain amount of regularity as regards the progression, though no definable law can be laid down to govern them.
So far is it from being true that the finest breath of fancy is a definable thing, that the plainest common sense is only what Mr. Locke would have called a mixed mode, subject to a particular sort of acquired and undefinable tact.
Man is created to fight; he is perhaps best of all definable as a born soldier; his life 'a battle and a march,' under the right General.
The last consummation of the year now passing over us is definable as Three Bags: a big bag for the body, two small bags for the arms, and by way of collar a hem!
Treason is a specific form of treachery of a subject to the government to which he owes allegiance, and is definable and punishable at law.
Infection is applied to diseases produced by no known or definable influence of one person upon another, but where common climatic, malarious, or other wide-spread conditions are believed to be chiefly instrumental.
In inductive reasoning we put individual facts and cases together into a class on the basis of some definable similarity, and then infer from them a general principle.
A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera.
The place was heavily timbered, and almost all definable features were masked beneath the trees.
Drunkenness has no doubt played a large part in eliminating certain types of people from the world, but that it specifically eliminates one specific definable type is an altogether different matter.
It is also clear from the run of the argument, though not explicitly stated, that only material, tangible, mechanically definable articles of wealth go to make up capital.
An additional perplexity in endeavoring to handle gains of this class theoretically as earnings, in the ordinary sense, arises from the fact that they stand in no definable time relation to their underlying assets.
They have no definable "time-shape," as Mr. Fisher might put it.
The inference either does not hold at all, or it holds in all cases of a certain description; in all cases which, in certain definable respects, resemble those we have observed.
Divesting this conception of all superfluities, and reducing it to its most abstract shape, we see that Life is definable as the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
The next three segments possessed no definable ventral root or muscles, and the seventh, eighth, and ninth segments possessed as ventral roots the hypoglossal nerve, with its muscular supply.
As Braem points out, the germinal layers are definable either from a morphological or physiological standpoint.
The wives of the thane of Glamis and the governor of Tharsus, it need hardly be said, are both of them creations of a much later date--if not of the very latest discernible or definable stage in the art of Shakespeare.
Possibly there may also be an imitation of the still imitative style of Shakespeare, and the style may be more accurately definable as a copy of a copy--a study after the manner of Marlowe, not at second hand, but at third.
That priceless waif of piratical salvage which we owe to the happy rapacity of a hungry publisher is of course more accurately definable as the first play of Hamlet than as the first edition of the play.
For some admirers indeed he is definable [102] as a kind of really sanctified Titian.
The Ancient Mariner" is the most sustained piece of imagination in the whole of English poetry; and it has almost every definable merit of imaginative narrative.
But in "Christabel," in the first part especially, we find a quality which goes almost beyond these definable merits.
Above all is it of interest to note that Shakespeare in 'The Merchant of Venice' betrays the last definable traces of his discipleship to Marlowe.