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Example sentences for "fourme"

Lexicographically close words:
fourescore; foureteene; foureteenth; fourfold; fourfooted; fourmis; fournir; fournit; fourpence; fourpenny
  1. The fiueth daie aftre that, how Christe in his laste supper, for a continualle remembraunce of himself, instituted the moste holsome Sacramente of his bodie and bloud, vndre the fourme of breade and wine leauyng it to be sene and eaten of his.

  2. Mannys fourme is disfigured with euery degre As Knyght Squyer yeman Jentilman and knaue, For al in theyr goynge vngoodely them behaue The tyme hath ben, nat longe before our dayes Whan men with honest ray coude holde them self content.

  3. In lyke fourme who comyth vnto confessyon There to declare howe he his lyfe hath spent And shewyth nat his synne lyke wyse as he hath done Hymself he disceyuyth, as blynde of his entent.

  4. Than the Courters careles that on theyr mayster wayte Seinge hym his Uesture in suche fourme abuse Assayeth suche Fassion for them to counterfayte.

  5. The citie is very fayre and well inhabited, and conteyneth in rounde fourme syxe thousande houses, as well buylded as ours, and some that cost three or foure thousande peeces of golde: it hath no walles.

  6. Of the Fourme and Situation of the Citie of Mecha; and why the Mohumetans resort thyther.

  7. Moreover, since the fourme of the donation ronneth not absolutely, but with this condition and chardge moste straightly enjoyned, viz.

  8. A mete in paste with iiij aungels in fourme of Sent Katerine whele in the myddes with a Reason-- Il est escrite Par mariage pure Pur voir et dir.

  9. Which castel was delyvered up and yolden to the kyng in manner and fourme as it is bifore seid.

  10. Fourme de Salers see Cantal, which it resembles so closely it is sometimes sold under that name.

  11. Fourme de Montebrison Auvergne, France This belongs to the Fourme clan and is in season from November to May.

  12. John Pa]ston and Thomas Howys, or be hem that shal aftyr them have the mynistracion of my goods in executyng [my] will in awmesse full dedes in fourme afore seyd soo that my mevable goodes be mean of that .

  13. Sidenote: 1455] These ben the injuries, losses, and damages that the seyd Fastolf hath had, as well withynne this royaume of England as in othir parties in maner and fourme as it ensewith.

  14. He badde me write in this fourme to yow, which he supposith ye will beleve, and he knoweth alle this writyng, and is well concented and agreed therto.

  15. Ther was another plate, that was in quantyte and fourme like to a cheste.

  16. But so moche greater is || the myrakle, that the stone is litle, the fourme of the tode dothe nat apere, but it shynythe as it were enclosyd within that precyous stone.

  17. An do you nat se, how nature the worker of all thynges, dothe so excell in expressynge ye fourme bewty, & coloure of thaym maruylously in other thynges, but pryncypaly in precyous stones?

  18. And also of one right line, & one croked line, maye a platte fourme bee made, as the semicircle F.

  19. Catalogue of verbes, and howe ye shall fourme lykewyse both nownes and adverbes: and also that it is harde for to fynde a rule generall and infallyble, I do here termyne the sayde rules.

  20. Here after foloweth the maner, howe one shall make and fourme the present of the indicatyve or shewyng mode, of the verbes folowyng.

  21. I fele by hym otterly that he wole not appoynt in other fourme than to have the londs of Feyrechildes and other londes in Drayton to the sume of x.

  22. And as towchyng or concernyng any manner of reproche, forasmoche as there be divers and many sundry Poyntis of reproche, there shall be here declared but three Poyntes of them oonly, as it is declared in manner and fourme folowyng.

  23. A Fourme to be used in Common Prayer table twise a Weke, and also an Order of Publique Fast to be used every Wednesday, &c.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fourme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.