By which meanes we may coniecture that the diuine power had ordained the remedie of saluation for all that countrie.
They are without memorie of the preaching of the gospel; if that God for his mercy doe not take pitie on them, and put into the heartes of some to goe thither, and to procure the remedie of so infinite number of soules.
Sidenote: The besieged ought to take heed of the first brunte; The remedie that townes men have, when the enemies ar entred into the towne; How to make the townes men yeelde.
The remedie is to make hardels of roddes whiche must be placed in the bottome of the river, and so to passe upon those: but let us folowe our reasonyng.
Therefore mindyng, not to have one favored in his faulte of the people, a greate remedie it is, to make that the people, maie have hym to judge.
An other remedie there is, to make a cave againste it, when thou shouldeste bee aware where he muineth, the whiche waie easely hindereth hym, but difficultly it is foreseen, beyng besieged of a craftie enemie.
His vncle the king vnderstoode thereof, and was of so litle valor and discretion, that he could not, neither durst he put remedie in the same, which caused commotions and common rumors amongst the people.
Agayns Glotonye is theremedie Abstinence, as seith Galien; but that holde I nat meritorie, if he do it only for the hele of his body.
Now comth the remedie agayns Lecherie, and that is, generally, Chastitee and Continence, that restreyneth alle the desordeynee moevinges that comen of fleshly talentes.
Another remedie agayns Lecherie is, that a man or a womman eschue the companye of hem by whiche he douteth to be tempted; for al-be-it so that the dede is withstonden, yet is ther greet temptacioun.
For sorwe of this he fil almost adoun, And seyde, 'is ther no remedie in this cas?
Saturne anon, to stinten stryf and drede, 2450 Al be it that it is agayn his kynde, Of al this stryf he gan remedie fynde.
Now wol I speke of the remedie agayns this foule sinne of Envye.
Of the remedie of thise two sinnes, as seith the wyse man, that 'he that dredeth god, he spareth nat to doon that him oghte doon.
When they fell into the same disease, the second or third time, as to diuerse it chanced, a remedie was found for that mortall maladie, which was this.
At length the king receiued aduertisement from his mother queene Elianor of his demeanor, and that there was great likeliehood of some commotion to insue, if spéedie remedie were not in time prouided.
Hereof rise two kinds of death, for either we are slaine, or drowned, and against such euils haue we no remedie nor helpe at all.
But finallie when he saw that they were rather fortified against himselfe in the end, than vsed in his defense, he repented all too late of his inconsiderate dealing, sith now there was no remedie but by force for to subdue them.
Neither could king Egelred remedie the matter, because the enimies still conueied themselues with their ships into some contrarie quarter, from the place where they knew him to be, so that his trauell was in vaine.
To be bréefe, the Britains were brought into such danger and miserie, that they knew not what way to take for remediein such present perill, likelie to be ouerrun and vtterlie vanquished of their enimies.
These men therefore after their comming hither, consulted with the other, and foorthwith wholie consented to make a diuision of [Sidenote: 3.
Now this Abath is a beast which hath one horne onely in her forehead, and is thought to be the female Vnicorne, and is highly esteemed of all the Moores in those parts as a most soueraigneremedie against poyson.
Now commeth his speciall helpe: yea, euen when man thinks them past all helpe then commeth he himselfe downe from heauen with his mightie power, then is his present remediemost readie prest.
He did secretly accord with one of the Maisters of hys Fléete in the nighte season to bore holes in them, that thereby they myghte synke, wythoute anye remedie to recouer them agayne.
Then the president and iudges entred into counsell for to remedie the greate hurt whiche had bene done by the Indians.
It is humbly presented to the Assembly, that the children of many of the ordinary beggars want baptisme, Themselves also living in great vilenesse, and therefore desire that some remedie may be provided for these abuses.
It will be a good remedie against Sabbath-breaking by Carriers and Travellers, That the Ministers where they dwell cause them to bring Testimonials from the place where they rested on these Lords dayes wherein they were from home.
Act containing the Causes and Remedie of the by-gone Evils of this Kirk.
For one cure must not euer be vsed for the self-same disease, but according to the varying of any of the foresaid circumstances, that sort of remedie must be vsed which is fittest for the same.
Some write that it is a soueraign remedie to driue away diuels, if we pray Aue Maria.
Agathes= day, they say it is a most excellēt remedie against spirits.
Sooner than you thinke ywisse, except you remedie in time.
It is a good parte of the vertue of continencie, hartilie to couit and desire the same, if it will not so bee, well, the vttermost remedie is to take a Wife.
The Commotions in Ireland were so sudden, and so violent, that it was hard at first either to discern the rise, or apply a remedie to that precipitant Rebellion.
Nor can they easily recompence or remedie the inconveniences and mischiefs which they have purchased so dearly, and which have, and will ever necessarily ensue, till due remedies be applied.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remedie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.