Right here anoon thou shalt be shriven, And sey thy sinne withoute more; Of this shall thou repente sore; For I am preest, and have poustee To shryve folk of most dignitee 7680 That been, as wyde as world may dure.
But, ther as bagges been and fat vitaile, Ther wol they gon, and spare for no sinne With al hir ost the cite for tassaile.
He so detested singularitie, that he accounted it the sinne which threw Angels out of Heauen, and man out of Paradise.
It is attributed to him that hee would often wish, to bee rather in hell without sinne, then with sinne in heauen.
Selfe is sinne obstinate, if selfe amend not: Indeede, I sawe a fault in thee my selfe, And it hath set a foyle upon thy fame, 15 Not as the foile doth grace the diamond.
Also whan he is falle in Sinne, Him thenkth he is so ferr coupable, That god wol noght be merciable So gret a Sinne to foryive; And thus he leeveth to be schrive.
Now se, mi Sone, which a sinne Is Sacrilege in holy stede: Be war therfore and bidd thi bede, And do nothing in holy cherche, Bot that thou miht be reson werche.
So what with hepe and what with crok Thei make here maister ofte winne And wol noght knowe what is sinne For coveitise, and thus, men sain, Thei maken many a fals bargain.
And understond that al this peine, Which thou schalt soffre thilke tide, Is schape al only for thi pride Of veine gloire, and of the sinne Which thou hast longe stonden inne.
For God knoweth all thinges, being alwaies good, and of our sinne & our infirmitie proceedeth our ignorance.
Then this sinne is a sinne against the holie Ghost.
Thirdly, said not Samuell to Saull, (M6) that disobedience is as the sinne of Witch-craft?
By the contrarie, we now being sounde of Religion, and in our life rebelling to our profession, God iustlie by that sinne of rebellion, as Samuel calleth it, accuseth our life so wilfullie fighting against our profession.
And though Punishment be due for Sinne onely, because by that word is understood Affliction for Sinne; yet the Right of Afflicting, is not alwayes derived from mens Sinne, but from Gods Power.
For to be pleased in the fiction of that, which would please a man if it were reall, is a Passion so adhaerent to the Nature both of a man, and every other living creature, as to make it a Sinne, were to make Sinne of being a man.
O worthyest Cousin, The sinne of my Ingratitude euen now Was heauie on me.
Now comth thesinne of hem that sowen and maken discord amonges folk, which is a sinne that Crist hateth outrely; and no wonder is.
And thanne stant the sinne of contumelie or stryf and cheeste, and batereth and forgeth by vileyns reprevinges.
The proverbe seith: that "for to do sinne is mannish, but certes for to persevere longe insinne is werk of the devel.
I speke this for the sinne of superfluitee, and nat for reasonable honestetee, whan reson it requyreth.
Now wol I speke of the remedie agayns this foule sinne of Envye.
Now, goode men, god forgeve yow your trespas, And ware yow fro the sinneof avaryce.
And yet be ye fouler for your longe continuing in sinne and your sinful usage, for which ye be roten in your sinne, as a beest in his dong.
Certes, aboven alle sinnes thanne is this sinne most displesant to Crist, and most adversarie.
Now comth the sinne of double tonge; swiche as speken faire biforn folk, and wikkedly bihinde; or elles they maken semblant as though they speke of good entencioun, or elles in game and pley, and yet they speke of wikked entente.
This sinne of Ire, after the discryving of seint Augustin, is wikked wil to been avenged by word or by dede.
Away with me, all you whose soules abhorre Th' vncleanly sauours of a Slaughter-house, For I am stifled with this smell of sinne Big.
Then God forgiue the sinne of all those soules, That to their euerlasting residence, Before the dew of euening fall, shall fleete In dreadfull triall of our kingdomes King Fran.
If I in act, consent, or sinne of thought, Be guiltie of the stealing that sweete breath Which was embounded in this beauteous clay, Let hell want paines enough to torture me: I left him well Bast.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sinne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.