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Example sentences for "refineries"

Lexicographically close words:
refined; refinedly; refinement; refinements; refiner; refiners; refinery; refines; refining; refit
  1. This operation was formerly effected by the agency of wood charcoal in refineries analogous to those still made use of in France.

  2. This expedient is well illustrated in the creased bag filter now in use in most of the sugar refineries of London.

  3. Would that the Sugar Refineries Company, and some other monopolies of production, were as moderate in their demands upon the public as are the workingmen.

  4. The principle is general and applies equally well to other trusts, as for instance to the loss of employment by thousands of men working in refineries controlled by the sugar trust, in the fall of 1888.

  5. There are also about one hundred independent refineries competing with the trust, and their competition may have had some influence in keeping prices down.

  6. Scott, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and certain refineries in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia which, though they were afterwards absorbed by the Standard, were at that time their competitors.

  7. The Standard has always denied that there was any connection between the purchase of these great refineries and the organization of the South Improvement Company.

  8. The purchase of the Cleveland refineries made the Standard Oil group the largest shippers and therefore they obtained the most advantageous terms for transporting their product.

  9. They showed great judgment in establishing refineries at the most strategic points and in giving up localities, such as Boston and Portland, which were too far removed from their supplies.

  10. In the early sixties a score or so of refineries had started in this town, many of which were making large profits.

  11. They merely carried the crude oil from the wells to railroad centers; from these stations the railroads transported it to the refineries at Cleveland, New York, and other places.

  12. This was that the Standard men had come to them, shown the contracts which had been made by the South Improvement Company, and argued that, under these new conditions, the refineries left outside the combination could not long survive.

  13. By 1874 the greatest refineries in New York and Philadelphia had likewise merged their identity with his own.

  14. The acquisition of these Cleveland refineries made inevitable the Rockefeller conquest of the oil industry.

  15. The largest refineries of Baltimore surrendered in 1875.

  16. When Rockefeller began his acquisition, there were thirty independent refineries operating in Pittsburgh, all of which, in four or five years, passed one by one under his control.

  17. At that time there were twenty-seven independent refineries in this section.

  18. They established a marketing system which enabled them to bring their oil directly from their own refineries to the retailer, all in their own tank cars and tank wagons.

  19. Practically all the refineries in Cleveland had passed into the control of the Standard Oil Company.

  20. I suppose the mines could be reopened, and new refineries built, but.

  21. However, although the refineries and wells have been destroyed, the oil fields exist, and I think that not even 50 per cent.

  22. Its prosperity (and that of neighboring Aruba) was restored in the early 20th century with the construction of oil refineries to service the newly discovered Venezuelan oil fields.

  23. Most of the oil Netherlands Antilles imports for its refineries come from Venezuela.

  24. Amalgamated Refineries goes up four points on six sales in half an hour," the short stout man replied, "and I win two thousand.

  25. Thus it happens, that it may be more advantageous to spread a number of bloomeries over a given district of country, than to unite a blast furnace and an equal number of refineries in a single place.

  26. The first operation to which the pig iron is subjected, consists in melting it in a fire called a finery, similar in form and character to the bloomeries and refineries of which we have spoken, but in which the fuel is coke.

  27. The modern plan is to have shore-refineries and from these strategic bases to send out strongly-built high-speed steamers to shoot detonating harpoons from a cannon into the whale.

  28. It is therefore sometimes used in the sugar refineries to extract sugar from impure mother liquors from which the sugar will not crystallize.

  29. Bone black is used extensively in the sugar refineries to remove coloring matter from the impure sugars.

  30. The greater number of wells are found a few miles out of the town on the Balakhani Peninsula, and the naphtha is carried into the Baku refineries by numerous pipe lines.

  31. There are at the present moment hundreds of refineries in Baku.

  32. The American Sugar Refining Company had purchased refineries in Philadelphia which enabled it to control, with its other plants, ninety-eight per cent.

  33. Of the twenty-six refineries in Cleveland, at least twenty-one yielded.

  34. The Supreme Court declared that the mere purchase of sugar refineries was not an act of interstate commerce and that it could not be said to restrain such trade, and it refused to grant the request of the government.

  35. The cane-sugar refineries are mainly at the great seaports, where the raw sugar does not pay railway transportation.

  36. A considerable amount of raw beet-sugar is sold to the refineries of the United States; Great Britain also is a heavy buyer.

  37. The most important American refineries are at New York and Baltimore.

  38. About three hundred and fifty million pounds of the raw sugar is purchased by the refineries of the United States, and much of the remainder by British dealers.

  39. The raw sugar is sent to the refineries along the Mediterranean.

  40. The beet-sugar refineries are in the midst of the beet-growing districts.

  41. The petroleum is conveyed by pipe lines to the refineries at Baku.

  42. They connect the fields with refineries and transport the refined products to Danube River ports and to Constanta on the Black Sea coast.

  43. One of the world's largest petroleum refineries is at Saint Croix.

  44. Natural gas and oil were found here in 1899, and Chanute became one of the leaders of the Kansas independent refineries in their contest with the Standard Oil Company.

  45. There are at Rotterdam and Amsterdam one hundred and twentyseven or eight refineries of sugar.

  46. I asked, if there were any refineries of sugar at Lisbon?

  47. In Butler County there are four refineries on the Walnut watershed upstream from the area surveyed.

  48. Pollution by petroleum wastes from refineries has also affected the streams studied.

  49. Not only the sugar refineries were using unreasonable quantities of that wood, but especially the shipyard.

  50. Before the year 1761 there were only between sixty and seventy sugar refineries on the island.

  51. These industries suffered from overproduction and ruinous competition, to eliminate which the distilleries and sugar refineries entered into trust agreements like that of the Standard Oil companies.

  52. His refineries grew in size, as they bought out or crushed their rivals, until by 1882 most of the traffic in petroleum was under his control.

  53. In connection with many of these properties refineries are operated.

  54. Four of the remaining refineries are located in Canada, one is in Mexico and one in Peru.

  55. Before this it had been necessary to build the refineries as near the oil regions as possible in order to save the expense of carrying the oil; but now they could be built wherever it was most convenient.

  56. Getting the oil out of the ground and carried to the refineries is not all of the business by any means.

  57. It is obvious says the writer, that the greatest burden fell on the lower grades, the only ones which the local refineries were in a position to produce and to offer in competition with imported sugars.

  58. It is not surprising that there was formed in 1895 the "Union Azucavera," or Sugar Trust, with the avowed object of taking over the entire production of all the refineries and determining prices for home consumption and export.

  59. The Sugar plantations and refineries are situated in the remote North West of the country, and the latter were practically in the hands of two powerful concerns.

  60. The refineries are located near the Gulf coast so that exports can avoid overland shipments.

  61. In Europe there are refineries in France, England, Belgium, Germany, and Norway, which normally treat the bulk of the New Caledonian and some of the Canadian production.

  62. There are also saw- and flour-mills, petroleum refineries and oil-works.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "refineries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.