Not only may the cost of cultivating an acre of arable land be greater in Pennsylvania, but usually a larger territory must be owned in order to obtain 80 acres of arable land.
The distribution between the two islands of such important crops of arable land as cereals and potatoes is indicated in Table V.
Further round the village in open fields were about 1,000 acres of arable land mostly in the acre strips, lying no doubt in their shots or furlongs, and divided by green turf balks and field-ways.
Every inch of arable landis cultivated in grain, vegetables and fruits.
Hattesham, at the entrance of the Marsh, 6 acres of arable land enclosed by a ditch, were held of the heirs of Simon de Kyme, for the rent of one penny per annum.
As it approaches Beaver river, however, the land becomes more of a muskeg, and although there are ridges containing arable land, the whole country may be taken to be sorely in need of drainage.
As to the climate of the great belt of arable land, that he had described to the Senate committee of 1907, Mr. Tyrrell said that at Nelson House the snow leaves the ground in May.
At the same time it is evident from the extent of arable land described in Domesday that many manors were not greatly isolated, and pasture ground was often common to two or more villages.
In the thirteenth century a lease of 2 acres of arable land in Nowton, Suffolk, let the land at 6d.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arable land" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.