Snowball, notwithstanding that he seemed wholly occupied with the hooks and lines, took notice of the reconnoissance of the sailor-lad.
The object of this renewed reconnoissance may be understood from the words to which he had given utterance,--the hope expressed at the termination of his speech.
The object of their united reconnoissance was the same which, but a few moments before, had occupied the attention of the sailor.
A reconnoissance to the front, commanded by General Hancock.
We continued our reconnoissance ahead, pursuing a south direction in the basin along the ridge; the camp following slowly after.
He continued on until he had reached that end of the valley most remote from the hut, and along the whole of the cliffs that he passed his reconnoissance had been fruitless.
On the 12th a reconnoissance was thrown out in front of Fort Stevens, to ascertain the enemy's position and force.
On the 13th, a reconnoissance was sent out by General Butler, with a view to drive the enemy from some new works he was constructing, which resulted in very heavy loss to us.
Meade, afterwards the commander of the victorious National army at the battle of Gettysburg--made a reconnoissance to the Saltillo road under cover of night.
On the 29th a reconnoissance was made in force, to find the position of Lee.
On the 11th there was no battle and but little firing; none except by Mott who made a reconnoissance to ascertain if there was a weak point in the enemy's line.
In the reconnoissance made by Mott on the 11th, a salient was discovered at the right centre.
There was no battle during the day, and but little firing except in Warren's front; he being directed about noon to make a reconnoissance in force.
This reconnoissance disclosed the fact that the front of the work had been seriously injured by the navy fire.
In this reconnoissance we captured and held the enemy's works near Poplar Spring Church.
I had ordered a reconnoissance made with the view of getting troops to the river above Dover in case they should be needed there.
On the 14th a reconnoissance was pushed to within five hundred yards of Fort Fisher, and a small advance work taken possession of and turned into a defensive line against any attempt that might be made from the fort.
On the 13th a reconnoissance was sent out by General Butler, with a view to drive the enemy from some new works he was constructing, which resulted in heavy loss to us.
On the morning of the 30th, General Meade sent out a reconnoissance with a view to attacking the enemy's line, if it was found sufficiently weakened by withdrawal of troops to the north side.
The reconnoissance was completed, and the labor of cutting out and making roads by the flank of the enemy was effected by the 17th of the month.
Mr. Tinkham, Paul, and Henry were out again to-day, making a reconnoissance on the Sheyenne.
My reconnoissance of the Penon, in which I was employed seven hours in mud and water, and within almost point-blank range of the enemy's guns, was highly satisfactory to General Scott.
While the main work of reconnoissancewas going on, the auxiliary departments of geology, natural history, botany, etc.
Meanwhile a reconnoissance by the engineers showed that the enemy had no artillery in position at the cemetery, that the infantry force there was not formidable, and the lancers hanging on the flanks were not worthy of regard.
On the 3d a minute reconnoissance of the ground between the lakes was made by the engineers, supported by Shields's brigade, who at nine o'clock left camp to block up the Penon.
Captain McClellan had been instructed, after completing his reconnoissance of the Snoqualmie Pass, to examine the harbors on the eastern shore of the Sound as far as Bellingham Bay.
Captain Lee and Lieutenant Tower made a reconnoissance of the country towards Puebla, and discovered that the main body of the enemy had retrograded to a village some eight miles from and off the main road to Puebla.
Three well-executed sheets of reconnoissance were engraved and ready for publication within twenty working days after the beginning of the engraving.
By this we would secure the reconnoissance of a belt of country forty miles wide, lying between the Sheyenne and Jacques (James) rivers.
But he would first make a reconnoissance through the keyhole.
He returned just as I had formed the two companies into line with orders to make a reconnoissance on the Washington road, and, without getting into a fight, ascertain, as near as I could, the strength of the enemy in our front.
I ascertained by a careful reconnoissance that Maj.
But the wind and rain rendered a reconnoissance a matter of impossibility.
We are alone; no one can overhear us," said Blucher, returning from his reconnoissance to the sitting-room.
They made a reconnoissance in the afternoon, but Weed's artillery at the apex of the line was too strongly posted to be forced, and Lee soon found other employment for his troops, for Sedgwick was approaching to attack his rear.
A feeble and ineffectual reconnoissance was indeed attempted, and as that was promptly resisted, Hooker gave up the idea of any advance, and left Sedgwick to get out of the difficulty the best way he could.
He made a very successfulreconnoissance and brought back a number of prisoners, but as no hint was given him of the object of the movement, he did not bring on a fight.
A secondreconnoissance was sent to see if the movement continued.
Part of Pleasonton's force made a reconnoissance toward Warrenton and engaged Hampton's brigade there.
On the 3d Averell made a reconnoissance on Hooker's right, with a view to attack the enemy there, but finding the country impracticable for cavalry, returned to Elley's Ford.
General Schimmelpfennig, commanding a brigade of Schurz's division, says he sent out a reconnoissance and reported the hostile movements fully two hours before the enemy charged.
Peach Orchard, was actively engaged with that of the enemy, who were making a reconnoissance toward the Emmetsburg road.
Jenkins' object was to make a thorough reconnoissance in order to ascertain the best positions to be taken for an attack.
His reconnoissance was to ascertain the general oceanic outline of these coasts.
A little after the regiment, came up also a small troop of grey cavalry returning from a reconnoissance to the southward.
The blue made a reconnoissance, much interfered with by grey sharpshooters, but a reconnoissance big with results.
On the 20th of February, a strong reconnoissance under Lieutenant-Colonel May was dispatched to the hacienda of Heclionda, while Major McCulloch made another examination of Encarnacion.
On the evening of the 26th, a close reconnoissance was made of the enemy's position, which was found to be occupied only by a small body of cavalry, the infantry and artillery having retreated in the direction of San Luis Potosi.
Smith, Chief Engineer, I made a reconnoissance of Brown's Ferry and the hills on the south side of the river, and at the mouth of Lookout Valley.
Lieutenant Blake, Topographical Engineer, volunteered a reconnoissance of the enemy's line, which was handsomely performed, and resulted in the discovery of at least tyro batteries of artillery in the intervals of their cavalry and infantry.
A reconnoissance of the eastern approaches was at the same time made by Captain Williams, Topographical Engineer.
I had some time previously ordered a reconnoissance to a point opposite Bruinsburg, to ascertain if possible from persons in the neighborhood the character of the road leading to the highlands back of Bruinsburg.
General Worth had, in the mean time, reached and occupied for the night a defensive position just without range of a battery above the Bishop's Palace, having made a reconnoissance as far as the Saltillo road.
It was to confirm it that he now undertook to make a reconnoissance through the region infested by us.
Price, I directed, on the night of the 1st instant, a reconnoissance to go in direction of Aldie.
Stahel, in a report to the secretary of war, says that on June 21 he received an order from Hooker's headquarters to make a reconnoissance in force to Warrenton and the upper Rappahannock.
A reconnoissance in force on Tuesday caused him to be largely reinforced from Strasburg.
The officer who commanded this reconnoissance was Major Joseph Gilmer, of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
This was the first cavalry reconnoissance that had ever been made to the rear of the enemy, and was considered as something remarkable at that time; at a later period they were very common.
Stuart was delighted to see me; he had also learned from the captured despatches that a cavalry reconnoissance would be sent to Warrenton the next day.
The next day a cavalry reconnoissanceunder Buford was ordered to Salem, to ascertain the truth of the negro's statement.
A competent general would have struck Jackson's flank with a cavalry reconnoissance on his first day's march.
Stahel, in obedience to Hooker's orders, had gone from Fairfax with three cavalry brigades and a battery of artillery, on a reconnoissance to the Rappahannock.
I made a reconnoissance with two brigades and artillery to Turner's Ferry over the Chattahoochee river.
Evans and Clingman to make an armed reconnoissance on the other side of the river.
As this reconnoissance had unmasked his artillery, he ran his guns to the front, and the artillery on both sides commenced firing.
A reconnoissance of the place by the engineer officers, having been completed, dispositions to capture the city were made by detaching Gen.
Tommy and I thought we'd make a sort of reconnoissance first, and Bilkins says he wants to go as cook," I answered.
His reconnoissance as we entered the prairie must be completed by another as we emerged from it; and I had left him standing behind the trees looking back across our trail, searching for any distant movement.
Sheridan interpreted this as a strong reconnoissance in which the enemy was being felt.
I was informed that Milroy desired me to make a strong reconnoissance and develop the strength and position of the enemy.
It was a reconnoissanceon the part of General Tyler to feel the position of the enemy.
While Lee was watching the Charles City and Newmarket roads, north of the James, expecting Grant in that direction, Butler sent General Terry, with a portion of the Tenth Corps, on a reconnoissance in front of Bermuda Hundred.
Hill having been wounded, the command devolved on General Stuart, who arrived at midnight and made a reconnoissance of the lines.
Not one in ten had gloves or mittens; and on the second night of the reconnoissance the cold became intense, and there was great suffering.
Stevens of the Fourth Massachusetts cavalry, and Provost Marshal of the Twenty-Fifth Army Corps, with detachments from companies E and H, started upon a reconnoissance of the enemy's intrenchments.
A reconnoissance showed a line of strong works, in which were eighteen pieces of field artillery.
I should have stated that just at evening of the 1st the enemy made a reconnoissance on our front with a small force of artillery and infantry.
It was a reconnoissance to ascertain the position and number of the force holding the place.
After a reconnoissance of the position by General Hinks, the troops were formed for an assault.
It was deemed desirable to test their armor, before attacking Sumter, by making a reconnoissance of Fort McAllister, on the Ogeechee.
Satisfied on this head, I cast my eye abroad to make a reconnoissance of my quarters.
I had made this reconnoissance while my companion was engaged in fastening his pirogue to the tree.
The road bridge at Venizel was repaired during the morning, and a reconnoissance was made with a view to throwing a pontoon bridge at Soissons.
He had never been in an aeroplane, but he made the ascent and produced a valuable reconnoissance report.
A few days since there arrived a prisoner, driven in on foot by a mounted Cossack, sent back by the officer commanding the reconnoissance party which had captured him.
The result of this was, that after our brief supper was over, Captain Crim detailed me to make a reconnoissance of the country round our camping-place.
In order to become familiar with the general character of Tusayan ruins, I made a briefreconnoissance of those mentioned in the following list, from which I selected Awatobi and Sikyatki as places for a more exhaustive exploration.
My attention was called to it by Mr Schürmann, at whose hospitable ranch I outfitted for my reconnoissance into the Red-rock country.
The reconnoissanceof Ticonderoga and the catching of prisoners there for the sake of information were always capital objects.
Captain Adams made a reconnoissance of the rivers Canard and Des Habitants, and reported "a fine country and full of inhabitants, a beautiful church, and abundance of the goods of the world.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reconnoissance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.