Lord Chief Justice of Calcutta, recommending Lieutenant Shipp to his Lordship's favourable Notice.
He brought under the consideration of parliament the state of the province, recommending immediate attention to its financial affairs, with the view of making a suitable provision for the support of the civil government.
He sent a message to the commander of the fort, recommendingan immediate surrender.
A message came down from the Governor recommending the renewal of certain Acts of the legislature.
The ministry, however, will perhaps adopt the measures I have recommended, and then prosecute me for recommending them.
Just so it is with parliamentary reform, a measure which I have been foremost inrecommending for twenty years.
But he's a good customer all the same, and I thank you ever so much for recommending me to him.
I have read most of her poems; and believe your Lordship will observe, that they generally contain something new and useful, tending to the reproof of some vice or folly, or recommending some virtue.
Thus, on whatever roads he travelled, they all terminated in recommending a recognition of their pretended republic, and in the plan of sending an ambassador to it.
Mrs. Ellison, therefore, very bluntly took an opportunity of recommending Booth to his consideration.
Lydia received the intimation respectfully, merelyrecommending her sister to keep out of the sun; and was hurrying into the house to fetch her hat when Susan detained her.
No common interest can be supposed to have united men of such opposite interests and parties, in recommending to their Sovereign a step so injurious to her honour, and so fatal to her peace.
Footnote 1053: Slidell himself wrote: "I should not have gone so far in recommending these propositions .
Mason was strongly recommending further expansion of this method and had the utmost confidence in Spence.
Whilst I was recommending the hair dye to my customer I noticed a Capuchin friar pass several times in front of my shop.
They were astounded, and departed recommending themselves to her prayers.
She abstained from recommendingherself to the intercession of others.
The Envoy having again appealed to the General, again received an answer, stating the impossibility of holding out, and recommending that the Envoy should lose no time in entering into negotiations.
Gilberte withdrew from the hiding-place, where she kept it preciously, that package which Marius had confided to her, recommending her not to open it until she was sure that he would not return.
She seemed much agitated; and, with a finger upon her lips, she was recommendingto the man to be prudent, and to speak low.
We shall conclude this address by recommending to you, First, To refrain immediately from that species of rapine and murder which has improperly been softened with the name of the African trade.
Burdett fell under the delusion, and wrote letters recommending him, though they afterwards withdrew them.
Congress could only make efforts to remove this impediment to their adoption, by recommending to the States to cede their territorial claims to the Union.
The legislature of Massachusetts thereupon annulled their resolutions recommending a Convention.
The appointment of the delegates of Massachusetts was made with reference to the terms of the resolve of Congress recommending the Convention, and for the purposes declared therein.
But it was clearly implied by this, that Congress were to have the power of recommending alterations, and this power was exercised in 1783, with regard to the rule of apportionment.
The council of Gonzalo Pizarro had other and secret motives for recommending the employment of Carvajal on this occasion, besides those which they publickly avowed.
I cannot refrain from recommending this excellent study of the fourteenth century in Italy to all students of the period.
For after recommending all parents to bring up their daughters chastely, which is sane and right, he bids women guard their chastity even to the death, adding that they should prefer a certain death to an uncertain dishonour.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recommending" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.