A plague of locusts, resulting in the destruction of the crops.
Here, the splash of the cranks as they revolve in the oil is depended upon to throw the lubricant upon the exposed portion of the piston as it reciprocates below the cylinder walls.
This collar reciprocates within the lower portion of the piston in a chamber which has been bored to the exact size.
If the girl reciprocates his love she will employ a small girl to give to him an ugauga gauna, or love invitation, consisting of an areca-nut whose skin has been marked with different designs, significant of her wish to ugauga.
Again, when A and B are predicable of all C, and when C reciprocates with B, then A must also be predicable of all B.
It always reciprocates with, or is co-extensive with, its subject; but sometimes it declares the essence of the subject, sometimes it does not.
The middle also, in an universal demonstration, reciprocates with the major, being its definition.
Where the middle term reciprocates and is co-extensive with the major and the minor, in such cases we have generation of phenomena in a cycle; e.
But the causatum here reciprocates with the causa only as premiss and conclusion (i.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reciprocates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.