Others and still others were doing exactly this same thing at that very hour, their recessional extending across half of France.
They were marching very slowly with a deliberation that puzzled Desnoyers, who could not make out whether this recessional meant flight or change of position.
A recessional is a hymn sung while the clergy and the choir are retiring at the end of a church service.
And during the dead man's recessional we were mustered, and we continued to draw nearer to the unknown.
Before reaching it we cross in alternation a series of recessional terminal moraines (pl.
These recessional moraines are upon the average less than 1000 feet apart, and are believed to have each been formed in a single season.
The recessional moraines of till and the valley trains of sand and gravel, the soled erratic blocks derived always from higher levels of the valley.
By the Chicago and Northwestern Railway the area of recessional moraines and intermediate outwash plains, and later that of the drumlins, are crossed in journeying to Madison, Wisconsin.
Behind the recessional moraines within the glaciated valley are found the valley moraine lakes (Fig.
Repeated pauses during general glacier retreat permit the accumulations of so-called recessional moraines.
Kames are commonly associated with terminal and recessional moraines.
The recessional is played, and the procession goes out in reversed order.