She was just there by the wall, where now the bluebirdpauses dismayed, and waits again the flash of her golden sandals.
He had always known he was wrong; he had never been deficient in moral disapproval of others like himself, or even of himself, when in one of the pauses of his career he was brought face to face with that individual.
In speaking especially short pauses not printed in the text may be made to great advantage, and this is often better than dwelling on consonants.
This is clearly manifest from the aptly styled "pauses of contemplation" which occur in the progress of the sacred narrative.
Hence he does not hesitate to call them naturae, natures, births or growths; also morae, delays, or solemn pausesin the Divine work.
The Intendant gazed with rapture on his beautiful partner, as she leaned upon his arm in the pauses of the dance, and thought more than once that the world would be well lost for sake of such a woman.
The vast edifice was filled with harmony, in the pauses of which the ear seemed to catch the sound of the river of life as it flows out of the throne of God and the Lamb.
A band of musicians sat up in a gallery at the end of the hall, and filled the pauses of the riotous feast with the ravishing strains of Lulli and Destouches.
The sound of the music and the measured tread of feet in the lively dances were now plainly heard in the pauses of their conversation.
A little tittering is heard in the room, and the Vicar pauses discomfited.
The newspaper man pauses in front of one half-hidden clock.
It appears to me to be a fair tax enough, very little in the way of individuals, not embarrassing to the public in its mode of being levied, and requiring some small consideration and pauses from the American kind of newspaper projectors.
Sometimes there were respiratory pauses for as long as 15 seconds, followed by a slight polypnea.
The general lines of the examination in this case took up attitude in abdominal respiration and the question of respiratory pauses, especially pauses in abdominal respiration, which, in the above case, were exaggerated.
In the pauses of the music the tinkling of the tiny bells on the nets; the far-off murmur of happy voices, and the yet fainter song of nightingales in the chestnut-grove behind the house filled up the silence.
And the awkwardness of these pauses in the action is still further emphasised by their being filled up with either commonplace narrative, or with a kind of cheap sentimentality quite at variance with the general tone of the piece.
There is a perceptible flutter in the company, as a ruddy-haired and rather plain young man enters with an apologetic and even diffident air, and pauses in evident uncertainty as to his host and hostess.
The murders had roused all the humane and ethical instincts, which were in fact the man, to such a point that they pursued him constantly, in the pauses of his crowded days, like avenging Erinnyes.
Then in the pausesshe would lean against the wall beside her partner, and rack her brain to find a word to say to him.
His soreness of mind grew as in thepauses of talk he came to realise more exactly the failure of the evening--of his very successful and encouraging meeting--from his own private point of view.
Her deck is crowded with despairing souls, And in the hollow pauses of the storm We hear their piercing cries.
Who, for instance, pauses to consider that early species of everlasting, commonly called mouse-ear, that grows nearly everywhere by the roadside or about poor fields?
He kept to his former route as if chained to it, making the same pauses and gestures, and repeating exactly his former movements.
When the guide pauses at the more interesting point, or lights the scene up with a great torch or with Bengal lights, and points out the more striking features, the blind exclaim, "How wonderful!
The waters of perfumed fountains shot high into the air, spreading their fragrant coolness; and music filled the pauses in the ghastly conflict.
There must be no pauses of self-complacency until the work is done.
Evelyn sang Purcell's beautiful wedding song, full of roulades, grave pauses and long-sustained notes, and when she had finished Owen signed to madame not to speak.
In the pauses of their love-making, they often wandered round the walls participating in the mystery of the Wanderers, and the sempiternal loveliness of figures who stood with raised arms, by the streams of Paradise.
And her necessarily perfunctory explanation she drapes in a ritual so magnificent, that even the philosopher ceases to question, and pauses abashed by the grandeur of the symbolism.
Obedience is a divine sensualism; it is the sensualism of the saints; its lassitudes are animated with deep pauses and thrills of love and worship.
The part he had to play was a difficult one, and on board the boat, in the pauses of their conversation, he had felt that his future influence over Evelyn depended upon his conduct during the forthcoming week.
From time to time she pauses as if some one were answering her.
The one who feels his way transfers himself to some extent to the object; whilst the other withdraws himself from the object to some extent, or pauses before it and reflects about it.
Then he took the apothecary by the arm, and in the pauses between salvos of laughter he bleated: “Magnificent!
The looks of observant eyes, moving with the living things they keep in sight, have many pauses as well as flights.
When Francesca pauses in her narrative, and Dante bows his head for sorrow, Virgil shows what is his own feeling by the brief question addressed to Dante, "What think you?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pauses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.