The railroad companies yielded and promised to give equal rates to all shippers and to grant to no person either rebates or any other advantage whatever.
The new company received secret rebates ranging from 50 cents to $1.
And the very payment of these enormous rebatesenabled the Standard to decrease the price of oil to the producer and to increase it to the consumer.
Rebates and discriminations," he says, "are neither peculiar to railways nor dangerous to the 'Republic.
That rebates were wrong nobody questions, but to pillory a man today for accepting rebates at that time is a farce.
When one railway company gave rebates it is quite manifest that the competitor was obliged to, or go out of business.
The stoppage of rebates is a distinct gain, morally as well as financially.
It must include putting a complete stop to rebates in every shape and form.
Rate Rebates A third method of granting concessions to shippers whom the Central Pacific desired to favor, was that of the rebate.
Mr. Stubbs once explained to the United States Pacific Railway Commission that the granting of rebates was a regular practice, not only of the Central Pacific, but of all its connecting lines.
Rebates were usually granted in exchange for an undertaking by the shipper to send all his freight over the lines of the railroads by which the rebate was paid.
It was the period of the aftermath of the panic of 1873—the epoch of Granger legislation and railroad control bills, of revelations regarding rebates and construction frauds.
I well remember a bright man from Boston who had much to say about rebates and drawbacks.
The reason for rebates was that such was the railroads' method of business.
He feared that some of his competitors were doing better than he in bargaining for rates, and he delivered himself of this conviction: "I am opposed on principle to the whole system of rebates and drawbacks--unless I am in it.
The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, of which I was president, did receive rebates from the railroads prior to 1880, but received no advantages for which it did not give full compensation.
To understand the situation which affected the giving and taking of rebates it must be remembered that the railroads were all eager to enlarge their freight traffic.
It was not until the stock-watering, high-financing, discriminations and rebates had disgraced the country that Congress was moved to act.
These are used for trimming out cross grains or rebates for setting door locks and hinges and for numerous other uses where sharp-end tools are required.
For instance, in makingrebates for hinges, or recesses and mortises for locks, the tool will invariably run crooked, unless it is ground square.
The stockholders had received six per cent on their investment, a reserve fund had been laid aside, and every month the member-patrons had received rebates on the food eaten of from six per cent to sixteen per cent.
Lobbying contracts, contracts to influence votes, and for railroad rebates are against public policy and void.
Carriers who giverebates or offset, or discriminate between shippers in any way, are subject to heavy fines, and the officers and agents are subject to imprisonment.
Rebates could not be openly defended; but the business of the country was honeycombed with them, and the majority of the shippers in whose interest the law was passed did not want the prohibition enforced.
After the consolidations had taken place, these companies began to compete fiercely for through freight, and the rebates were an incident in this competition.
The provisions of the law forbidding rebates were in truth merely a bit of legal hypocrisy.
The rapid growth of big producing establishments was forced, because of the rebates granted to them by the railroads.
It is peculiarly desirable to understand, consequently, just how these rebatescame to be granted.
The whole American business tradition was opposed to government interference with prevailing business practices; and in view of this fact the responsibility for the rebates cannot be fixed merely upon the railroads and the trusts.
There are temptations, even for a solicitor--commission rebates to the insured that are contrary to the ethics of the business--and there are greater temptations higher up.
If rebates on insurance premiums were not unlawful," he asked, "do you think people of your kind are the ones who would get them?
I'm not sure that that wouldn't be considered worse than giving rebateson premiums.
Rebates were given and received, a fact which was due in no small degree to the shippers themselves.
It provided that the roads should give the South Improvement Company rebates on all oil shipped by its competitors and furnish it with full way-bills of all such shipments each day.
The contract allowed the roads to make similar rebates with anybody offering an equal amount of traffic, but the likelihood of such an outcome was slender in the extreme.
In giving rebates he had done only what every honest railway man in the country had been obliged to do because of the failure of the Government to enforce the prohibition as regards dishonest railway men.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rebates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.